Select Publications

Journal articles

Wan WY; Poynton S; Van Doorn G; Weatherburn D, 2014, 'Parole supervision and reoffending', Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice

Weatherburn D, 2014, 'The abject failure of drug prohibition? Really?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 47, pp. 202 - 206,

Weatherburn D, 2014, 'The pros and cons of prohibiting drugs', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 47, pp. 176 - 189,

Weatherburn D, 2014, 'Arresting incarceration Pathways out of Indigenous imprisonment',

Poynton S; Weatherburn D; Bartels L, 2014, 'Good behaviour bonds and re-offending: The effect of bond length', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 47, pp. 25 - 43,

Degenhardt L; Larney S; Gisev N; Trevena J; Burns L; Kimber J; Shanahan M; Butler T; Mattick RP; Weatherburn D, 2014, 'Imprisonment of opioid-dependent people in New South Wales, Australia, 2000-2012: A retrospective linkage study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 38, pp. 165 - 170,

Wan WY; Weatherburn D; Wardlaw G; Sarafidis V; Sara G, 2014, 'Supply-side reduction policy and drug-related harm', Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice

Degenhardt L; Larney S; Kimber J; Gisev N; Farrell M; Dobbins T; Weatherburn DJ; Gibson A; Mattick R; Butler T; Burns L, 2014, 'The impact of opioid substitution therapy on mortality post-release from prison: Retrospective data linkage study', Addiction, 109, pp. 1306 - 1317,

Poynton S; weatherburn , 2013, 'Bonds, suspended sentences and reoffending: Does the length of the order matter?', Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, pp. 1 - 6,;dn=468547251273573;res=IELHSS

Degenhardt LJ; Gisev N; Trevena J; Larney S; Kimber J; Burns LA; Shanahan M; Weatherburn D, 2013, 'Engagement with the criminal justice system among opioid dependent people: Retrospective cohort study', Addiction, 108, pp. 2152 - 2165,

Moffatt S; Wan WY; Weatherburn D, 2012, 'Are drug arrests a valid measure of drug use? A time series analysis', Policing, 35, pp. 458 - 467,

Ancelet T; Davy PK; Mitchell T; Trompetter WJ; Markwitz A; Weatherburn DC, 2012, 'Identification of particulate matter sources on an hourly time-scale in a wood burning community', Environmental Science and Technology, 46, pp. 4767 - 4774,

Weatherburn D; McGrath A; Bartels L, 2012, 'THREE DOGMAS OF JUVENILE JUSTICE', UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES LAW JOURNAL, 35, pp. 779 - 809,

Weatherburn D; Snowball L, 2012, 'The Effect of Indigenous Status on the Risk of Bail Refusal', Criminal Law Journal, 36, pp. 50 - 57,

Bond C; Bond C; Weatherburn D, 2011, 'How much time? Indigenous status and the sentenced imprisonment term decision in New South Wales', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 44, pp. 272 - 290,

Weatherburn D, 2011, 'Personal stress, financial stress and violence against women', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 12,$file/CJB151.pdf

Descallar J; Muscatello D; Weatherburn D; Chu M; Moffatt S, 2011, 'The association between the incidence of emergency department attendances for alcohol problems and assault incidents attended by police in New South Wales, Australia, 2003-2008: a time series analysis', Addiction, 107, pp. 549 - 556,

Weatherburn D; Moffat S, 2011, 'The Specific Deterrent Effect of Higher Fines on Drink-Driving Offenders', British Journal of Criminology, 51, pp. 789 - 803,

Jones CG; Weatherburn D, 2011, 'What data can you get from BOCSAR?', Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23, pp. 273 - 275,;rs=3;rec=1;action=showCompleteRec

Jones C; Weatherburn D, 2011, 'Willingness to pay for rehabilitation versus punishment to reduce adult and juvenile crime', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 46, pp. 9 - 27,;dn=111830388915603;res=IELHSS

Weatherburn D; Holmes J, 2010, 'Re-thinking Indigenous over-representation in prison', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 45, pp. 559 - 576,

Weatherburn D, 2010, 'Bail presumptions and the risk of bail refusal', Crime and Justice Bulletin, 49, pp. 1 - 8

Weatherburn D, 2010, 'Indigenous violence', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 43, pp. 197 - 198,;py=2010;vol=43;res=IELHSS;issn=0004-8658;iss=2

Jones C; Weatherburn D, 2010, 'Public confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System: A Survey of the NSW Public', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 43, pp. 506 - 525,;dn=566536472719591;res=E-LIBRARY

Weatherburn D; Holmes J, 2010, 'Re-thinking Indigenous over-representation in prison', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 45, pp. 559 - 576,;res=E-LIBRARY;issn=0157-6321

Weatherburn D, 2010, 'The effect of prison on adult re-offending. (FoR code: 160202), Crime and Justice Bulletin', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 11,

Weatherburn D; Grech K; Holmes J, 2010, 'Why does NSW have a higher imprisonment rate than Victoria', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 6,


Weatherburn D, 2009, 'Dilemmas in harm minimization: A response to fry & Irwin', Addiction, 104, pp. 863 - 864,

Weatherburn D, 2009, 'Dilemmas in harm minimization', Addiction, 104, pp. 335 - 339,

Weatherburn D, 2009, 'Dilemmas in harm minimization: A response to my critics', Addiction, 104, pp. 345 - 346

Weatherburn D, 2009, 'Policy and program evaluation: Recommendations for criminal justice policy analysts and advisors', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 4,$file/CJB133.pdf

Weatherburn D; Froyland G; Moffat S; Corben S, 2009, 'Prison populations and correctional outlays: The effect of reducing re-imprisonment', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 10,$file/CJB138.pdf

Weatherburn D; Hua J; Moffat S, 2009, 'Rates of participation in burglary and motor vehicle theft - Estimates and implications for policy', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 8,$file/CJB130.pdf

Vignaendra S; Moffat S; Weatherburn D; Heller E, 2009, 'Recent trends in legal proceedings for breach of bail, juvenile remand and crime', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 6,$file/CJB128.pdf

Lulham R; Weatherburn D; Bartels L, 2009, 'The recidivism of offenders given suspended sentences: A comparison with full-time imprisonment', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 16,$file/CJB136.pdf

Weatherburn D; Vignaendra S; Mcgrath A, 2009, 'The specific deterrent effect of custodial penalties on juvenile re-offending', Crime and Justice Bulletin, pp. 1 - 8,$file/CJB132.pdf

Grunseit AC; Weatherburn D; Donnelly N, 2008, 'Correlates of physical violence at school: A multilevel analysis of Australian high school students', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 43, pp. 527 - 545,

Weatherburn D; Trimboli L, 2008, 'Community supervision and rehabilitation: Two studies of offenders on supervised bonds', Crime and Justice Bulletin, February, pp. 1 - 20

Weatherburn D; Grunseit AC; Donnelly N, 2008, 'Correlates of physical violence at school: A multilevel analysis of Australian high school students', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 43, pp. 523 - 527

Weatherburn D; Snowball L; Moffat SC; Burgess M, 2008, 'Did the heroin shortage increase amphetamine use? A time series analysis', Crime and Justice Bulletin, May, pp. 1 - 7

Weatherburn D; Snowball L, 2008, 'Predictors of Indigenous Arrest: And Exploratory Study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 41, pp. 307 - 322

Weatherburn D; Jones CG; McFarlane K, 2008, 'Public Confidence in the New South Wales criminal justice system', Crime and Justice Bulletin, August, pp. 1 - 16

Weatherburn D; Jones CG; Snowball L; Hua J, 2008, 'The NSW Drug Court A re-evaluation of its effectiveness', Crime and Justice Bulletin, September, pp. 1 - 20

Weatherburn D; Bartels L, 2008, 'The Recidivism of Offenders Given Suspended Sentences in New South Wales, Australia', British Journal of Criminology, 48, pp. 667 - 683

Weatherburn D, 2008, 'The Role of Drug and Alcohol Policy in Reducing Indigenous Overrepresentation In Prison', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 91 - 94

Weatherburn D, 2008, 'Theories of Indigenous Violence: A Preliminary Empirical Assessment', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 41, pp. 216 - 235

Jones CG; Swift W; Donnelly NJ; Weatherburn D, 2007, 'Correlates of driving under the influence of cannabis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 88, pp. 83 - 86

Weatherburn D; Snowball L, 2007, 'Does Racial Bias in Sentencing Contribute to Indigenous Over representation in Prison?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 40, pp. 272 - 290

Weatherburn D, 2007, 'Drugs, Alcohol and Indigenous Imprisonment', Of Substance, 5, pp. 12 - 14

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