Select Publications

Conference Papers

Taylor R; Yang M; Bandara A; Morrison K; Ashraf A; Hawkes E, 2014, 'Design and analysis of a rooftop solar furnace', in Kasagi N (ed.), International Heat Transfer Conference 15, Kyoto, Japan, presented at Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 10 August 2014 - 15 August 2014,

Crisostomo ; Taylor R; Rosengarten G; Everett V; Hawkes , 2014, 'Performance of a linear Fresnel-based concentrating hybrid PV/T collector using selective spectral beam splitting', in Solar 2014 Conference & Exhibition Proceedings 8 - 9 May 2014 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australian Solar Council / AUPVSEE, Melbourne, VIC, presented at Solar 2014 Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, VIC, 08 May 2014 - 09 May 2014,

Ahmmed MS; Talei M; Hawkes ER; Song L; Wenham S, 2014, 'Thermal Simulation of Laser Annealing for Hydrogenation of c-Si in Solar Cells', in Australian Solar Energy Society (ed.), 52nd Annual Conference, Australian Solar Energy Society, Australian Solar Energy Society, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference, Australian Solar Energy Society (Australian Solar Council), Melbourne, Australia, 08 May 2014 - 09 May 2014,

Rusly A; Kook S; Hawkes E; Zhang R, 2014, 'High-speed imaging of soot luminosity and spectral analysis of in-cylinder pressure trace during diesel knock', in SAE Technical Papers, SAE International, Detroit, Michigan, USA, pp. Paper No 2014-01-1259, presented at The 2014 SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 08 April 2014 - 10 April 2014,

Karami S; Hawkes ER; Talei M; Yu H, 2014, 'Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent lifted flame: Stabilisation mechanism', in Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014

Haghiri A; Talei M; Brear MJ; Hawkes ER, 2014, 'Direct numerical simulation of sound generation by a turbulent premixed flame', in Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014

Le MK; Kook S; Hawkes ER, 2013, 'Measurement of Diesel Jet Tip Penetration in an Automotive-Size Optical Engine using Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Fuel', in Zhang D (ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 Australian Combustion Symposium, Perth, Western Australia, pp. Paper no 19, presented at The 2013 Australian Combustion Symposium, Perth, Western Australia, 06 November 2013 - 08 November 2013

Talei M; Hawkes ER, 2013, 'A parametric study of ignition in compositionally and thermally stratified n-heptane/air mixtures', in Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2013, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 400 - 403, presented at Australian Combustion Symposium 2013, Perth, Western Australia, 06 November 2013 - 08 November 2013,

Karami S; Talei M; Hawkes ER, 2013, 'Flame base analysis in a turbulent, partially premixed lifted flame', in Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (MCS-8), Cesme, izmir, Turkey, pp. Paper number TC-22, presented at Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Cesme, izmir, Turkey, 08 September 2013 - 13 September 2013,

Krisman A; Bhagatwala A; Hawkes ER; Talei M; Chen JH, 2013, 'Two-dimensional direct numerical simulations of dimethyl ether lifted jet flames in highly heated co-flow at elevated pressure', in ICHMT (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (MCS-13), Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey, pp. Paper number TC-19., presented at Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey, 08 September 2013 - 13 September 2013,

Chatakonda O; Knudsen E; Hawkes ER; Talei M; Pitsch H, 2012, 'A posteriori large-eddy simulations of a turbulent premixed flame in the thin reaction zones regime', in Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012

Pei Y; Hawkes ER; Kook S, 2012, 'Lagrangian-Lagrangian modelling of an n-heptane jet at diesel engine conditions', in Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2012

Punati N; Sutherland JC; Hawkes ER, 2012, 'One-Dimensional turbulence simulations of turbulent premixed jet Flames: Comparison to DNS', in Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting 2012, pp. 196 - 208

Thornber B; Masri A; Bilger RW; Hawkes ER, 2011, 'Conditional moment closure for LES of compressible premixed combustion', in 41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit,

Punati N; Sutherland JC; Hawkes E, 2010, 'A study of the reynolds-number dependence of model parameters in the one-dimensional-turbulence model', in Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting 2010, pp. 2 - 10

Punati N; Sutherland JC; Hawkes E; Kerstein AR; Chen JH, 2009, 'A comparison of direct numerical simulations with the one-dimensional turbulence model for a syngas jet flame', in Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute 2009, WSS/CI 2009 Fall Meeting, pp. 702 - 726

Bisetti F; Chen JY; Chen JH; Hawkes ER, 2007, 'Characterization of differential diffusion effects during the constant volume ignition of a temperature stratified lean premixed hydrogen/air mixture subject to decaying turbulence', in Western States Section/Combustion Institute Fall Meeting 2007, pp. 222 - 235

Sankaran R; Hawkes ER; Yoo CS; Chen JH; Lu T; Law CK, 2007, 'Direct numerical simulation of stationary lean premixed methane-air flames under intense turbulence', in 5th US Combustion Meeting 2007, pp. 625 - 637

Hawkes ER; Sankaran R; Chen JH, 2007, 'Extinction and reignition in direct numerical simulations of CO/H2 temporal plane jet flames', in 5th US Combustion Meeting 2007, pp. 588 - 596

Bisetti F; Chen JY; Hawkes ER; Chen JH, 2007, 'Probability density function modeling of ignition in a temperature stratified mixture for application to HCCI engines', in 5th US Combustion Meeting 2007, pp. 2115 - 2124

Sankaran R; Hawkes ER; Chen JH; Lu T; Law CK, 2006, 'Direct numerical simulations of turbulent lean premixed combustion', in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp. 38 - 42,

Qazi NA; Bolla M; Wang H; Hawkes ER, 2006, 'Quantification of particle clusters in particle-laden round jets', in Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2016

Hawkes E; Sankaran R; Sutherland JC; Chen JH, 2005, 'Direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion: fundamental insights towards predictive models', in Journal of Physics: Conference Series 264, Institute of Physics, UK, presented at SciDAC 2005, San Francisco, California, USA, 26 June 2005 - 29 June 2005,

Sutherland JC; Smith PJ; Chen JH; Hawkes ER, 2005, 'A new technique for a priori evaluation of combustion models', in Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute 2005, WSS/CI 2005 Fall Meeting, pp. 94 - 105

Cook DJ; Chen JH; Hawkes ER; Sankaran R; Pitsch H, 2005, 'Flamelet-based modeling of H2/air auto-ignition with thermal inhomogeneities', in Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute 2005, WSS/CI 2005 Fall Meeting, pp. 1183 - 1193

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