Select Publications

Journal articles

Jiao Y; Chen XY; Stoddart JF, 2022, 'Weak bonding strategies for achieving regio- and site-selective transformations', Chem, 8, pp. 414 - 438,

Hanna SL; Chheda S; Anderson R; Ray D; Malliakas CD; Knapp JG; Otake KI; Li P; Li P; Wang X; Wasson MC; Zosel K; Evans AM; Robison L; Islamoglu T; Zhang X; Dichtel WR; Stoddart JF; Gomez-Gualdron DA; Gagliardi L; Farha OK, 2022, 'Discovery of spontaneous de-interpenetration through charged point-point repulsions', Chem, 8, pp. 225 - 242,

Kim T; Feng Y; O’Connor JP; Stoddart JF; Young RM; Wasielewski MR, 2022, 'Coherent Vibronic Wavepackets Show Structure-Directed Charge Flow in Host-Guest Donor-Acceptor Complexes', Journal of the American Chemical Society,

Feng L; Qiu Y; Guo QH; Chen Z; Seale JSW; He K; Wu H; Feng Y; Farha OK; Dean Astumian R; Fraser Stoddart J, 2021, 'Active mechanisorption driven by pumping cassettes', Science, 374, pp. 1215 - 1221,

Wu H; Wang Y; Song B; Wang HJ; Zhou J; Sun Y; Jones LO; Liu W; Zhang L; Zhang X; Cai K; Chen XY; Stern CL; Wei J; Farha OK; Anna JM; Schatz GC; Liu Y; Fraser Stoddart J, 2021, 'A contorted nanographene shelter', Nature Communications, 12,

Chen XY; Mao H; Feng Y; Cai K; Shen D; Wu H; Zhang L; Zhao X; Chen H; Song B; Jiao Y; Wu Y; Stern CL; Wasielewski MR; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Radically Enhanced Dual Recognition', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, pp. 25454 - 25462,

Chen H; Hou S; Wu Q; Jiang F; Zhou P; Zhang L; Jiao Y; Song B; Guo QH; Chen XY; Hong W; Lambert CJ; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Promotion and suppression of single-molecule conductance by quantum interference in macrocyclic circuits', Matter, 4, pp. 3662 - 3676,

David AHG; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Chiroptical Properties of Mechanically Interlocked Molecules', Israel Journal of Chemistry, 61, pp. 608 - 621,

Liu W; Tan Y; Jones LO; Song B; Guo QH; Zhang L; Qiu Y; Feng Y; Chen XY; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'PCage: Fluorescent Molecular Temples for Binding Sugars in Water', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 15688 - 15700,

Chen H; Fraser Stoddart J, 2021, 'From molecular to supramolecular electronics', Nature Reviews Materials, 6, pp. 804 - 828,

Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Reminiscences of my interactions with Walter Anthony Szarek', Carbohydrate Research, 507,

Jiao Y; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Weaving on the molecular scale', Matter, 4, pp. 2582 - 2584,

Wu H; Wang Y; Jones LO; Liu W; Zhang L; Song B; Chen XY; Stern CL; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Selective Separation of Hexachloroplatinate(IV) Dianions Based on Exo-Binding with Cucurbit[6]uril', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, pp. 17587 - 17594,

Zhang L; Lin YJ; Li ZH; Fraser Stoddart J; Jin GX, 2021, 'Coordination-Driven Selective Formation of D2 Symmetric Octanuclear Organometallic Cages', Chemistry - A European Journal, 27, pp. 9524 - 9528,

Cai K; Zhang L; Astumian RD; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Publisher Correction: Radical-pairing-induced molecular assembly and motion (Nature Reviews Chemistry, (2021), 5, 7, (447-465), 10.1038/s41570-021-00283-4)', Nature Reviews Chemistry, 5, pp. 511,

Cai K; Zhang L; Astumian RD; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Radical-pairing-induced molecular assembly and motion', Nature Reviews Chemistry, 5, pp. 447 - 465,

Guo QH; Jiao Y; Feng Y; Fraser Stoddart J, 2021, 'The rise and promise of molecular nanotopology', CCS Chemistry, 3, pp. 1542 - 1572,

Chen XY; Chen H; Dordević L; Guo QH; Wu H; Wang Y; Zhang L; Jiao Y; Cai K; Chen H; Stern CL; Stupp SI; Snurr RQ; Shen D; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Selective Photodimerization in a Cyclodextrin Metal-Organic Framework', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 9129 - 9139,

Chen H; Jiang F; Hu C; Jiao Y; Chen S; Qiu Y; Zhou P; Zhang L; Cai K; Song B; Chen XY; Zhao X; Wasielewski MR; Guo H; Hong W; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Electron-Catalyzed Dehydrogenation in a Single-Molecule Junction', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 8476 - 8487,

Jiao Y; Đorđević L; Mao H; Young RM; Jaynes T; Chen H; Qiu Y; Cai K; Zhang L; Chen XY; Feng Y; Wasielewski MR; Stupp SI; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'A Donor-Acceptor [2]Catenane for Visible Light Photocatalysis', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 8000 - 8010,

Strauss MJ; Jia M; Evans AM; Castano I; Li RL; Aguilar-Enriquez X; Roesner EK; Swartz JL; Chavez AD; Enciso AE; Stoddart JF; Rolandi M; Dichtel WR, 2021, 'Diverse Proton-Conducting Nanotubes via a Tandem Macrocyclization and Assembly Strategy', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 8145 - 8153,

Guo QH; Qiu Y; Wang MX; Fraser Stoddart J, 2021, 'Aromatic hydrocarbon belts', Nature Chemistry, 13, pp. 402 - 419,

Hanozin E; Mignolet B; Martens J; Berden G; Sluysmans D; Duwez AS; Stoddart JF; Eppe G; Oomens J; De Pauw E; Morsa D, 2021, 'Radical-Pairing Interactions in a Molecular Switch Evidenced by Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Infrared Ion Spectroscopy', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, pp. 10049 - 10055,

Feng Y; Ovalle M; Seale JSW; Lee CK; Kim DJ; Astumian RD; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Molecular Pumps and Motors', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 5569 - 5591,

Wang Y; Wu H; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Molecular Triangles: A New Class of Macrocycles', Accounts of Chemical Research, 54, pp. 2027 - 2039,

Liu W; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Emergent behavior in nanoconfined molecular containers', Chem, 7, pp. 919 - 947,

Roy I; Goswami S; Young RM; Schlesinger I; Mian MR; Enciso AE; Zhang X; Hornick JE; Farha OK; Wasielewski MR; Hupp JT; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Photon Upconversion in a Glowing Metal-Organic Framework', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 5053 - 5059,

Roy I; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Cyclodextrin Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Applications', Accounts of Chemical Research, 54, pp. 1440 - 1453,

Chen H; Brasiliense V; Mo J; Zhang L; Jiao Y; Chen Z; Jones LO; He G; Guo QH; Chen XY; Song B; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Single-molecule charge transport through positively charged electrostatic anchors', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 2886 - 2895,

Liu W; Jones LO; Wu H; Stern CL; Sponenburg RA; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Supramolecular Gold Stripping from Activated Carbon Using α-Cyclodextrin', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 1984 - 1992,

Chen Z; Li P; Zhang X; Mian MR; Wang X; Li P; Liu Z; O’Keeffe M; Stoddart JF; Farha OK, 2021, 'Reticular exploration of uranium-based metal—organic frameworks with hexacarboxylate building units', Nano Research, 14, pp. 376 - 380,

Cai K; Cui B; Song B; Wang H; Qiu Y; Jones LO; Liu W; Shi Y; Vemuri S; Shen D; Jiao T; Zhang L; Wu H; Chen H; Jiao Y; Wang Y; Stern CL; Li H; Schatz GC; Li X; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Radical Cyclic [3]Daisy Chains', Chem, 7, pp. 174 - 189,

Anamimoghadam O; Jones LO; Cooper JA; Beldjoudi Y; Nguyen MT; Liu W; Krzyaniak MD; Pezzato C; Stern CL; Patel HA; Wasielewski MR; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2021, 'Discrete Open-Shell Tris(bipyridinium radical cationic) Inclusion Complexes in the Solid State', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, pp. 163 - 175,

Houk KN; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'François N. Diederich: Pioneer of carbon allotropes and molecular recognition', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, pp. 32827 - 32829,

Sahoo P; Roy I; Wang Z; Mi F; Yu L; Balasubramani P; Khan L; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'MultiCon: A Semi-Supervised Approach for Predicting Drug Function from Chemical Structure Analysis', Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60, pp. 5995 - 6006,

Sluysmans D; Zhang L; Li X; Garci A; Stoddart JF; Duwez AS, 2020, 'Viologen Tweezers to Probe the Force of Individual Donor-Acceptor π-Interactions', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 21153 - 21159,

Wang Y; Wu H; Li P; Chen S; Jones LO; Mosquera MA; Zhang L; Cai K; Chen H; Chen XY; Stern CL; Wasielewski MR; Ratner MA; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Two-photon excited deep-red and near-infrared emissive organic co-crystals', Nature Communications, 11,

Chen XY; Shen D; Cai K; Jiao Y; Wu H; Song B; Zhang L; Tan Y; Wang Y; Feng Y; Stern CL; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Suit[3]ane', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 20152 - 20160,

Roy I; Limketkai B; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Retraction: Cyclodextrin Metal-Organic Frameworks: From the Research Laboratory to the Marketplace(Acc. Chem. Res. (2020) 53 (2762−2762)', Accounts of Chemical Research, 53, pp. 2762,

Atilgan A; Cetin MM; Yu J; Beldjoudi Y; Liu J; Stern CL; Cetin FM; Islamoglu T; Farha OK; Deria P; Stoddart JF; Hupp JT, 2020, 'Post-synthetically elaborated BODIPY-based porous organic polymers (POPs) for the photochemical detoxification of a sulfur mustard simulant', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 18554 - 18564,

Li P; Ryder MR; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks: A Rising Class of Porous Molecular Materials', Accounts of Materials Research, 1, pp. 77 - 87,

Urbina-Blanco CA; Jilani SZ; Speight IR; Bojdys MJ; Friščić T; Stoddart JF; Nelson TL; Mack J; Robinson RAS; Waddell EA; Lutkenhaus JL; Godfrey M; Abboud MI; Aderinto SO; Aderohunmu D; Bibič L; Borges J; Dong VM; Ferrins L; Fung FM; John T; Lim FPL; Masters SL; Mambwe D; Thordarson P; Titirici MM; Tormet-González GD; Unterlass MM; Wadle A; Yam VWW; Yang YW, 2020, 'A Diverse View of Science to Catalyse Change', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 59, pp. 18306 - 18310,

Roy I; Garci A; Beldjoudi Y; Young RM; Pe DJ; Nguyen MT; Das PJ; Wasielewski MR; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Host−guest complexation-mediated supramolecular photon upconversion', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 16600 - 16609,

Wu H; Wang Y; Jones LO; Liu W; Song B; Cui Y; Cai K; Zhang L; Shen D; Chen XY; Jiao Y; Stern CL; Li X; Schatz GC; Fraser Stoddart J, 2020, 'Ring-in-ring(s) complexes exhibiting tunable multicolor photoluminescence', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 16849 - 16860,

Urbina-Blanco CA; Jilani SZ; Speight IR; Bojdys MJ; Friščić T; Stoddart JF; Nelson TL; Mack J; Robinson RAS; Waddell EA; Lutkenhaus JL; Godfrey M; Abboud MI; Aderinto SO; Aderohunmu D; Bibič L; Borges J; Dong VM; Ferrins L; Fung FM; John T; Lim FPL; Masters SL; Mambwe D; Thordarson P; Titirici MM; Tormet-González GD; Unterlass MM; Wadle A; Yam VWW; Yang YW, 2020, 'A diverse view of science to catalyse change', Chemical Science, 11, pp. 9043 - 9047,

Urbina-Blanco CA; Jilani SZ; Speight IR; Bojdys MJ; Friščić T; Stoddart JF; Nelson TL; Mack J; Robinson RAS; Waddell EA; Lutkenhaus JL; Godfrey M; Abboud MI; Aderinto SO; Aderohunmu D; Bibič L; Borges J; Dong VM; Ferrins L; Fung FM; John T; Lim FPL; Masters SL; Mambwe D; Thordarson P; Titirici MM; Tormet-González GD; Unterlass MM; Wadle A; Yam VWW; Yang YW, 2020, 'A diverse view of science to catalyse change', Nature Chemistry, 12, pp. 773 - 776,

Urbina-Blanco CA; Jilani SZ; Speight IR; Bojdys MJ; Friščić T; Stoddart JF; Nelson TL; Mack J; Robinson RAS; Waddell EA; Lutkenhaus JL; Godfrey M; Abboud MI; Aderinto SO; Aderohunmu D; Bibič L; Borges J; Dong VM; Ferrins L; Fung FM; John T; Lim FPL; Masters SL; Mambwe D; Thordarson P; Titirici MM; Tormet-González GD; Unterlass MM; Wadle A; Yam VWW; Yang YW, 2020, 'A Diverse View of Science to Catalyse Change', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 14393 - 14396,

Guo QH; Qiu Y; Kuang X; Liang J; Feng Y; Zhang L; Jiao Y; Shen D; Astumian RD; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Artificial Molecular Pump Operating in Response to Electricity and Light', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, pp. 14443 - 14449,

Wu H; Jones LO; Wang Y; Shen D; Liu Z; Zhang L; Cai K; Jiao Y; Stern CL; Schatz GC; Stoddart JF, 2020, 'High-Efficiency Gold Recovery Using Cucurbit[6]uril', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12, pp. 38768 - 38777,

Stoddart JF, 2020, 'Dawning of the Age of Molecular Nanotopology', Nano Letters, 20, pp. 5597 - 5600,

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