Select Publications

Journal articles

Ashton PR; Balzani V; Credi A; Kocian O; Pasini D; Prodi L; Spencer N; Stoddart JF; Tolley MS; Venturi M; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Cyclophanes and [2]catenanes as ligands for transition metal complexes: Synthesis, structure, absorption spectra, and excited state and electrochemical properties', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 590 - 607,<590::AID-CHEM590>3.0.CO;2-C

Ashton PR; Baxter I; Fyfe MCT; Raymo FM; Spencer N; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Rotaxane or pseudorotaxane? That is the question!', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120, pp. 2297 - 2307,

Ballardini R; Balzani V; Gandolfi MT; Gillard RE; Stoddart JF; Tabellini E, 1998, 'The synthesis and spectroscopic properties of macrocyclic polyethers containing two different aromatic moieties and their [2] catenanes incorporating cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene)', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 449 - 459,<449::AID-CHEM449>3.0.CO;2-8

Asakawa M; Ashton PR; Hayes W; Janssen HM; Meijer EW; Menzer S; Pasini D; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Constitutionally asymmetric and chiral [2]pseudorotaxanes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120, pp. 920 - 931,

Ashton PR; Boyd SE; Menzer S; Pasini D; Raymo FM; Spencer N; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ; Wyatt PG, 1998, 'Self-assembling cyclophanes and catenanes possessing elements of planar chirality', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 299 - 310,<299::AID-CHEM299>3.0.CO;2-Z

Menzer S; White AJP; Williams DJ; Belohradsky M; Hamers C; Raymo FM; Shipway AN; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Molecular meccano. 25. Self-assembly of functionalized [2]catenanes bearing a reactive functional group on either one or both macrocyclic components - From monomeric [2]catenanes to polycatenanes', MACROMOLECULES, 31, pp. 295 - 307,

Menzer S; White AJP; Williams DJ; Bělohradský M; Hamers C; Raymo FM; Shipway AN; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Self-assembly of functionalized [2]catenanes bearing a reactive functional group on either one or both macrocyclic components - From monomeric [2]catenanes to polycatenanes', Macromolecules, 31, pp. 295 - 307,

Asakawa M; Ashton PR; Balzani V; Credi A; Hamers C; Mattersteig G; Montalti M; Shipway AN; Spencer N; Stoddart JF; Tolley MS; Venturi M; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'A Chemically and Electrochemically Switchable [2]Catenane Incorporating a Tetrathiafulvalene Unit', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 37, pp. 333 - 337,<333::AID-ANIE333>3.0.CO;2-P

Wolf R; Asakawa M; Ashton PR; Gómez-López M; Hamers C; Menzer S; Parsons IW; Spencer N; Stoddart JF; Tolley MS; Williams DJ, 1998, 'A molecular chameleon: Chromophoric sensing by a self-complexing molecular assembly', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 37, pp. 975 - 979,<975::AID-ANIE975>3.0.CO;2-L

Hamers C; Kocian O; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'A poly(bis[2]catenane) containing a combination of covalent, mechanical, and coordinative bonds', Advanced Materials, 10, pp. 1366 - 1369,<1366::AID-ADMA1366>3.0.CO;2-D

Matthews OA; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Acid/base-controlled supramolecular switch', New Journal of Chemistry, 22, pp. 1131 - 1134,

Amabilino DB; Asakawa M; Ashton PR; Ballardini R; Balzani V; Bělohradský M; Credi A; Higuchi M; Raymo FM; Shimizu T; Stoddart JF; Venturi M; Yase K, 1998, 'Aggregation of self-assembling branched [n]rotaxanes', New Journal of Chemistry, 22, pp. 959 - 972,

Glink PT; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Concept transfer from the life sciences into materials science', Pure and Applied Chemistry, 70, pp. 419 - 424,

Nepogodiev SA; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Cyclodextrin-based catenanes and rotaxanes', Chemical Reviews, 98, pp. 1959 - 1976,

Matthews OA; Shipway AN; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Dendrimers - Branching out from curiosities into new technologies', Progress in Polymer Science (Oxford), 23, pp. 1 - 56,

Ashton PR; Fyfe MCT; Martínez-Díaz MV; Menzer S; Schiavo C; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Doubly docked pseudorotaxanes', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 1523 - 1534,<1523::AID-CHEM1523>3.0.CO;2-V

Asakawa M; Janssen HM; Meijer EW; Pasini D; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Enantioselective discrimination in the self-assembly of [2]pseudorotaxanes', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 983 - 986,<983::AID-EJOC983>3.0.CO;2-W

Ashton PR; Fyfe MCT; Hickingbottom SK; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Hammett correlations 'beyond the molecule'', Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 2117 - 2128,

Bravo JA; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'High yielding template-directed syntheses of [2]rotaxanes', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 2565 - 2571,<2565::AID-EJOC2565>3.0.CO;2-8

Amabilino DB; Ashton PR; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Kinetic and thermodynamic effects in the self-assembly of [3]catenanes in the solution and solid states', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 460 - 468,<460::aid-chem460>;2-%23

Hamers C; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Main-chain and pendant poly([2]catenane)s incorporating complementary π-electron-rich and -deficient components', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 2109 - 2117,<2109::AID-EJOC2109>3.0.CO;2-M

Balzani V; Gómez-López M; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Molecular Machines', Accounts of Chemical Research, 31, pp. 405 - 414,

Ballardini R; Balzani V; Credi A; Gandolfi MT; Marquis D; Perez-Garcia L; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Molecular meccano. 29 - The synthesis and spectroscopic properties of a [2]catenane incorporating an anthracene chromophoric unit', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1998, pp. 81 - 89,

Fyfe MCT; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Novel clay-like and helical superstructures generated using arene-arene interactions', New Journal of Chemistry, 22, pp. 155 - 157,

Ashton PR; Ballardini R; Balzani V; Constable EC; Credi A; Kocian O; Langford SJ; Preece JA; Prodi L; Schofield ER; Spencer N; Stoddart JF; Wenger S, 1998, 'Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes covalently linked to electron acceptors as wires for light-driven pseudorotaxane-type molecular machines', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 2413 - 2422,<2413::AID-CHEM2413>3.0.CO;2-A

Ashton PR; Ballardini R; Balzani V; Fyfe MCT; Gandolfi MT; Martínez-Díaz MV; Morosini M; Schiavo C; Shibata K; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Selective self-assembly and acid-base controlled de-/rethreading of pseudorotaxanes constructed using multiple recognition motifs', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 2332 - 2341,<2332::aid-chem2332>;2-j

Raymo FM; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Self-assembling supermolecules and supramolecular arrays based on metal coordination', Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 3, pp. 150 - 159,

Ashton PR; Chemin A; Claessens CG; Menzer S; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1998, 'Self-assembly and self-organization of self-recognizing cyclophanes', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 969 - 981,<969::AID-EJOC969>3.0.CO;2-G

Credi A; Montalti M; Balzani V; Langford SJ; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Simple molecular-level machines. Interchange between different threads in pseudorotaxanes', New Journal of Chemistry, 22, pp. 1061 - 1065,

Reinhoudt DN; Stoddart JF; Ungaro R, 1998, 'Supramolecular science where it is and where it is going', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 1349 - 1351,<1349::AID-CHEM1349>3.0.CO;2-3

Colonna B; Harding VD; Nepogodiev SA; Raymo FM; Spencer N; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Synthesis of oligosaccharide dendrimers', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 1244 - 1254,<1244::AID-CHEM1244>3.0.CO;2-8

Gattuso G; Nepogodiev SA; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'Synthetic cyclic oligosaccharides', Chemical Reviews, 98, pp. 1919 - 1958,

Ashton PR; Anderson DW; Brown CL; Shipway AN; Stoddart JF; Tolley MS, 1998, 'The synthesis and characterization of a new family of polyamide dendrimers', Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, pp. 781 - 795,<781::AID-CHEM781>3.0.CO;2-3

Ballardini R; Balzani V; Credi A; Gandolfi MT; Marquis D; Pérez-García L; Stoddart JF, 1998, 'The synthesis and spectroscopic properties of a [2]catenane incorporating an anthracene chromophoric unit', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 81 - 89,<81::AID-EJOC81>3.0.CO;2-P

Ballardini R; Balzani V; Credi A; Brown CL; Gillard RE; Montalti M; Philp D; Stoddart JF; Venturi M; White AJP; Williams BJ; Williams DJ, 1997, 'Controlling catenations, properties and relative ring-component movements in catenanes with aromatic fluorine substituents', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 12503 - 12513,

Ashton PR; Fyfe MCT; Glink PT; Menzer S; Stoddart JF; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1997, 'Multiply stranded and multiply encircled pseudorotaxanes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 12514 - 12524,

Ashton PR; Ballardini R; Balzani V; Gómez-López M; Lawrence SE; Victoria Martínez-Díaz M; Montalti M; Piersanti A; Prodi L; Fraser Stoddart J; Williams DJ, 1997, 'Hydrogen-bonded complexes of aromatic crown ethers with (9-anthracenyl)methylammonium derivatives. Supramolecular photochemistry and photophysics. PH-controllable supramolecular switching', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 10641 - 10651,

Laitenberger P; Claessens CG; Kuipers L; Raymo FM; Palmer RE; Stoddart JF, 1997, 'Building supramolecular nanostructures on surfaces: The influence of the substrate', Chemical Physics Letters, 279, pp. 209 - 214,

Jayaraman N; Stoddart JF, 1997, 'Synthesis of carbohydrate-containing dendrimers. 5. Preparation of dendrimers using unprotected carbohydrates', Tetrahedron Letters, 38, pp. 6767 - 6770,

Gomez-Lopez M; Stoddart JF, 1997, 'A review of molecular and supramolecular switching systems', BULLETIN DES SOCIETES CHIMIQUES BELGES, 106, pp. 491 - 500,

Ashton PR; Everitt SRL; Gómez-López M; Jayaraman N; Stoddart JF, 1997, 'Self-assembly of a water-soluble [2]rotaxane with carbohydrate stoppers', Tetrahedron Letters, 38, pp. 5691 - 5694,

Iqbal S; Kremer FJB; Preece JA; Ringsdorf H; Steinbeck M; Stoddart JF; Shen J; Tinker ND, 1997, 'Detecting a transition-metal ammine at tailored surfaces', JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 7, pp. 1147 - 1154,

Ashton PR; Gómez-López M; Iqbal S; Preece JA; Stoddart JF, 1997, 'A self-complexing macrocycle acting as a chromophoric receptor', Tetrahedron Letters, 38, pp. 3635 - 3638,

Credi A; Balzani V; Langford SJ; Stoddart JF, 1997, 'Logic operations at the molecular level. An XOR gate based on a molecular machine', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 2679 - 2681,

Asakawa M; Brown CL; Menzer S; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1997, 'Structure-reactivity relationship in interlocked molecular compounds and in their supramolecular model complexes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 2614 - 2627,

Asakawa M; Ashton PR; Ballardini R; Balzani V; Bělohradský M; Gandolfi MT; Kocian O; Prodi L; Raymo FM; Stoddart JF; Venturi M, 1997, 'The slipping approach to self-assembling [n]rotaxanes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 302 - 310,

Ashton PR; Boyd SE; Brown CL; Jayaraman N; Fraser Stoddart J, 1997, 'A Convergent Synthesis of a Carbohydrate-Containing Dendrimer', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English), 36, pp. 732 - 735,

Ashton PR; Boyd SE; Claessens CG; Gillard RE; Menzer S; Stoddart JF; Tolley MS; White AJP; Williams DJ, 1997, 'A novel type of isomerism in [3]catenanes', Chemistry - A European Journal, 3, pp. 788 - 798,

Feiters MC; Fyfe MCT; Martinez-Diaz MV; Menzer S; Nolte RJM; Stoddart JF; Van Kan PJM; Williams DJ, 1997, 'A supramolecular analog of the photosynthetic special pair', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119, pp. 8119 - 8120,

Ashton PR; Cantrill SJ; Gattuso G; Menzer S; Nepogodiev SA; Shipway AN; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1997, 'Achiral cycledextrin analogues', Chemistry - A European Journal, 3, pp. 1299 - 1314,

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