Select Publications

Journal articles

Fang L; Wang C; Fahrenbach AC; Trabolsi A; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'Dual stimulus switching of a [2]catenane in water', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 50, pp. 1805 - 1809,

Fang L; Wang C; Fahrenbach AC; Trabolsi A; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'Dual Stimulus Switching of a [2]Catenane in Water', Angewandte Chemie, 123, pp. 1845 - 1849,

Gassensmith JJ; Erne PM; Paxton WF; Valente C; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'Microcontact click printing for templating ultrathin films of metal - Organic frameworks', Langmuir, 27, pp. 1341 - 1345,

Basu S; Coskun A; Friedman DC; Olson MA; Benítez D; Tkatchouk E; Barin G; Yang J; Fahrenbach AC; Goddard WA; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'Donor-acceptor oligorotaxanes made to order', Chemistry - A European Journal, 17, pp. 2107 - 2119,

Zhang W; Deionno E; Dichtel WR; Fang L; Trabolsi A; Olsen JC; Benítez D; Heath JR; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'A solid-state switch containing an electrochemically switchable bistable poly[n]rotaxane', Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, pp. 1487 - 1495,

Dey SK; Beuerle F; Olson MA; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'Arranging pseudorotaxanes octahedrally around [60]fullerene', Chemical Communications, 47, pp. 1425 - 1427,

Fang L; Basu S; Sue CH; Fahrenbach AC; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'Syntheses and dynamics of donor-acceptor [2]catenanes in water', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133, pp. 396 - 399,

Barin G; Coskun A; Friedman DC; Olson MA; Colvin MT; Carmielli R; Dey SK; Bozdemir OA; Wasielewski MR; Stoddart JF, 2011, 'A multistate switchable [3]rotacatenane', Chemistry - A European Journal, 17, pp. 213 - 222,

Han S; Wei Y; Valente C; Forgan RS; Gassensmith JJ; Smaldone RA; Nakanishi H; Coskun A; Stoddart JF; Grzybowski BA, 2011, 'Imprinting chemical and responsive micropatterns into metal-organic frameworks', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 50, pp. 276 - 279,

Fang L; Olson MA; Benítez D; Tkatchouk E; Goddard WA; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Mechanically bonded macromolecules', Chemical Society Reviews, 39, pp. 17 - 29,

Han S; Wei Y; Valente C; Lagzi I; Gassensmith JJ; Coskun A; Stoddart JF; Grzybowski BA, 2010, 'Chromatography in a single metal-organic framework (MOF) crystal', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, pp. 16358 - 16361,

Stephenson RM; Wang X; Coskun A; Stoddart JF; Zink JI, 2010, 'Excited state distortions in a charge transfer state of a donor-acceptor [2]rotaxane', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, pp. 14135 - 14143,

Smaldone RA; Forgan RS; Furukawa H; Gassensmith JJ; Slawin AMZ; Yaghi OM; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Metalorganic frameworks from edible natural products', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 49, pp. 8630 - 8634,

Meyer CD; Forgan RS; Chichak KS; Peters AJ; Tangchaivang N; Cave GWV; Khan SI; Cantrill SJ; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'The dynamic chemistry of molecular Borromean rings and Solomon knots', Chemistry - A European Journal, 16, pp. 12570 - 12581,

Li H; Fahrenbach AC; Dey SK; Basu S; Trabolsi A; Zhu Z; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Mechanical bond formation by radical templation', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 49, pp. 8260 - 8265,

Li H; Fahrenbach AC; Dey SK; Basu S; Trabolsi A; Zhu Z; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Mechanical Bond Formation by Radical Templation', Angewandte Chemie, 122, pp. 8436 - 8441,

Spruell JM; Coskun A; Friedman DC; Forgan RS; Sarjeant AA; Trabolsi A; Fahrenbach AC; Barin G; Paxton WF; Dey SK; Olson MA; Benítez D; Tkatchouk E; Colvin MT; Carmielli R; Caldwell ST; Rosair GM; Hewage SG; Duclairoir F; Seymour JL; Slawin AMZ; Goddard WA; Wasielewski MR; Cooke G; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Highly stable tetrathiafulvalene radical dimers in [3]catenanes', Nature Chemistry, 2, pp. 870 - 879,

Belowich ME; Valente C; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Template-directed syntheses of rigid oligorotaxanes under thermodynamic control', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 49, pp. 7208 - 7212,

Zhao YL; Li Z; Kabehie S; Botros YY; Stoddart JF; Zink JI, 2010, 'PH-operated nanopistons on the surfaces of mesoporous silica nanoparticles', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, pp. 13016 - 13025,

Meng H; Xue M; Xia T; Zhao YL; Tamanoi F; Stoddart JF; Zink JI; Nel AE, 2010, 'Autonomous in vitro anticancer drug release from mesoporous silica nanoparticles by pH-sensitive nanovalves', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, pp. 12690 - 12697,

Li Q; Sue CH; Basu S; Shveyd AK; Zhang W; Barin G; Fang L; Sarjeant AA; Stoddart JF; Yaghi OM, 2010, 'A catenated strut in a catenated metal-organic framework', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 49, pp. 6751 - 6755,

Olson MA; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Mechanostereochemistry', Pure and Applied Chemistry, 82, pp. 1569 - 1574,

Forgan RS; Friedman DC; Stern CL; Bruns CJ; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Directed self-assembly of a ring-in-ring complex', Chemical Communications, 46, pp. 5861 - 5863,

Thomas CR; Ferris DP; Lee JH; Choi E; Cho MH; Kim ES; Stoddart JF; Shin JS; Cheon J; Zink JI, 2010, 'Noninvasive remote-controlled release of drug molecules in vitro using magnetic actuation of mechanized nanoparticles', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, pp. 10623 - 10625,

Wang C; Olson MA; Fang L; Benítez D; Tkatchouk E; Basu S; Basuray AN; Zhang D; Zhu D; Goddard WA; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Isolation by crystallization of translational isomers of a bistable donor-acceptor [2]catenane', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, pp. 13991 - 13996,

Ambrogio MW; Pecorelli TA; Patel K; Khashab NM; Trabolsi A; Khatib HA; Botros YY; Zink JI; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Snap-top nanocarriers', Organic Letters, 12, pp. 3304 - 3307,

Klichko Y; Khashab NM; Yang YW; Angelos S; Stoddart JF; Zink JI, 2010, 'Improving pore exposure in mesoporous silica films for mechanized control of the pores', Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 132, pp. 435 - 441,

Ye T; Kumar AS; Saha S; Takami T; Huang TJ; Stoddart JF; Weiss PS, 2010, 'Changing stations in single bistable rotaxane molecules under electrochemical control', ACS Nano, 4, pp. 3697 - 3701,

Sue CH; Basu S; Fahrenbach AC; Shveyd AK; Dey SK; Botros YY; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Enabling tetracationic cyclophane production by trading templates', Chemical Science, 1, pp. 119 - 125,

Hmadeh M; Fang L; Trabolsi A; Elhabiri M; Albrecht-Gary AM; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'On the thermodynamic and kinetic investigations of a [c2]daisy chain polymer', Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, pp. 3422 - 3430,

Deng H; Olson MA; Stoddart JF; Yaghi OM, 2010, 'Robust dynamics', Nature Chemistry, 2, pp. 439 - 443,

Klajn R; Stoddart JF; Grzybowski BA, 2010, 'Nanoparticles functionalised with reversible molecular and supramolecular switches', Chemical Society Reviews, 39, pp. 2203 - 2237,

Wong WY; Leung KCF; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Self-assembly, stability quantification, controlled molecular switching, and sensing properties of an anthracene-containing dynamic [2]rotaxane', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 8, pp. 2332 - 2343,

Zhang Q; Tu Y; Tian H; Zhao YL; Stoddart JF; Ågren H, 2010, 'Working mechanism for a redox switchable molecular machine based on cyclodextrin: A free energy profile approach', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, pp. 6561 - 6566,

Olson MA; Coskun A; Fang L; Basuray AN; Fraser Stoddart J, 2010, 'Polycatenation under thermodynamic control', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 49, pp. 3151 - 3156,

Coskun A; Wesson PJ; Klajn R; Trabolsi A; Fang L; Olson MA; Dey SK; Grzybowski BA; Fraser Stoddart J, 2010, 'Molecular-mechanical switching at the nanoparticle-solvent interface: Practice and theory', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, pp. 4310 - 4320,

Leung KCF; Wong WY; Aricó F; Haussmann PC; Fraser Stoddart J, 2010, 'The stability of imine-containing dynamic [2]rotaxanes to hydrolysist', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 8, pp. 83 - 89,

Bruns CJ; Basu S; Fraser Stoddart J, 2010, 'Improved synthesis of 1,5-dinaphtho[38]crown-10', Tetrahedron Letters, 51, pp. 983 - 986,

Li Q; Zhang W; Miljanić OS; Knobler CB; Stoddart JF; Yaghi OM, 2010, 'A metal-organic framework replete with ordered donor-acceptor catenanes', Chemical Communications, 46, pp. 380 - 382,

Yasuda T; Tanabe K; Tsuji T; Coti KK; Aprahamian I; Stoddart JF; Kato T, 2010, 'A redox-switchable [2]rotaxane in a liquid-crystalline state', Chemical Communications, 46, pp. 1224 - 1226,

Trabolsi A; Fahrenbach AC; Dey SK; Share AI; Friedman DC; Basu S; Gasa TB; Khashab NM; Saha S; Aprahamian I; Khatib HA; Flood AH; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'A tristable [2]pseudo[2]rotaxane', Chemical Communications, 46, pp. 871 - 873,

Valente C; Choi E; Belowich ME; Doonan CJ; Li Q; Gasa TB; Botros YY; Yaghi OM; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Metal-organic frameworks with designed chiral recognition sites', Chemical Communications, 46, pp. 4911 - 4913,

Trabolsi A; Khashab N; Fahrenbach AC; Friedman DC; Colvin MT; Cotí KK; Benítez D; Tkatchouk E; Olsen JC; Belowich ME; Carmielli R; Khatib HA; Goddard WA; Wasielewski MR; Stoddart JF, 2010, 'Radically enhanced molecular recognition', Nature Chemistry, 2, pp. 42 - 49,

Zhao YL; Liu L; Zhang W; Sue CH; Li Q; Miljanić OS; Yaghi OM; Fraser Stoddart J, 2009, 'Rigid-Strut-Containing crown ethers and [2]catenanes for incorporation into Metal-Organic frameworks', Chemistry - A European Journal, 15, pp. 13356 - 13380,

Colquhoun HM; Greenland BW; Zhu Z; Shaw JS; Cardin CJ; Burattini S; Elliott JM; Basu S; Gasa TB; Stoddart JF, 2009, 'A general synthesis of macrocyclic π-electron-acceptor systems', Organic Letters, 11, pp. 5238 - 5241,

Klajn R; Olson MA; Wesson PJ; Fang L; Coskun A; Trabolsi A; Soh S; Stoddart JF; Grzybowski BA, 2009, 'Dynamic hook-and-eye nanoparticle sponges', Nature Chemistry, 1, pp. 733 - 738,

Du L; Liao S; Khatib HA; Stoddart JF; Zink JI, 2009, 'Controlled-access hollow mechanized silica nanocontainers', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, pp. 15136 - 15142,

Olson MA; Braunschweig AB; Ikeda T; Fang L; Trabolsi A; Slawin AMZ; Khan SI; Stoddart JF, 2009, 'Thermodynamic forecasting of mechanically interlocked switches', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 7, pp. 4391 - 4405,

Cotí KK; Belowich ME; Liong M; Ambrogio MW; Lau YA; Khatib HA; Zink JI; Khashab NM; Stoddart JF, 2009, 'Mechanised nanoparticles for drug delivery', Nanoscale, 1, pp. 16 - 39,

Angelos S; Khashab NM; Yang YW; Trabolsi A; Khatib HA; Stoddart JF; Zink JI, 2009, 'pH clock-operated mechanized nanoparticles', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, pp. 12912 - 12914,

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