Select Publications

Journal articles

Ambrens M; Delbaere K; Butcher K; Close J; Gonski P; Kohler F; Lovell NH; Treacy D; Van Schooten KS, 2025, 'Wearable Technology in Mobility and Falls Health Care: Finding Consensus on Their Clinical Utility and Identifying a Roadmap to Actual Use', Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy,

Poulos RG; Cole AMD; Hilvert DR; Warner KN; Faux SG; Nguyen TA; Kohler F; Un FC; Alexander T; Capell JT; O’Connor CMC; Poulos CJ; O'Connor C, 2024, 'Cost modelling rehabilitation in the home for reconditioning in the Australian context', BMC Health Services Research, 24, pp. 151,

Poulos RG; Cole AMD; Hilvert DR; Warner KN; Faux SG; Nguyen TA; Kohler F; Un FC; Alexander T; Capell JT; O'Connor CMC; Poulos CJ, 2024, 'Erratum: Correction: Cost modelling rehabilitation in the home for reconditioning in the Australian context (BMC health services research (2024) 24 1 (151))', BMC health services research, 24, pp. 358,

Geering S; Wilson V; Jacob L; Macpherson A; Melbourne G; Kohler F; Chow J, 2024, 'Implementing a Hospital-Wide Programme Using iPARiHS to Prevent and Manage Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis and Improve Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries', Journal of Advanced Nursing,

Warner KN; Poulos RG; Cole AM; Nguyen TA; Un FC; Faux SG; Kohler F; Alexander T; Capell JT; Hilvert DR; O’Connor CMC; Poulos CJ; O'Connor C, 2024, 'Re/connecting with “home”: a mixed methods study of service provider and patient perspectives to facilitate implementing rehabilitation in the home for reconditioning', Disability and Rehabilitation, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 11,

Ranker A; Greitemann B; Kohler F; Gutenbrunner C; Sturm C; Tegtbur U; Egen C, 2024, 'Validated German PROMs for People with Major Amputation of the Lower Extremity - A Narrative Review Based on the Final Report of the LEAD and COMPASS Initiative of the ISPO', Rehabilitation (Germany),

Kohler F; Halford GRJ; Lukin M; Hafner BJ; Boone DA; Desmond DM; Franchignoni F; Gailey RS; Hagberg K; Major MJ; Resnik L; Tan JM, 2023, 'Categorization and recommendations for outcome measures for lower limb absence by an expert panel', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 47, pp. 565 - 574,

Poulos RG; Cole AM; Warner KN; Faux SG; Nguyen TA; Kohler F; Un FC; Alexander T; Capell JT; Hilvert DR; O’Connor CM; Poulos CJ; O'Connor C, 2023, 'Developing a model for rehabilitation in the home as hospital substitution for patients requiring reconditioning: a Delphi survey in Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 23, pp. 113,

Tan JM; Halford GRJ; McBain BK; Lukin M; Kohler F, 2023, 'Psychometric properties of outcome measures for lower-limb absence: A protocol for a systematic review', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 47, pp. 293 - 299,

KOHLER F; HALFORD GRJ; Jade MT; LUKIN M; MCBAIN B, 2023, 'Toward Building Evidence for Prosthetics: The LEAD and COMPASS', 日本義肢装具学会誌, 39, pp. 106 - 110,

Tan JM; Halford GRJ; Lukin M; Kohler F, 2023, 'Recommendations from the ISPO lower-limb COMPASS: Patient-reported and performance-based outcome measures', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 47, pp. 13 - 25,

Dadich A; Kearns R; Harris-Roxas B; Ni Chroinin D; Boydell K; Ni She E; Lim D; Gonski P; Kohler F, 2023, 'What constitutes brilliant aged care? A qualitative study of practices that exceed expectation', Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32, pp. 7425 - 7441,

Hanna R; Lo B; Jayadeva D; Foong D; Anthony A; Kohler F; Chow J; Harlum J; MacArthur C; Ni Chroinin D; Kelly A; Williams R, 2022, 'Development of an audit tool for advance care planning documentation between the hospital and residential aged care facility interface', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 1647 - 1648,

Chow J; Harley A; Chroinin DN; Kohler F; Harlum J; Jobburn K; Keech P; Williams R; Fraser S; Hillman K, 2022, 'Understanding of advance care planning in primary care: A gap analysis', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28, pp. 344 - 349,

Kohler F, 2021, 'LEAD and COMPASS: Tools to map the way forward for people with lower limb absence', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 45, pp. 369 - 372,

Chow JSF; Knight A; Disney A; Kohler F; Duggan J; Maurya N; Gonzalez-Arce V, 2021, 'Understanding the general practice of telemonitoring integrated care: A qualitative perspective', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 27, pp. 364 - 370,

Gonzalez-Arce V; Chow JSF; Knight A; Duggan J; Maurya N; Sykes A; Kohler F, 2021, 'History of telemonitoring in South Western Sydney', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, 20,

Gonzalez-Arce V; Chow JSF; Gonzalez-Arce V; Knight A; Maurya N; Kohler F, 2021, 'Learnings from Implementing Telemonitoring in South West Sydney (LITE in SWS)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, 20,

Chow JSF; McDougall A; Ramirez J; Kernohan M; Maurya N; Rajaratnam R; Marshall S; Colley S; Kohler F, 2021, 'A Cross Sectional, Mixed-Method Cohort Study Evaluating the Implementation of Leading Better Value Care Initiatives', Journal of Service Science and Management, 14, pp. 228 - 240,

Sau Fan Chow J; Kohler F; Ramirez J; Collingridge L; Maurya N; Hillman K, 2021, 'Evaluation of the Implementation of the Advance Care Planning Package in South Western Sydney', Journal of Service Science and Management, 14, pp. 696 - 711,

Narayanan B; Kohler F; Arulanandam P, 2020, 'The Efficacy of In-Reach Rehabilitation in Morbidly Obese Post Septic Patients: Two Retrospective Case Reports.', J Rehabil Med Clin Commun, 3, pp. 1000042,

Chow JSF; Gonzalez-Arce VE, 2019, 'Learnings from implementing telemonitoring – the LITE study', Journal of Integrated Care, 27, pp. 346 - 356,

Radhakrishnan S; Kohler F; Gutenbrunner C; Jayaraman A; Pieber K; Li J; Schiappacasse C, 2019, 'Mobility in persons with lower extremity amputations and influencing factors: Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to quantify expert views', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43, pp. 88 - 94,

Ling SL; Cheng CT; Liu F; Irwanto D; Kohler F; Smith MJ; Chan DK, 2018, 'Impact of acute geriatric services for nursing home residents on emergency department presentation and hospitalisation', Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 13, pp. 68 - 73,

MacLachlan M; Banes D; Bell D; Borg J; Donnelly B; Fembek M; Ghosh R; Gowran RJ; Hannay E; Hiscock D; Hoogerwerf EJ; Howe T; Kohler F; Layton N; Long S; Mannan H; Mji G; Odera Ongolo T; Perry K; Pettersson C; Power J; Delgado Ramos V; Slepičková L; Smith EM; Tay-Teo K; Geiser P; Hooks H, 2018, 'Assistive technology policy: a position paper from the first global research, innovation, and education on assistive technology (GREAT) summit', Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13, pp. 454 - 466,

Chow JSF; Gonzalez-Arce V; Knight A; Kohler F, 2018, 'Retrospective analysis of telemonitoring in Wollondilly, Australia', Journal of Integrated Care, 26, pp. 150 - 157,

Radhakrishnan S; Kohler F; Gutenbrunner C; Jayaraman A; Li J; Pieber K; Schiappacasse C, 2017, 'The use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to classify the factors influencing mobility reported by persons with an amputation: An international study', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 41, pp. 412 - 419,

Kohler F; Knight A; Gonzalez-Arce V; Chow J, 2017, 'Retrospective Analysis of Telemonitoring (RATE)', International Journal of Integrated Care, 17, pp. 13 - 13,

Buhagiar MA; Naylor JM; Simpson G; Harris IA; Kohler F, 2017, 'Understanding consumer and clinician preferences and decision making for rehabilitation following arthroplasty in the private sector', BMC Health Services Research, 17, pp. 415,

Buhagiar MA; Naylor JM; Harris IA; Xuan W; Kohler F; Wright R; Fortunato R, 2017, 'Effect of inpatient rehabilitation vs a monitored home-based program on mobility in patients with total knee arthroplasty the HIHO randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 317, pp. 1037 - 1046,

Dillon MP; Fortington LV; Akram M; Erbas B; Kohler F, 2017, 'Geographic variation of the incidence rate of lower limb amputation in Australia from 2007-12', PLoS ONE, 12,

Faux SG; Kohler F; Mozer R; Klein LA; Courtenay S; D'Amours SK; Chapman J; Estell J, 2015, 'The ROARI project - Road Accident Acute Rehabilitation Initiative: A randomised clinical trial of two targeted early interventions for road-related trauma', Clinical Rehabilitation, 29, pp. 639 - 652,

Chow J; Waldon P; Lubiana A; Williams R; Loy G; Lim K; Larkin A; Kohler F, 2015, 'The establishment of the triple I (Hub), an intake, information and intervention hub', Contemporary Nurse, 50, pp. 227 - 237,

Selb M; Kohler F; Robinson Nicol MM; Riberto M; Stucki G; Kennedy C; Üstün B, 2015, 'ICD-11: a comprehensive picture of health, an update on the ICD-ICF joint use initiative.', J Rehabil Med, 47, pp. 2 - 8,

Leong RWL; Huang T; Ko Y; Jeon A; Chang J; Kohler F; Kariyawasam V, 2014, 'Prospective validation study of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health score in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis', Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 8, pp. 1237 - 1245,

Egen C; Gutenbrunner C; Kohler F, 2014, 'Development of a mobility assessment instrument for lower limb amputees based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health', Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin, 24, pp. 155 - 157,

Dillon MP; Kohler F; Peeva V, 2014, 'Incidence of lower limb amputation in Australian hospitals from 2000 to 2010', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 38, pp. 122 - 132,

Leong RWL; Huang T; Ko Y; Jeon A; Chang J; Kariyawasam V; Kohler F, 2014, 'Prospective validation study of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health score in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis', Journal of Crohn's and Colitis,

Buhagiar MA; Naylor JM; Harris IA; Xuan W; Kohler F; Wright RJ; Fortunato R, 2013, 'Hospital Inpatient versus HOme-based rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty (The HIHO study): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 14,

Kohler F; Connolly C; Sakaria A; Stendara K; Buhagiar M; Mojaddidi M, 2013, 'Response to letter to the Editor by Gunnar Grimby and Åsa Lundgren-Nilsson, 'Comments on the article "can the ICF be used as a rehabilitation outcome measure ? A study looking at the inter - And intra -rater reliability of the ICF categories derived from an ADL assessment tool"', Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 45, pp. 931

Kohler F; Connolly C; Sakaria A; Stendara K; Buhagiar M; Mojaddidi M, 2013, 'Response to letter to the Editor by Gunnar Grimby and Åsa Lundgren-Nilsson, 'Comments on the article "can the ICF be used as a rehabilitation outcome measure ? A study looking at the inter - And intra -rater reliability of the ICF categories derived from an ADL assessment tool"', Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 45, pp. 931

Kohler F; Connolly C; Sakaria A; Stendara K; Buhagiar M; Mojaddidi M, 2013, 'Can the ICF be used as a rehabilitation outcome measure? A study looking at the inter- and intra-rater reliability of ICF categories derived from an ADL assessment tool', Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 45, pp. 881 - 887,

Kohler F; Selb M; Escorpizo RS; Kostanjsek N; Stucki G; Riberto M, 2012, 'Towards the joint use of ICD and ICF: A call for contribution', Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 44, pp. 805 - 810,

Kohler F, 2011, 'Editorial', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 35, pp. 259 - 261,

Kohler F, 2011, 'Feasibility of using a checklist based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health as an outcome measure in individuals following lower limb amputation.', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 35, pp. 294 - 301,

Kohler F; Renton RJ; Dickson H; Estell J; Connolly CE, 2011, 'Subacute casemix classification for stroke rehabilitation in Australia. How well does AN-SNAP v2 explain variance in outcomes?', Australian Health Review, 35, pp. 1 - 8,

Xu J; Kohler F; Dickson H, 2011, 'Systematic review of concepts measured in individuals with lower limb amputation using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as a reference', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 35, pp. 262 - 268,

Kohler F; Redmond H; Dickson H; Connolly C; Estell J, 2010, 'Interrater Reliability of Functional Status Scores for Patients Transferred From One Rehabilitation Setting to Another', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91, pp. 1031 - 1037,

Kohler F; Dickson H; Redmond H; Estell J; Connolly C, 2009, 'Agreement of functional independence measure item scores in patients transferred from one rehabilitation setting to another', European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 45, pp. 479 - 485

Kohler F; Cieza A; Stucki G; Geertzen J; Burger H; Dhillon M; Schiappacasse C; Esquenzai A; Kistenberg R; Kostanjsek N, 2009, 'Developing Core Sets for persons following amputation based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as a way to specify functioning', Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 33, pp. 117 - 129,

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