Silica optical fibres and devices;
Polymer optical fibres and devices;
Optical fibre communications;
Nonlinear optics;
Optical fibre testing and sensing.
Prof. Peng Gang-Ding is Professor in Photonics and Optical Communications with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications.
Gang Ding Peng received the B.Sc. degree in physics from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1982, and the M.Sc degree in applied physics and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 1984 and 1987, respectively. From 1987 through 1988 he was a...view more
Prof. Peng Gang-Ding is Professor in Photonics and Optical Communications with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications.
Gang Ding Peng received the B.Sc. degree in physics from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1982, and the M.Sc degree in applied physics and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 1984 and 1987, respectively. From 1987 through 1988 he was a lecturer of the Jiao Tong University. He was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Optical Sciences Centre of the Australian National University, Canberra, from 1988-1991. He has been working with University of NSW in Sydney since 1991. He was a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow from 1992-1996 and is currently a Professor in the same university. He is a fellow and life member of both OSA and SPIE. His research interests include silica and polymer optical fibres, optical fibre and waveguide devices, optical fibre sensors and nonlinear optics.
His research interests include:
1. Special silica optical fibres and devices
- Specialty optical fibres, fibre amplifiers and fibre lasers
- Polarisation maintaining fibres, twin-core fibres, Electro-optic fibres
- Fibre couplers, fibre Bragg gratings & long period fibre gratings
2. Application-specific polymer optical fibres and devices
- Laser dye-doped polymer optical fibres, photosensitive polymer fibres
- Electro-optic polymer optical fibres, liquid-crystal-doped polymer fibres
- Polymer fibre Bragg gratings & long period fibre gratings
3. Optical fibre sensors
- Optical fibre hydrophones, fibre grating strain sensors
- Polymer optical fibre sensors
4. Planar photonic and waveguide devices
- Waveguide gratings, amplifiers
- Biosensors
5. Optical fibre communication systems, WDM systems, office and home networks
6. Photonic signal processing techniques
- Optical interferometers
- DSP techniques, Optical instrumentation
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
Optical Fibres and Devices
Fibre Lasers and Amplifiers
Optical Fibre Sensors
Currently supervising
Bi and Er codoped optical fibres
3D printing silica optical fibres
Optical fibre sensors
My Teaching
Optical Fibres
Optical Communications
Photonic Networks
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