Select Publications
Journal articles
2017, 'iCanADAPT Early protocol: randomised controlled trial (RCT) of clinician supervised transdiagnostic internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy (iCBT) for depression and/or anxiety in early stage cancer survivors -vs- treatment as usual', BMC Cancer, 17, pp. 193,
,2016, 'Pilot trial of the Health Anxiety Program: an internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy program for severe health anxiety', Internet Interventions, 6, pp. 71 - 79,
,2016, 'Does Internet-based guided-self-help for depression cause harm? An individual participant data meta-analysis on deterioration rates and its moderators in randomized controlled trials', Psychological Medicine, 46, pp. 2679 - 2693,
,2016, 'The psychometric properties of the kessler psychological distress scale (K6) in a general population sample of adolescents', Psychological Assessment, 28, pp. 1232 - 1242,
,2016, 'The Worry Behaviors Inventory: Assessing the behavioral avoidance associated with generalized anxiety disorder', Journal of Affective Disorders, 203, pp. 256 - 264,
,2016, 'Pragmatic treatment options for depression and anxiety disorders are needed', World Psychiatry, pp. 241 - 242
,2016, 'Transdiagnostic computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Journal of Affective Disorders, 199, pp. 30 - 41,
,2016, 'The non-medical out-of-pocket costs to attend a free anxiety disorders treatment clinic in Australia', Australasian Psychiatry, 24, pp. 261 - 263,
,2016, 'Cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal behaviors: Improving patient outcomes', Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 9, pp. 21 - 29,
,2016, 'Computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for major depression: A reply to the REEACT trial', Evidence-Based Mental Health, 19, pp. 43 - 45,
,2016, 'Internet cognitive-behavioural treatment for panic disorder: Randomised controlled trial and evidence of effectiveness in primary care', BJPsych Open, 2, pp. 154 - 162,
,2016, 'Therapeutic Alliance With a Fully Automated Mobile Phone and Web-Based Intervention: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Mental Health, 3,
,2015, 'Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for posttraumatic stress disorder versus waitlist control: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 16, pp. 544,
,2015, 'Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in people with diabetes: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 3, pp. e000144,
,2015, 'The prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in diverse geographical and ethnocultural regions: The COSMIC Collaboration', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0142388,
,2015, 'Developing a roadmap for the translation of e-mental health services for depression', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49, pp. 776 - 784,
,2015, 'Neuroticism scores increase with late-life cognitive decline', International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30, pp. 985 - 993,
,2015, 'Positive imagery cognitive bias modification (CBM) and internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT): A randomized controlled trial', Journal of Affective Disorders, 178, pp. 131 - 141,
,2015, 'Online physical activity interventions for mental disorders: A systematic review', Internet Interventions, 2, pp. 214 - 220,
,2015, 'Treatment-as-usual (TAU) is anything but usual: A meta-analysis of CBT versus TAU for anxiety and depression', Journal of Affective Disorders, 175, pp. 152 - 167,
,2015, 'Lifetime and current prevalence of common DSM-IV mental disorders, their demographic correlates, and association with service utilisation and disability in older Australian adults', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49, pp. 145 - 155,
,2015, 'Help-seeking characteristics of Chinese- and English-speaking Australians accessing Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for depression', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50, pp. 89 - 97,
,2015, 'Cognitive behaviour therapy via the internet for depression: A useful strategy to reduce suicidal ideation', Journal of Affective Disorders, 170, pp. 78 - 84,
,2015, 'Frequency and quality of mental health treatment for affective and anxiety disorders among Australian adults', Medical Journal of Australia, 202, pp. 185 - 190,
,2015, 'Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders is here to stay', Current psychiatry reports, 17, pp. 533,
,2014, 'Internet cognitive behavioural treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder: A randomised controlled trial', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63, pp. 99 - 106,
,2014, 'Reductions in the internalising construct following internet-delivered treatment for anxiety and depression in primary care', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63, pp. 132 - 138,
,2014, 'Internet psychotherapy and the future of personalized treatment', Depression and Anxiety, 31, pp. 912 - 915,
,2014, 'Occupational impact of internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety: Reanalysis of data from five Australian randomised controlled trials', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 417 - 419,
,2014, 'The effectiveness of internet cognitive behaviour therapy (iCBT) for social anxiety disorder across two routine practice pathways', Internet Interventions, 1, pp. 225 - 229,
,2014, 'The use of automated assessments in internet-based CBT: The computer will be with you shortly', Internet Interventions, 1, pp. 216 - 224,
,2014, 'Effectiveness of transdiagnostic internet cognitive behavioural treatment for mixed anxiety and depression in primary care', Journal of Affective Disorders, 165, pp. 45 - 52,
,2014, 'Up-scaling clinician assisted internet cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for depression: A model for dissemination into primary care', Clinical Psychology Review,
,2014, 'Internet-based cognitive bias modification for obsessive compulsive disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 15, pp. 193,
,2014, 'The CLIMATE schools combined study: A cluster randomised controlled trial of a universal Internet-based prevention program for youth substance misuse, depression and anxiety', BMC Psychiatry, 14, pp. 32,
,2014, 'Current perspectives on internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for adults with anxiety and related disorders', Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 7, pp. 37 - 46,
,2014, 'Structure of the DSM-5 generalized anxiety disorder criteria among a large community sample of worriers', Journal of Affective Disorders, 157, pp. 18 - 24,
,2014, 'Internet access is NOT restricted globally to high income countries: So why are evidenced based prevention and treatment programs for mental disorders so rare?', Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 10, pp. 71 - 74,
,2014, 'Preventing anxiety and depression in adolescents: A randomised controlled trial of two school based Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy programmes', Internet Interventions, 1, pp. 90 - 94,
,2014, 'Reductions in negative repetitive thinking and metacognitive beliefs during transdiagnostic internet cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for mixed anxiety and depression', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 59, pp. 52 - 60,
,2014, 'Relationship between measurement invariance and age-related differences in the prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder', Journal of Affective Disorders, 152-154, pp. 306 - 312,
,2014, 'Two cases of olfactory reference syndrome responding to an atypical antipsychotic and SSRI', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48, pp. 878 - 879,
,2014, 'Universal Internet-based prevention for alcohol and cannabis use reduces truancy, psychological distress and moral disengagement: A cluster randomised controlled trial', Preventive Medicine, 65, pp. 109 - 115,
,2014, 'We can manage depression better with technology', Australian Family Physician, 43, pp. 838 - 841
,2013, 'Erratum: Investigating the factor structure of the Kessler psychological distress scale in community and clinical samples of the Australian population (Journal of Psychopathology (2012) 34 (253-259) DOI:10.1007/s10862-012-9276-7)', Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 35, pp. 603 - 604,
,2013, 'Internet cognitive behavioural therapy for mixed anxiety and depression: A randomized controlled trial and evidence of effectiveness in primary care', Psychological Medicine, 43, pp. 2635 - 2648,
,2013, 'Positive imagery cognitive bias modification (CBM) and internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) versus control CBM and iCBT for depression: Study protocol for a parallel-group randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 3,
,2013, 'A Naturalistic Study of the Acceptability and Effectiveness of Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders in Older Australians', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e71825,
,2013, 'Demographic, Clinical, and Lifestyle Correlates of Subjective Memory Complaints in the Australian Population', The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22, pp. 1222 - 1232,
,2013, '2012 college address: Fifty years as a psychiatrist', Australasian Psychiatry, 21, pp. 111 - 112,