Select Publications

Journal articles

Lindson-Hawley N; Coleman T; Docherty G; Hajek P; Lewis S; Lycett D; McEwen A; McRobbie H; Munafò MR; Parrott S; Aveyard P, 2014, 'Nicotine patch preloading for smoking cessation (the preloading trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 15,

Waterlander W; Whittaker R; McRobbie H; Dorey E; Ball K; Maddison R; Smith KM; Crawford D; Jiang Y; Gu Y; Michie J; Mhurchu CN, 2014, 'Development of an evidence-based mhealth weight management program using a formative research process', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2,

Glover M; Fraser T; Bullen C; Wallace-Bell M; Mcrobbie H; Hadwen G, 2014, 'Transition to a smoke-free culture within mental health and drug and alcohol services: A survey of key stakeholders', International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 23, pp. 183 - 191,

Goniewicz ML; Hajek P; Mcrobbie H, 2014, 'Nicotine content of electronic cigarettes, its release in vapour and its consistency across batches: Regulatory implications', Addiction, 109, pp. 500 - 507,

Bullen C; Howe C; Laugesen M; McRobbie H; Parag V; Williman J; Walker N, 2014, 'Authors' reply (1)', The Lancet, 383, pp. 408 - 409,

Ni Mhurchu C; Whittaker R; McRobbie H; Ball K; Crawford D; Michie J; Jiang Y; Maddison R; Waterlander W; Myers K, 2014, 'Feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of a mobile health (mHealth) weight management programme for New Zealand adults', BMC Obesity, 1,

Stapleton J; West R; Hajek P; Wheeler J; Vangeli E; Abdi Z; O'Gara C; Mcrobbie H; Humphrey K; Ali R; Strang J; Sutherland G, 2013, 'Randomized trial of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and NRT plus bupropion for smoking cessation: Effectiveness in clinical practice', Addiction, 108, pp. 2193 - 2201,

Hajek P; McRobbie H; Myers K, 2013, 'Efficacy of cytisine in helping smokers quit: systematic review and meta-analysis.', Thorax, 68, pp. 1037 - 1042,

Brown J; Hajek P; McRobbie H; Locker J; Gillison F; McEwen A; Beard E; West R, 2013, 'Cigarette craving and withdrawal symptoms during temporary abstinence and the effect of nicotine gum', Psychopharmacology, 229, pp. 209 - 218,

Hajek P; McRobbie H; Myers K, 2013, 'Review: Cytisine increases smoking abstinence', Annals of Internal Medicine, 159,

Mcrobbie H, 2013, 'Tobacco Dependence Treatment Guidelines: Time For A Change?', Addiction, 108, pp. 1355 - 1356,

Mcrobbie H; West O, 2013, 'Measuring craving for cigarettes: Should we measure more than just craving?', Addiction, 108, pp. 1028 - 1030,

Hajek P; Smith KM; Dhanji AR; McRobbie H, 2013, 'Is a combination of varenicline and nicotine patch more effective in helping smokers quit than varenicline alone? A randomised controlled trial', BMC Medicine, 11,

McRobbie H; Raw M; Chan S, 2013, 'Research priorities for article 14-demand reduction measures concerning tobacco dependence and cessation', Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 15, pp. 805 - 816,

Bullen C; Williman J; Howe C; Laugesen M; McRobbie H; Parag V; Walker N, 2013, 'Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of electronic cigarettes versus nicotine patch for smoking cessation', BMC Public Health, 13,

Bullen C; Howe C; Laugesen M; McRobbie H; Parag V; Williman J; Walker N, 2013, 'Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation: A randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 382, pp. 1629 - 1637,

Katie Myers BP; Hayden McRobbie S, 2013, 'National Survey of Stop Smoking Service Provision in Hospitals in Great Britain: Current Practice, Barriers and Facilitators', Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 04,

Snuggs S; Mcrobbie H; Myers K; Schmocker F; Goddard J; Hajek P, 2012, 'Using text messaging to prevent relapse to smoking: Intervention development, practicability and client reactions', Addiction, 107, pp. 39 - 44,

Walker N; Howe C; Bullen C; Grigg M; Glover M; McRobbie H; Laugesen M; Parag V; Whittaker R, 2012, 'The combined effect of very low nicotine content cigarettes, used as an adjunct to usual Quitline care (nicotine replacement therapy and behavioural support), on smoking cessation: A randomized controlled trial', Addiction, 107, pp. 1857 - 1867,

McEwen A; McRobbie H, 2012, 'Assessing addiction levels and helping heavy smokers to quit', Independent Nurse, 2012,

Hajek P; Myers K; Dhanji AR; West O; McRobbie H, 2012, 'Weight change during and after Ramadan fasting', Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom), 34, pp. 377 - 381,

Halpern MT; McRobbie H, 2012, 'Help staff to kick the habit', Occupational Health, 64, pp. 22 - 24

Whittaker R; McRobbie H; Bullen C; Borland R; Rodgers A; Gu Y, 2012, 'Mobile phone-based interventions for smoking cessation.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online), 11

Tautolo ES; Schluter PJ; Paterson J; McRobbie H, 2011, 'Acculturation status has a modest effect on smoking prevalence among a cohort of Pacific fathers in New Zealand', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 35, pp. 509 - 516,

Walker N; Howe C; Bullen C; McRobbie H; Glover M; Parag V; Williman J; Veale R; Nosa V; Barnes J, 2011, 'Study protocol for a non-inferiority trial of cytisine versus nicotine replacement therapy in people motivated to stop smoking', BMC Public Health, 11,

West O; Hajek P; McRobbie H, 2011, 'Systematic review of the relationship between the 3-hydroxycotinine/ cotinine ratio and cigarette dependence', Psychopharmacology, 218, pp. 313 - 322,

Hajek P; McRobbie H; Myers K; Stapleton J; Dhanji AR, 2011, 'Is varenicline effectiveness declining in randomized trials? - Reply', Archives of Internal Medicine, 171, pp. 1771 - 1772,

Hajek P; McRobbie H; Myers K; Stapleton J; Dhanji A-R, 2011, 'Is Varenicline Effectiveness Declining in Randomized Trials? Reply', ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 171, pp. 1771 - 1772,

Myers K; Hajek P; McRobbie H, 2011, 'What is a reasonable threshold for worries about health risks?', Archives of Internal Medicine, 171, pp. 1401,

Myers K; Hajek P; Hinds C; McRobbie H, 2011, 'Stopping smoking shortly before surgery and postoperative complications: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Archives of Internal Medicine, 171, pp. 983 - 989,

Walker N; Howe C; Bullen C; Grigg M; Glover M; Mcrobbie H; Laugesen M; Jiang J; Chen MH; Whittaker R; Rodgers A, 2011, 'Does improved access and greater choice of nicotine replacement therapy affect smoking cessation success? Findings from a randomized controlled trial', Addiction, 106, pp. 1176 - 1185,

McRobbie H; Myers K, 2011, 'Understanding why people smoke and helping them to stop', British Journal of Wellbeing, 2, pp. 39 - 46,

Hajek P; Mcrobbie HJ; Myers KE; Stapleton J; Dhanji AR, 2011, 'Use of varenicline for 4 weeks before quitting smoking decrease in ad lib smoking and increase in smoking cessation rates', Archives of Internal Medicine, 171, pp. 770 - 777,

Walker NK; Howe C; Bullen C; Grigg M; Glover M; McRobbie H; Laugesen M; Vander Hoorn S; Whittaker R, 2011, 'Study protocol for a randomised trial of nicotine-free cigarettes as an adjunct to usual NRT-based cessation practice, in people who wish to stop smoking', BMC Public Health, 11,

Whittaker R; Dorey E; Bramley D; Bullen C; Denny S; Elley CR; Maddison R; McRobbie H; Parag V; Rodgers A; Salmon P, 2011, 'A theory-based video messaging mobile phone intervention for smoking cessation: Randomized controlled trial', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 13,

Maddison R; Roberts V; Bullen C; McRobbie H; Jiang Y; Prapavessis H; Glover M; Taylor S; Brown P, 2010, 'Design and conduct of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to enhance smoking-cessation outcomes with exercise: The Fit2Quit study', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 3, pp. 92 - 101,

Thornley S; McRobbie H; Jackson G, 2010, 'The New Zealand sugar (fructose) fountain: Time to turn the tide? (New Zealand Medical Journal (2010) 123, 1311, (58-64))', New Zealand Medical Journal, 123, pp. 142

Parnell W; Dodd J; Alexander D; Thornley S; McRobbie H, 2010, 'Sugar consumption in New Zealand-with Thornley and McRobbie response', NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL JOURNAL, 123, pp. 102 - 104,

Thornley S; McRobbie H, 2010, 'Thornley and McRobbie respond', New Zealand Medical Journal, 123, pp. 103 - 104

Barnes J; Dong CY; Mcrobbie H; Walker N; Mehta M; Stead LF, 2010, 'Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017,

Bullen C; Howe C; Lin RB; Grigg M; Laugesen M; McRobbie H; Glover M; Walker N; Wallace-Bell M; Whittaker R; Rodgers A, 2010, 'Pre-cessation nicotine replacement therapy: Pragmatic randomized trial', Addiction, 105, pp. 1474 - 1483,

Hajek P; Taylor T; McRobbie H, 2010, 'The effect of stopping smoking on perceived stress levels', Addiction, 105, pp. 1466 - 1471,

McRobbie H; Thornley S; Bullen C; Lin RB; Senior H; Laugesen M; Whittaker R; Hajek P, 2010, 'A randomized trial of the effects of two novel nicotine replacement therapies on tobacco withdrawal symptoms and user satisfaction', Addiction, 105, pp. 1290 - 1298,

Hajek P; Humphrey K; McRobbie H, 2010, 'Using group support to complement a task-based weight management programme in multi-ethnic localities of high deprivation', Patient Education and Counseling, 80, pp. 135 - 137,

Bullen C; McRobbie H; Thornley S; Glover M; Lin R; Laugesen M, 2010, 'Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e cigarette) on desire to smoke and withdrawal, user preferences and nicotine delivery: Randomised cross-over trial', Tobacco Control, 19, pp. 98 - 103,

Thornley S; McRobbie H; Jackson G, 2010, 'The New Zealand sugar (fructose) fountain: Time to turn the tide?', New Zealand Medical Journal, 123, pp. 58 - 64

Thornley S; Jackson G; McRobbie H; Sinclair S; Smith J, 2010, 'Few smokers in South Auckland access subsidised nicotine replacement therapy', New Zealand Medical Journal, 123, pp. 16 - 27

West R; May S; McEwen A; McRobbie H; Hajek P; Vangeli E, 2010, 'A randomised trial of glucose tablets to aid smoking cessation', Psychopharmacology, 207, pp. 631 - 635,

Fraser T; McRobbie H; Bullen C; Whittaker R; Barlow D, 2010, 'Acceptability and outcome of an internet-based smoking cessation programme', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 14, pp. 113 - 118

West O; McRobbie H; Hajek P, 2010, 'How addictive can cigarettes be? two case reports', Journal of Smoking Cessation, 5, pp. 102 - 105,

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