My Expertise
Lifecycle finance; behavioural retirement finance; superannuation; pension economics; public finance.
Hazel Bateman is a Professor in the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney and a Chief Investigator and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR). She has expertise in pension economics, behavioural retirement insurance and lifecycle finance. Her current research investigates the role of choice and information architecture, financial advice and financial literacy on lifecycle financial...view more
Hazel Bateman is a Professor in the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney and a Chief Investigator and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR). She has expertise in pension economics, behavioural retirement insurance and lifecycle finance. Her current research investigates the role of choice and information architecture, financial advice and financial literacy on lifecycle financial decisions including superannuation and housing. She also works on design of and demand for retirement products including annuities, aged care insurance and reverse mortgages, as well as the taxation and regulation of pensions. Hazel works closely with the financial services industry, superannuation and pension funds and policy makers in Australia and internationally and has consulted to international organisations including the World Bank and the OECD. She is Chair of the Netspar Scientific Council, a member of the Consultative Committee of UniSuper, an academic member of the China Ageing Finance Forum and serves on the Advisory Boards of the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension index and the Conexus Institute. In 2019 she was appointed inaugural President of the International Pensions Research Association (IPRA).
Research Interests:
- Pension economics and finance
- Lifecycle financial decision making
- Retirement products
- Taxation and regulation of superannuation
My Grants
ARC Grants
2020-2023: ARC Linkage Grant, Better communication to solve the under-saving, under-spending puzzle, (Joint Chief Investigator with S Thorp, B Newell and I Dobrescu), $392,445 over 3 years (matched with cash and in-kind support from Cbus)
2017-2023: ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR), (Joint Chief Investigator with J Piggott, K Anstey, M Baird, P Clarke, R Cumming, M Keane, P McDonald, W McKibbin, S Parker, M Sherris, A Woodland): $27.25 mill over 7 years.
2016-2018: ARC Discovery Grant, Is it just a matter of time? Why some people plan and others do not, (Joint Chief Investigator with J Earl): $209,500 over 3 years.
2015-2018: ARC Linkage Grant (with UniSuper), Super Financial Security: Improving Flexibility, Trust and Communication, (Joint Chief Investigator with A Ortmann, S Thorp, B Newell, I Dobrescu, J Davis): $355,385 over 3 years (matching cash and in-kind support from UniSuper).
2014-2017: ARC Linkage Grant (with Netspar, AMP, APG and Booz and company), Mandatory pre-funded retirement income schemes: best policy and practice, (Joint Chief Investigator with M Sherris, J Piggott, R Stevens, T Njyman, L Bovenberg, J Deane, J Twaddle and E Ponds): $493,000 over 3 years (matched by cash and in-kind support from industry partners).
2012-2014: ARC Discovery Grant, Endgame: managing superannuation in later life, (Joint Chief Investigator with G Kingston, L Fisher, S Thorp and G Milunovich): $170,000 over 3 years.
2011-2012: ARC Linkage Grant (with the Institute for Public Policy, Zhejiang Province) Developing sustainable retirement policy in a Chinese province: the case of Zhejiang (Joint Chief Investigator with J Piggott, M Sherris and Xian-guo Yao): $137,320 over 2 years (from ARC), matching $137,320 in cash and in-kind from Zhejiang Province.
2011-2013: ARC Linkage Grant (with UniSuper), Reconnecting and Engaging Superannuation Fund Members, (Joint Chief Investigator with A Ortmann, S Thorp, B Newell, I Dobrescu, N Wilcox, G Harrison): $247,711 over 3 years (from ARC), matching $247,711 in cash and in-kind from UniSuper.
2010-2014: ARC Discovery Grant, The paradox of choice: Unravelling complex superannuation decisions, (Lead Chief Investigator with J Louviere, S Thorp, C Ebling, T Islam, S Satchell, J Geweke): $960,000 over 5 years.
2008-2010: ARC Discovery Grant, Security in Retirement: Forecasting and Managing Macroeconomic and Investment Risks (Joint Chief Investigator with, S Thorp G Kingston, L Fisher, K Clements): $328,226 over 3 years.
2006-2008: ARC Discovery Grant, The Theory and Measurement of Stock Market Indexes, (Joint Chief Investigator with R Hill): $210,000 over 3 years.
2005-2007: ARC Discovery Grant, Risk Management for Bonds, Currencies and Commodities (Joint Chief Investigator with G Kingston, L Fisher, M Sherris, K Clements and S Thorp): $240,000 over 3 years.
2002-2004: ARC Discovery Grant, Investing over the Lifecycle, (Joint Chief Investigator with G Kingston, L Fisher, M Sherris and B Schworm): $120,000 over 3 years.
2002-2004: ARC Discovery Grant, The Demand and Supply of Retirement, (Joint Chief Investigator with J Piggott and H Morita): $217,000 over 3 years.
Other grants
2020-2021: First State Super Research Agreement, Understanding members’ behavioural responses to market volatility, (Joint Chief Investigator with I. Eberhardt, S Wu and J Ellis), No cash support. Provision of First State Super member data.
2017: Netspar Comparative International Research Project, Regulation of information provision for pension choices: Australia and the Netherlands compared, (Joint Chief Investigator with F Teppa), 20,000 Euro.
2017-2020: Netspar Theme Grant, Choice architecture in pensions and retirement, (Joint Chief Investigator with M Lever, E Ponds, R Stevens, R Dillingh, H ter Rele, J Bolhaar), 250,000 Euro.
2017-2021: Cbus Research Agreement, The impact of Cbus’ Retirement Income Estimate (RIE) campaigns on member financial wellbeing, (Joint Chief Investigator with S Thorp, B Newell, I Dobrescu, D Constable), No cash support. Provision of Cbus member data from RIE campaigns.
2017-2018: Colonial First State/CBA Research Agreement, The interplay between superannuation and mortgages, (Joint Chief Investigator with S Thorp, C Eckert and J Brownlow), No cash support. Provision of CFS/CBA customer data.
2014: Financial Literacy Grant (funded by the Financial Literacy Foundation), Developing new financial literacy survey questions to better link financial knowledge to outcomes, (Joint Chief Investigator with C Eckert, J Louviere and S Thorp), $120,000.
2013-2014: Centre for International Finance and Regulation, Identifying, monitoring and managing systemic risks in Australia’s superannuation system, (Joint Chief Investigator with S Donald, R Buckley, K Liu and B Arnold): $200,800.
2013: Centre for International Finance and Regulation, Monitoring and performance attributes of superannuation funds in Australia, (Joint Chief Investigator with A Ferguson, A Raftery and B Arnold): $93,325.
2013: Rotman ICPM (International Centre for Pension Management), Comparative performance of Australian superannuation funds, (Provision of CEM pensions dataset).
2012: Institute of Chartered Accountants, Cost, investment performance, asset allocation and audit attributes of self-managed superannuation funds in Australia, (Joint Chief Investigator with A Ferguson and A Raftery): $10,000.
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
Behavioural retirement finance
Pension economics
Retirement insurance
My Engagement
- President, International Pension Research Network (IPRA) (since 2019)
- Member, Consumer Focused Retirement Incomes Roundtable (convened by the Council of the Ageing - COTA) (since 2018)
- Member (International Academic Expert), China Ageing Finance Forum (since 2017)
- Member, Committee for Sustainable Retirement Incomes (CSRI) (2016-18)
- Member, Scientific Council, Dutch Network for Research in Pensions, Ageing and Retirement - Netspar (since 2016)
- Australian Government (Minister for Superannuation) ‘Superannuation Roundtable’ (2012-13)
- Member, UniSuper Consultative Committee (since 2011)
- Member, Expert Reference Group, Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index (since 2010)
- Editorial Board, The Economic Record (since 2018)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (since 2017)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (since 2010)
- Joint Editor, Economic and Labour Relations Review (2005-2014)
- Member and Mentor, Economic Society of Australia Women in Economics Network (WEN) (since 2018)
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