Select Publications

Journal articles

Davidson M; Turner IL; Guza R, 2011, 'The effect of temporal wave averaging on the performance of an empirical shoreline evolution model', Coastal Engineering, 58, pp. 802 - 805,

Pape L; Ruessink BG; Wiering MA; Turner IL, 2010, 'Neural network modeling', Nederlandse Geografische Studies, pp. 67 - 87

Davidson MA; Lewis RP; Turner IL, 2010, 'Forecasting seasonal to multi-year shoreline change.', Coastal Engineering, 57, pp. 620 - 629,

Blenkinsopp CE; Mole MA; Turner IL; Peirson WL, 2010, 'Measurements of the time-varying free-surface profile across the swash zone obtained using an industrial LIDAR', Coastal Engineering, 57, pp. 1059 - 1065,

Morris BD; Turner IL, 2010, 'Morphodynamics of intermittently open-closed coastal lagoon entrances: new insights and a conceptual model.', Marine Geology, 271, pp. 55 - 66,

Masselink G; Blenkinsopp CE; Turner IL; Russell PE, 2010, 'Swash zone sediment transport, step dynamics and morphological response on a gravel beach', Marine Geology, 274, pp. 50 - 68,

Blenkinsopp CE; Turner IL; Masselink G; Russell PE, 2010, 'Validation of volume continuity method for estimation of cross-shore swash flow velocity', Coastal Engineering, 57, pp. 953 - 958,

Davidson M; Turner IL, 2009, 'A behavioral template beach profile model for predicting seasonal to interannual shoreline evolution', Journal of Geophysical Research, 114,

Russell PE; Masselink G; Blenkinsopp CE; Turner IL, 2009, 'A comparison of berm accretion in the swash zone of sand and gravel beaches at the timescale of individual waves', Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 1791 - 1795

Davidson M; Morris BD; Turner IL, 2009, 'A simple numerical model for inlet sedimentation at intermittently open-closed coastal lagoons', Continental Shelf Research, 29, pp. 1975 - 1982,

Williams JL; Masselink G; Buscombe D; Turner IL; Matias A; Ferreira O; Bradbury A; Metje N; Coates L; Chapman DR; Thompson C; Albers T; Pan SW, 2009, 'BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Eperiment) - taking the beach in to the laboratory', Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 158 - 162

Castelle B; Turner IL; Bertin X; Tomlinson R, 2009, 'Beach nourishments at Coolangatta Bay over the period 1987-2005: Impacts and lessons', Coastal Engineering, 56, pp. 940 - 950

Ruessink BG; Pape L; Turner IL, 2009, 'Daily to interannual cross-shore sandbar migration: Observations from a multiple sandbar system', Continental Shelf Research, 29, pp. 1663 - 1677

Harley MD; Turner IL; Short A; Ranasisnghe R, 2009, 'Interannual variability and controls of the Sydney wave climate', International Journal of Climatology,

Masselink G; Turner IL; Williams J, 2009, 'Large-scale laboratory investigation into the effect of the beach groundwater table on gravel beach morphology', Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 93 - 97

Turner IL; Russell P; Butt T; Blenkinsopp CE; Masselink G, 2009, 'Measurement of wave-by-wave bed-levels in the swash zone; reply', Coastal Engineering, 56, pp. 1009 - 1012,

Masselink G; Russell PE; Turner IL; Blenkinsopp CE, 2009, 'Net Sediment Transport and Morphological Change in the Swash Zone of a High-Energy Sandy Beach over Tidal Cycle and Swash Event Time Scales', Marine Geology, 267, pp. 18 - 35,

Harley MD; Turner IL, 2008, 'A simple data transformation technique for pre-processing survey data at embayed beaches', Coastal Engineering, 55, pp. 63 - 68

Turner IL; Russell PE; Butt T, 2008, 'Measurement of wave-by-wave bed-levels in the swash zone', Coastal Engineering, 55, pp. 1237 - 1242

Acworth RI; Hughes C; Turner IL, 2007, 'A radioisotope tracer investigation to determine the direction of groundwater movement adjacent to a tidal creek during spring and neap tides', Hydrogeology Journal, 15, pp. 281 - 296

Turdukulov UD; Blok CA; Ruessink BG; Turner IL, 2007, 'Connecting users with their data: an environment to explore the morphodynamics of rip channels', Cartographica, 42, pp. 139 - 151

Ruessink BG; Coco G; Ranasinghe R; Turner IL, 2007, 'Coupled and noncoupled behavior of three-dimensional morphological patterns in a double sandbar system', Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, pp. 1 - 11

Castelle B; Turner IL; Reussink BG; Tomlinson R, 2007, 'Impacts of storms on beach erosion: Broadbeach (Gold Coast, Australia)', Journal of Coastal Research, 50, pp. 534 - 539

Turner IL; Ruessink BG; Ranasinghe R, 2007, 'Observations of rip spacing, persistence and mobility at a long, straight coastline', Marine Geology, 236, pp. 209 - 221,

Pape L; Ruessink BG; Wiering MA; Turner IL, 2007, 'Recurrent neural network modeling of nearshore sandbar behavior', Neural Networks, 20, pp. 509 - 518

Morris BD; Coco G; Turner IL, 2007, 'Sediment transport processes in the swash zone of sandy beaches', Journal of Coastal Research, 50, pp. 636 - 640

Plant N; Aarninkhof SG; Turner IL; Kingston K, 2007, 'The performance of shoreline detection models applied to video imagery', Journal of Coastal Research, 23, pp. 658 - 670

Morris BD; Coco G; Bryan KR; Turner IL, 2007, 'Video-derived mapping of estuarine evolution', Journal of Coastal Research, 50, pp. 410 - 414

Turner IL; Anderson DJ, 2007, 'Web-based and `real-time` beach management system', Coastal Engineering, 54, pp. 555 - 565,

Turner IL; Aarninkhof SG; Holman RA, 2006, 'Coastal imaging applications and research in Australia', Journal of Coastal Research, 22, pp. 37 - 48

Turner IL, 2006, 'Discriminating modes of shoreline response to offshore-detached structures', Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering - ASCE, 132, pp. 180 - 191

Ranasinghe R; Turner IL; Symonds G, 2006, 'Shoreline response to multi-functional artificial surfing reefs: A numerical and physical modelling study', Coastal Engineering, 53, pp. 589 - 611

Ranasinghe R; Turner IL, 2006, 'Shoreline response to submerged structures: A review', Coastal Engineering, 53, pp. 65 - 79

Ranasinghe R; Turner IL, 2006, 'Shoreline response to submerged structures: A review', Coastal Engineering, 53, pp. 65 - 79

Howard EH; Turner IL, 2005, 'Shoreline definition and detection: A review', Journal of Coastal Research, 21, pp. 688 - 703

Turner IL; Aarninkhof SG; Dronkers TD; Mcgrath J, 2004, 'CZM applications of argus coastal imaging at the Gold Coast, Australia', Journal of Coastal Research, 20, pp. 739 - 752

Turner IL; Acworth RI, 2004, 'Field Measurements of Beachface Salinity Structure using Cross-Borehole Resistivity Imaging', Journal of Coastal Research, 20, pp. 753 - 760

van Enckevort I; Ruessink B; Coco G; Suzuki K; Turner IL; Plant N; Holman RA, 2004, 'Observations of nearshore crescentic sandbars', Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, pp. 1 - 17

Turner IL, 2003, 'A video-based technique for mapping intertidal beach bathymetry', Coastal Engineering, 49, pp. 275 - 289

Turner IL; Leyden V; Cox RJ; Mcgrath J; Jackson LA, 2001, 'Physical model study of the Gold Coast Reef', Journal of Coastal Research, Special 29, pp. 131 - 146

Butt T; Russell P; Turner IL, 2001, 'The influence of swash infiltration - exfiltration on beachface sediment transport', Coastal Engineering, pp. 35 - 52

Butt T; Russell PJ; Turner IL, 2001, 'The Influence of Swash Infiltration-exfiltration on Beach Face Sediment Transport: Onshore or Offshore:', Coastal Engineering 42, pp. 35 - 52

Turner IL, 1998, 'Monitoring groundwater dynamics in the littoral zone at seasonal, storm, tide and swash frequencies', Coastal Engineering, pp. 1 - 16

Turner IL; Masselink G, 1998, 'Swash infiltration-exfiltration and sediment transport', Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, pp. 30813 - 30824

Turner IL; Leatherman SP, 1997, 'Beach dewatering as a 'soft' engineering solution to coastal erosion - A history and critical review', Journal of Coastal Research, 13, pp. 1050 - 1063

Turner IL; Nielsen P, 1997, 'Rapid water table fluctuations within the beach face: Implications for swash zone sediment mobility?', Coastal Engineering, 32, pp. 45 - 59,

Turner IL; Coates BP; Acworth RI, 1997, 'Tides, waves and the super-elevation of groundwater at the coast', Journal of Coastal Research, pp. 45 - 60

Turner IL, 1996, 'An improved plasma RF system for ICP-MS', American Laboratory, 28, pp. 14 - 15

Turner IL; Coates BP; Acworth RI, 1996, 'The effects of tides and waves on water table elevations in coastal zones', Hydrogeology Journal, pp. 51 - 69

Turner IL, 1995, 'Modelling the time‐varying extent of groundwater seepage on tidal beaches', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 20, pp. 833 - 843,

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