Select Publications

Journal articles

Yan Y; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Bao J, 2017, 'Effects of battery design, environmental temperature and electrolyte flowrate on thermal behaviour of a vanadium redox flow battery in different applications', Journal of Energy Storage, 11, pp. 104 - 118,

Li Y; Zhang X; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2017, 'Studies on optimal charging conditions for vanadium redox flow batteries', Journal of Energy Storage, 11, pp. 191 - 199,

Tan CK; Bao J; Bickert G, 2017, 'A study on model predictive control in paste thickeners with rake torque constraint', Minerals Engineering, 105, pp. 52 - 62,

Ratnayake P; Bao J, 2017, 'Actuation of spatially-varying boundary conditions for reduction of concentration polarisation in reverse osmosis channels', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 98, pp. 31 - 49,

Ratnayake P; Bao J, 2017, 'Frequency domain constrained optimization of boundary control action for maximization of mixing in channel flow', Chemical Engineering Science, 158, pp. 1 - 20,

Zhang X; Bao J; Wang R; Zheng C; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Zheng C, 2017, 'Dissipativity based distributed economic model predictive control for residential microgrids with renewable energy generation and battery energy storage', Renewable Energy, 100, pp. 18 - 34,

Wang R; Manchester IR; Bao J, 2017, 'Distributed economic MPC with separable control contraction metrics', IEEE Control Systems Letters, 1, pp. 104 - 109,

Dong S; Liu T; Wang W; Bao J; Cao Y, 2017, 'Identification of discrete-time output error model for industrial processes with time delay subject to load disturbance', Journal of Process Control, 50, pp. 40 - 55,

Zhang X; Li Y; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Bao J, 2016, 'Optimal sizing of vanadium redox flow battery systems for residential applications based on battery electrochemical characteristics', Energies, 9, pp. 857,

Yan Y; Li Y; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Bao J, 2016, 'Modelling and simulation of thermal behaviour of vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 322, pp. 116 - 128,

Skyllas-Kazacos M; McCann J; Li Y; Bao J; Tang A, 2016, 'The Mechanism and Modelling of Shunt Current in the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery', ChemistrySelect, 1, pp. 2249 - 2256,

Li Y; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Bao J, 2016, 'A dynamic plug flow reactor model for a vanadium redox flow battery cell', Journal of Power Sources, 311, pp. 57 - 67,

Tan CK; Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2016, 'Model predictive control with non-uniformly spaced optimization horizon for multi-timescale processes', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 84, pp. 162 - 170,

Ratnayake P; Setiawan R; Bao J; Fimbres-Weihs G; Wiley DE, 2016, 'Spatio-temporal frequency response analysis of forced slip velocity effect on solute concentration oscillations in a reverse osmosis membrane channel', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 84, pp. 151 - 161,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2015, 'Reconfigurable distributed model predictive control', Chemical Engineering Science, 136, pp. 2 - 19,

Zheng C; Tippett MJ; Bao J; Liu J, 2015, 'Dissipativity-based distributed model predictive control with low rate communication', AIChE Journal, 61, pp. 3288 - 3303,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2015, 'Distributed control of chemical process networks', International Journal of Automation and Computing, 12, pp. 368 - 381,

Cheung CY; Menictas C; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Welch BJ, 2015, 'Spatial thermal condition in aluminum reduction cells under influences of electrolyte flow', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 100, pp. 1 - 14,

Wang R; Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2015, 'Fast wavelet-based model predictive control of differentially flat systems', Processes, 3, pp. 161 - 177,

Tan CK; Setiawan R; Bao J; Bickert G, 2015, 'Studies on parameter estimation and model predictive control of paste thickeners', Journal of Process Control, 28, pp. 1 - 8,

Ratnayake P; Setiawan R; Bao J, 2015, 'Analysis of flow control by boundary-layer manipulation using 2D frequency response', Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10, pp. 512 - 525,

Setiawan R; Ratnayake P; Bao J; Fimbres Weihs GA; Wiley DE, 2015, 'Reduced-order model for the analysis of mass transfer enhancement in membrane channel using electro-osmosis', Chemical Engineering Science, 122, pp. 86 - 96,

Cai X; Tippett MJ; Xie L; Bao J, 2014, 'Fast distributed MPC based on active set method', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 71, pp. 158 - 170,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2014, 'Multi-rate dissipativity based control of process networks', Journal of Process Control, 24, pp. 1579 - 1595,

Hioe D; Hudon N; Bao J, 2014, 'Decentralized nonlinear control of process networks based on dissipativity - A Hamilton-Jacobi equation approach', Journal of Process Control, 24, pp. 172 - 187,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2014, 'Distributed dissipative model predictive control for process networks with imperfect communication', AIChE Journal, 60, pp. 1682 - 1699,

Tang A; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2014, 'Studies on pressure losses and flow rate optimization in vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 248, pp. 154 - 162,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2014, 'Control of plant-wide systems using dynamic supply rates', Automatica, 50, pp. 44 - 52,

Tjakra JD; Bao J; Hudon N; Yang R, 2013, 'Collective dynamics modeling of polydisperse particulate systems via Markov chains', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91, pp. 1646 - 1659,

Ouyang H; Bao J; Fimbres Weihs GA; Wiley DE, 2013, 'Control study on mixing enhancement in boundary layers of membrane systems', Journal of Process Control, 23, pp. 1197 - 1204,

Hioe D; Bao J; Hudon N, 2013, 'Interaction analysis and geometric interconnection decoupling for networks of process systems', AIChE Journal, 59, pp. 2795 - 2809,

Cheung CY; Menictas C; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Welch BJ, 2013, 'Characterization of individual anode current signals in aluminum reduction cells', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, pp. 9632 - 9644,

Tjakra JD; Bao J; Hudon N; Yang R, 2013, 'Analysis of collective dynamics of particulate systems modeled by Markov chains', Powder Technology, 235, pp. 228 - 237,

Hioe D; Bao J; Ydstie BE, 2013, 'Dissipativity analysis for networks of process systems', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 50, pp. 207 - 219,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2013, 'Dissipativity based distributed control synthesis', Journal of Process Control, 23, pp. 755 - 766,

Tippett MJ; Bao J, 2013, 'Distributed model predictive control based on dissipativity', AIChE Journal, 59, pp. 787 - 804,

Tang A; Mccann J; Bao J; Skyllas Kazacos M, 2013, 'Investigation of the effect of shunt current on battery efficiency and stack temperature in vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 242, pp. 349 - 356,

Tjakra JD; Bao J; Hudon N; Yang R, 2013, 'Modeling collective dynamics of particulate systems under time-varying operating conditions based on Markov chains', Advanced Powder Technology, 24, pp. 451 - 458,

Cheung CY; Menictas C; Bao J; Welch BJ, 2013, 'Spatial temperature profiles in an aluminum reduction cell under different anode current distributions', AIChE Journal, 59, pp. 1544 - 1556,

Bao J; Xu S, 2012, 'Plantwide Control via a Network of Autonomous Controllers', , pp. 385 - 416,

Mcelroy LP; Bao J; Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2012, 'A soft-sensor approach to impact intensity prediction in stirred mills guided by DEM models', Powder Technology, 219, pp. 151 - 157,

Hudon N; Bao J, 2012, 'Dissipativity-based decentralized control of interconnected nonlinear chemical processes', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 45, pp. 84 - 101,

Xu S; Bao J, 2012, 'Distributed control of plant-wide chemical processes with uncertain time-delays', Chemical Engineering Science, 84, pp. 512 - 532,

Yee K; Bao J; Wiley DE, 2012, 'Dynamic operability analysis of an industrial membrane separation process', Chemical Engineering Science, 71, pp. 85 - 96,

Santoso H; Hioe D; Bao J; Lee PL, 2012, 'Operability analysis of nonlinear processes based on incremental dissipativity', Journal of Process Control, 22, pp. 156 - 166,

Setiawan R; Bao J, 2012, 'Plantwide operability assessment for nonlinear processes using a microscopic level network analysis', Chemical Engineering Research and Design : Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part A, 90, pp. 119 - 128,

Guo C; Zhang W; Bao J, 2012, 'Robust output feedback H - control for networked control systems based on the occurrence probabilities of time delays', International Journal of Systems Science, 43, pp. 259 - 271,

Tang A; Ting SR; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2012, 'Thermal modelling and simulation of the all-vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 203, pp. 165 - 176,

Tang A; Bao J; Skyllas-Kazacos M, 2012, 'Thermal modelling of battery configuration and self-discharge reactions in vanadium redox flow battery', Journal of Power Sources, 216, pp. 489 - 501,

Setiawan R; Bao J, 2011, 'Analysis of interaction effects on plantwide operability', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, pp. 8585 - 8602,

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