Select Publications

Journal articles

Brien JAE, 2010, 'Leadership and succession planning', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 40, pp. 12 - 14,

Brien JAE, 2010, 'Patient safety beyond the hospital', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 40, pp. 179,

Brien JAE, 2010, 'The journal of pharmacy practice and research what do we want to be?', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 40, pp. 264,

Lehnbom EC; Brien JE, 2010, 'Challenges in chronic illness management: A qualitative study of Australian pharmacists perspectives', Pharmacy World and Science, 32, pp. 631 - 636

Sinha Y; Craig J; Barclay P; Taitz JM; South M; Coulthard K; Pearson C; Erickson S; O''brien J, 2010, 'Drug approval processes in Australian Paediatric Hospitals', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 95, pp. 739 - 744

Chaar BB; Brien J; Krass I, 2009, 'Erratum: Professional ethics in pharmacy practice: Developing a psychometric measure of moral reasoning(Pharm World Science (2009) 31 (439-449) DOI 10.1007/s11096-009-9292-1)', Pharmacy World and Science, 31, pp. 603,

Sweidan M; Reeve JF; Brien JAE; Jayasuriya P; Martin JH; Vernon GM, 2009, 'Quality of drug interaction alerts in prescribing and dispensing software', Medical Journal of Australia, 190, pp. 251 - 254,

Brien JAE; Reeve J; Sweidan M; Jayasuriya P; Martin J, 2009, 'Drug interaction alerts in dispensing and prescribing software', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39, pp. 81 - 82

Brien JAE, 2009, 'Healthcare reform 2009', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39, pp. 175,

Brien JAE, 2009, 'Is it advertising or evidence?', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39, pp. 10 - 11,

Brien JAE, 2009, 'Lifelong learning', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39, pp. 94,

Gallego G; Taylor S; Brien JE, 2009, 'Funding and access to high cost medicines in public hospitals in Australia: Decision-makers perspectives', Health Policy, 92, pp. 27 - 34

Truong J; P S; Hassali MA; PR S; Graudins L; Kivi NJ; Tattam B; Siderov J; Brien JE; Reeve J; Sweidan M; Jayasuriya P; Martin J; Guirguis K, 2009, 'Letters to the Editor', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39, pp. 78 - 82,

Sweidan M; Reeve J; Brien JE; Jayasuriya P; Martin J; Vernon G, 2009, 'Quality of drug interaction alerts in prescribing and dispensing software REPLY', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 358 - 359

Ellitt GR; Brien JE; Aslani P, 2009, 'Quality patient care and pharmacists` role in its continuity - A systematic review', Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 43, pp. 677 - 691

Sinha YK; Brien JE; Craig JC, 2009, 'The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and implications for paediatric prescribing', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (Vol. 48, Suppl. 2, 2012, 1–13), 45, pp. 351 - 357

O'Brien RA; Aslani P; Ciccia MA; Brien JAE, 2008, 'Medication adherence among heart and/or lung transplant recipients: An exploratory study', Patient Preference and Adherence, 2, pp. 115 - 120

Hargraves TL; Bennett AA; Brien JAE, 2008, 'Developing an outpatient heart failure pharmacy service', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 103 - 106,

Brien JAE, 2008, 'Keeping up with the evidence, trials and journals', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 91,

Brien JAE, 2008, 'Pharmacogenetics and the future of clinical pharmacy practice', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 7,

Page MA; Bajorek BV; Brien JAE, 2008, 'Prescribing in teaching hospitals: A qualitative study of social and cultural dynamics', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 286 - 291,

Brien JAE, 2008, 'What is ethical research?', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 178,

Bennett AS; Jones G; Macdonald P; Brien J-A, 2008, 'A novel, easy-to-measure prognostic marker for heart failure (HF) rehospitalisation: Cardiac medication number at discharge', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 17, pp. S6 - S7,

Taylor G; Brien JE; Taylor G, 2008, 'Australian Clinical Pharmacy Award 2008', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 305 - 308,

Brien JE, 2008, 'GlaxoSmithKline Medal of Merit 2008', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 38, pp. 305 - 305,

Brien JAE, 2007, 'Access and quality use of medicines', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 37, pp. 10,

Brien JAE, 2007, 'Integration - Putting it all together', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 37, pp. 257,

Brien JAE, 2007, 'Plus ça change', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 37, pp. 93,

Bennett A; Jones G; Macdonald P; Brien J-A, 2007, 'Cardiac Medication Number Predicts Heart Failure (HF) Readmission', Journal of Cardiac Failure, 13, pp. S179 - S180,

Brien JE, 2007, 'Clinical Training—‘The Inconvenient Truths’', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 37, pp. 172 - 173,

Moles R; Brien JE; Benrimoj C, 2007, 'New South Wales private hospitals and pharmacy services', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 37, pp. 119 - 123

Tan E; Day RO; Brien JE, 2007, 'Prioritising drug and therapeutics committee (DTC) decisions: a national survey', Pharmacy World and Science, 29, pp. 90 - 96

Gallego G; Taylor S; Brien JE, 2007, 'Priority setting for high cost medications (HCMs) in public hospitals in Australia: A case', Health Policy, 84, pp. 58 - 66

Gallego G; Taylor S; Brien JE, 2007, 'Provision of pharmaceuticals in Australian hospitals: equity of access?', Pharmacy World and Science, 29, pp. 47 - 50

Gallego G; Taylor S; Mcneill PM; Brien JE, 2007, 'Public views on priority setting for High Cost Medications in public hospitals in Australia', Health Expectations, 10, pp. 224 - 235

Hargraves TL; Bennett AA; Brien JAE, 2006, 'Evaluating outpatient pharmacy services: A literature review of specialist heart failure services', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 14, pp. 3 - 9,

Brien JA, 2006, 'Evidence-based practice', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 36, pp. 94 - 95,

Kay OC; Bajorek BV; Brien JAE, 2006, 'Pharmacist prescribing activities - An electronic survey on the opinions of Australian Pharmacists', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 36, pp. 199 - 203,

Brien JA, 2006, 'Planning the future', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 36, pp. 10,

Tan EL; Day RO; Brien JAE, 2005, 'Perspectives on Drug and Therapeutics Committee policy implementation', Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 1, pp. 526 - 545,

Chaar B; Brien JA; Krass I, 2005, 'Professional ethics in pharmacy: The Australian experience', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 13, pp. 195 - 204,

Bennett A; Krass I; Brien JA, 2005, 'The future burden of cardiovascular disease: What can pharmacists do?', Australian Journal of Pharmacy, 86, pp. 166 - 169

Gallego G; Melocco T; Taylor SJ; Brien JAE, 2005, 'Access to high-cost drugs: Decision makers' perspectives', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 35, pp. 18 - 20,

Maxwell DJ; Easton KL; Brien JAE; Kaye KI, 2005, 'Antibiotic guidelines in NSW hospitals.', Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 29, pp. 416 - 421,

Slader SAA; Welch SA; Finckh A; Brien JAE, 2005, 'Evaluation of a weight-based heparin dosing protocol', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 35, pp. 15 - 17,

Bennett A; Jones G; Macdonald PS; Brien JE, 2005, 'Benefits of follow-up NT-proBNP in ambulatory heart failure patients after hospitalisation', Journal of Cardiac Failure, 11, pp. S123 - S123,

Hamama A; Ray J; Day RO; Brien JE, 2005, 'Simultaneous determination of rofecoxib and celecoxib in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography', Journal of Chromatographic Science, 43, pp. 351 - 354

Hall WD; Ward RL; Liauw WS; Brien JE; Lu CY, 2005, 'Tailoring access to high cost, genetically targeted drugs', Medical Journal of Australia, 182, pp. 607 - 608

Gilbar P; Dooley M; Brien JA, 2004, 'Inadvertent intrathecal administration of vincristine: Are we fulfilling our roles as oncology pharmacists?', Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 10, pp. 187 - 189,

Whitehead P; Armour C; Aslani P; Brien J; Chen T; Loh M; Moles R; Sainsbury E, 2004, 'Research into teaching: Quality assurance in clinical placements', Australian Journal of Pharmacy, 85, pp. 166 - 169

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