Select Publications

Journal articles

Talbot B; Davies S; Burman J; Ritchie A; Snelling P; Lynch S; Park Y; Jones B; Garvey V; Jaure A; Jardine M; Perkovic V; Gallagher M; Brandwood A; Kaur N; Knight J, 2025, 'The Point-of-Care Peritoneal Dialysis System Early Evaluation Study (POC-PDEE): A pilot proof-of-principal study of the Ellen Medical Devices Point-of-Care affordable peritoneal dialysis system', Peritoneal Dialysis International, 45, pp. 52 - 56,

McAlister S; Talbot B; Knight J; Blair S; McGain F; McDonald S; Nelson C; Knight R; Barraclough KA, 2024, 'The Carbon Footprint of Peritoneal Dialysis in Australia', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 35, pp. 1095 - 1103,

Luyckx VA; Alasfar S; Bajpai D; Atwater CE; Knight J; Talbot B; Davies S; Niang A, 2024, 'Providing environmentally sustainable nephrology care: focus in low- and middle-income countries', Kidney International, 105, pp. 259 - 268,

TALBOT B; Davies S; Burman J; Ritchie A; Snelling P; Lynch S; Park Y; Jones B; Garvey V; Jaure A; Jardine M; Perkovic V; Gallagher M; Brandwood A; Knight J, 2023, 'WCN23-0574 THE ELLEN MEDICAL DEVICES AFFORDABLE POINT-OF-CARE PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SYSTEM - A PILOT STUDY', Kidney International Reports, 8, pp. S350 - S350,

Talbot B; Farnbach S; Tong A; Chadban S; Sen S; Garvey V; Gallagher M; Knight J, 2022, 'Patient and Clinician Perspectives on the use of Remote Patient Monitoring in Peritoneal Dialysis', Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 9,

Pett J; Mohamed F; Knight J; Linhart C; Osborne NJ; Taylor R, 2022, 'Two decades of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) research: Existing evidence and persistent gaps from epidemiological studies in Sri Lanka', Nephrology, 27, pp. 238 - 247,

John MD O; Arfin S; Paul S; Bassi A; Knight J; Jha V, 2021, 'POS-527 CONTINUUM OF CARE AMONG PARTICIPANTS OF DIALYSIS OUTCOMES REGISTRY IN INDIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN', Kidney International Reports, 6, pp. S230 - S230,

Zhang H; Rogers K; Sukkar L; Jun M; Kang A; Young T; Campain A; Cass A; Chow CK; Comino E; Foote C; Gallagher M; Knight J; Liu B; Lung T; McNamara M; Peiris D; Pollock C; Sullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Jardine M; Hockham C, 2020, 'Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of diabetes in Australian adults aged ≥45 years: A cohort study using linked routinely-collected data', Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology, 22, pp. 100240,

Zhang GY; Hu M; Watson D; Wang YM; Knight JF; Alexander S, 2020, 'Indirectly Activated Treg Allow Dominant Tolerance to Murine Skin-grafts Across an MHC Class I Mismatch After a Single Donor-specific Transfusion', TRANSPLANTATION, 104, pp. 1385 - 1395,

Sukkar L; Kang A; Hockham C; Young T; Jun M; Foote C; Pecoits-Filho R; Neuen B; Rogers K; Pollock C; Cass A; Sullivan D; Wong G; Knight J; Peiris D; Gallagher M; Jardine M, 2020, 'Incidence and associations of chronic kidney disease in community participants with diabetes: A 5-year prospective analysis of the EXTEND45 study', Diabetes Care, 43, pp. 982 - 990,

Foote C; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Campain A; Kang A; Young T; Cass A; Chow CK; Comino E; Gallagher M; Jan S; Knight J; Liu B; McNamara M; Peiris D; Pollock C; Sullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Rogers K; Jun M; Jardine M; Harris M, 2020, 'Examining outcomes in chronic Disease in the 45 and Up Study (the EXTEND45 Study): Protocol for an Australian Linked Cohort Study', JMIR Research Protocols, 9, pp. e15646,

Foote C; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Campain A; Kang A; Young T; Cass A; Chow CK; Comino E; Gallagher M; Jan S; Knight J; Liu B; McNamara M; Peiris D; Pollock C; Sullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Rogers K; Jun M; Jardine M, 2020, 'Examining outcomes in chronic disease in the 45 and up study (the EXTEnD45 study): Protocol for an Australian linked cohort study', JMIR Research Protocols, 9, pp. e15646,

TALBOT B; Sood A; Smyth B; Leishman G; Garvey V; Kaur N; Knight J, 2020, 'SAT-273 EARLY DETECTION OF PERITONITIS - A NOVEL APPROACH TO PERITONEAL EFFLUENT TURBIDITY', Kidney International Reports, 5, pp. S116 - S117,

BASSI A; John O; Shah D K; Kolli S; Angell B; Jan S; Joshi R; Kotwal S; Gallagher M; Knight J; Jha V, 2020, 'SAT-299 Change in Health-Related Quality of Life over 18 Months among Individuals on Maintenance Haemodialysis in India', Kidney International Reports, 5, pp. S126 - S126,

Bassi A; John MD O; Joshi R; Kotwal S; Angell B; Jan S; Gallagher M; Knight J; Jha V, 2020, 'SUN-180 SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND OUTCOMES AT 18 MONTHS OF A COHORT OF ESKD PATIENTS STARTING HEMODIALYSIS IN INDIA', Kidney International Reports, 5, pp. S273 - S274,

Bassi A; John O; Gallagher M; Kotwal S; Joshi R; Essue B; Jan S; Ramachandran R; Kher V; Knight J; Jha V, 2019, 'Methodological challenges to collecting clinical and economic outcome data: Lessons from the pilot dialysis outcomes India study', Nephrology, 24, pp. 445 - 449,

BASSI A; John O; Joshi R; Kotwal S; Shah K; Angell B; Jan S; Gallagher M; Knight J; Jha V, 2019, 'SAT-039 Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Out of Pocket Expenditure, Quality of Life and Six Months Treatment Outcomes of Haemodialysis Patients in India', Kidney International Reports, 4, pp. S20 - S20,

Agar J; Barraclough K; Sypek M; Knight J, 2019, 'SAT-339 Understanding the Environmental Footprints of Nephrology and Dialysis', Kidney International Reports, 4, pp. S150 - S150,

Barraclough K; Knight J; Sypek M; Agar J, 2019, 'SAT-343 PROGRESS TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE RENAL CARE IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND', Kidney International Reports, 4, pp. S152 - S152,

TALBOT B; Franca Gois P; Healy H; Gallagher A; Sen S; Chadban S; Gallagher M; Knight J; Barraclough K, 2019, 'SUN-058 Variations in Environmentally Sustainable Practice within Australian Dialysis Units: Time for a Nationwide Approach?', Kidney International Reports, 4, pp. S178 - S178,

Shaikh M; Woodward M; John O; Bassi A; Jan S; Sahay M; Taduri G; Gallagher M; Knight J; Jha V, 2018, 'Utilization, costs, and outcomes for patients receiving publicly funded hemodialysis in India', Kidney International, 94, pp. 440 - 445,

Essue BM; Jha V; John O; Knight J; Jan S, 2018, 'Universal health coverage and chronic kidney disease in India', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 96, pp. 442,

Smyth B; Knight JF; Herrington WG, 2016, 'The rise and rise of randomized clinical evidence in Sub-Saharan Africa', Clinical Kidney Journal, 9, pp. 814 - 816,

Knight J; Perkovic V, 2016, 'The Affordable Dialysis Prize steams ahead', The Lancet, 387, pp. 1040,

Liyanage T; Ninomiya T; Jha V; Neal B; Patrice HM; Okpechi I; Zhao MH; Lv J; Garg AX; Knight J; Rodgers A; Gallagher M; Kotwal S; Cass A; Perkovic V, 2015, 'Worldwide access to treatment for end-stage kidney disease: A systematic review', The Lancet, 385, pp. 1975 - 1982,

Jha V; John O; Joshi R; Kotwal S; Essue B; Jan S; Gallagher M; Knight J, 2015, 'Dialysis outcomes in India: A pilot study', Nephrology, 20, pp. 329 - 334,

Wong MG; Wanner C; Knight J; Perkovic V, 2015, 'Lowering cholesterol in chronic kidney disease: Is it safe and effective?', European Heart Journal, 36, pp. 2988 - 2995,

Palmer SC; Ruospo M; Campbell KL; Larsen VG; Saglimbene V; Natale P; Gargano L; Craig JC; Johnson DW; Tonelli M; Knight J; Bednarek-Skublewska A; Celia E; Castillo DD; Dulawa J; Ecder T; Fabricius E; Frazão JM; Gelfman R; Hoischen SH; Schön S; Stroumza P; Timofte D; Török M; Hegbrant J; Wollheim C; Frantzen L; Strippol GFM, 2015, 'Nutrition and dietary intake and their association with mortality and hospitalisation in adults with chronic kidney disease treated with haemodialysis: Protocol for DIET-HD, a prospective multinational cohort study', BMJ Open, 5,

Knight J; Wong MG; Perkovic V, 2014, 'Optimal targets for blood pressure control in chronic kidney disease: The debate continues', Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 23, pp. 541 - 546,

Knight J; Satchell S; Srivastava N, 2014, 'Steady state distributions for models of locally explosive regimes: Existence and econometric implications', Economic Modelling, 41, pp. 281 - 288,

Wu H; Wang YM; Wang Y; Hu M; Zhang GY; Knight JF; Harris DCH; Alexander SI, 2007, 'Depletion of γδ T cells exacerbates murine adriamycin nephropathy', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 18, pp. 1180 - 1189,

Lee A; Cooper MG; Craig JC; Knight JF; Keneally JP, 2007, 'Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on postoperative renal function in adults with normal renal function', COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS,

Vimalachandra D; Hodson EM; Willis NS; Craig JC; Cowell C; Knight JF, 2006, 'Growth hormone for children with chronic kidney disease', COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS,

Boven K; Stryker S; Knight J; Thomas A; van Regenmortel M; Kemeny DM; Power D; Rossert J; Casadevall NE, 2005, 'The increased incidence of pure red cell aplasia with an Eprex formulation in uncoated rubber stopper syringes', KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL, 67, pp. 2346 - 2353,

Boven K; Knight J; Bader F; Rossert K; Eckardt KU; Casadevall N, 2005, 'Epoetin-associated pure red cell aplasia in patients with chronic kidney disease: solving the mystery', NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 20, pp. III33 - III40,

Hodson EM; Knight JF; Willis NS; Craig JC, 2005, 'Corticosteroid therapy for nephrotic syndrome in children', COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS,

Hu M; Zhang GY; Walters G; Sartor M; Watson D; Knight JF; Alexander SI, 2004, 'Matching T-cell receptors identified in renal biopsies and urine at the time of acute rejection in pediatric renal transplant patients', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION, 4, pp. 1859 - 1868,

Wu H; Knight JF; Alexander SI, 2004, 'Regulatory gamma delta T cells in Heymann nephritis express an invariant Vγ6/Vδ1 with a canonical CDR3 sequence', European Journal of Immunology, 34, pp. 2322 - 2330,

Walters G; Habib AM; Reynolds J; Wu HL; Knight JF; Pusey CD, 2004, 'Glomerular T cells are of restricted clonality and express multiple CDR3 motifs across different V beta T-cell receptor families in experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis', NEPHRON EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY, 98, pp. E71 - E81,

Cumming RG; Mitchell P; Craig JC; Knight JF, 2004, 'Renal impairment and anaemia in a population-based study of older people', Internal Medicine Journal, 34, pp. 20 - 23,

Lee A; Cooper MC; Craig JC; Knight JF; Keneally JP, 2004, 'Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on postoperative renal function in adults with normal renal function.', Cochrane Database Syst Rev, pp. CD002765,

Wu HL; Walters G; Knight JF; Alexander SI, 2003, 'DNA vaccination against specific pathogenic TCRs reduces proteinuria in active Heymann nephritis by inducing specific autoantibodies', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 171, pp. 4824 - 4829,

Sureshkumar P; Bower W; Craig JC; Knight JF, 2003, 'Treatment of daytime urinary incontinence in children: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials', Journal of Urology, 170, pp. 196 - 200,

Hodson EM; Knight JF; Willis NS; Craig JC, 2003, 'Corticosteroid therapy for nephrotic syndrome in children.', Cochrane Database Syst Rev, pp. CD001533,

Buck KS; Foster EM; Watson D; Barratt J; Pawluczyk IZA; Knight JF; Feehally J; Allen AC, 2002, 'Expression of T cell receptor variable region families by bone marrow gamma delta T cells in patients with IgA nephropathy', CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY, 127, pp. 527 - 532,

Walters G; Wu H; Knight JF, 2001, 'Glomerular T cells in heymann nephritis', CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY, 126, pp. 319 - 325,

Ando T; Wu HL; Watson D; Hirano T; Hirakata H; Fujishima M; Knight JF, 2001, 'Infiltration of canonical V gamma 4/V delta 1 gamma delta T cells in an adriamycin-induced progressive renal failure model', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 167, pp. 3740 - 3745,

Wu HL; Clarkson AR; Knight JF, 2001, 'Restricted gamma delta T-cell receptor repertoire in IgA nephropathy renal biopsies', KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL, 60, pp. 1324 - 1331,

Elliott EJ; Robins-Browne RM; O'Loughlin EV; Bennett-Wood V; Bourke J; Henning P; Hogg GG; Knight J; Powell H; Redmond D, 2001, 'Nationwide study of haemolytic uraemic syndrome: Clinical, microbiological, and epidemiological features', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 85, pp. 125 - 131,

Wu HL; Zhang GY; Knight JF, 2001, 'T cell receptor BV gene usage in interstitial cellular infilitrates in active Heymann nephritis', NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 16, pp. 1374 - 1381,

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