Select Publications

Journal articles

Legge S; Woinarski J; Burbidge A; Palmer R; Ringma J; Radford J; Mitchell N; Bode M; Wintle B; Baseler M; Bentley J; Copley P; Dexter N; Dickman C; Gillespie G; Hill B; Johnson C; Latch P; Letnic M; Manning A; McCreless E; Menkhorst P; Morris K; Moseby K; Page M; Pannell D; Tuft K, 2018, 'Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contributions of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced predators', Wildlife Research, 45, pp. 627 - 644,

Moseby K; Blumstein D; Letnic M; West R, 2018, 'Choice or opportunity: are post-release social groupings influenced by familiarity or reintroduction protocols?', Oryx

Saxon-Mills E; Moseby K; Blumstein D; Letnic M, 2018, 'Prey naïveté and the anti-predator responses of a vulnerable marsupial prey to known and novel predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, pp. 151,

Pedler R; West R; Read J; Moseby K; Letnic MI; Keith D; Leggett K; Ryall S; Kingsford R; Leggett K, 2018, 'Conservation challenges and benefits of multispecies reintroductions to a national park – a case study from New South Wales, Australia', Pacific Conservation Biology, 24, pp. 397 - 408,

Moseby KE; Crowther M; Letnic MI, 2018, 'Ecological Role of an Apex Predator Revealed by a Reintroduction Experiment and Bayesian Statistics', Ecosystems,

Dawson SJ; Adams PJ; Moseby KE; Waddington KI; Kobryn HT; Bateman PW; Fleming PA, 2018, 'Peak hour in the bush: linear anthropogenic clearings funnel predator and prey species', Austral Ecology, 43, pp. 159 - 171,

White LC; Moseby KE; Thomson VA; Donnellan SC; Austin JJ, 2018, 'Long-term genetic consequences of mammal reintroductions into an Australian conservation reserve', Biological Conservation, 219, pp. 1 - 11,

Moseby KE; Lollback GW; Lynch CE, 2018, 'Too much of a good thing; successful reintroduction leads to overpopulation in a threatened mammal', Biological Conservation, 219, pp. 78 - 88,

Steindler L; Blumstein D; West R; Moseby K; Letnic MI, 2018, 'Discrimination of introduced predators by ontogenetically naïve prey scales with duration of shared evolutionary history', Animal Behaviour, 137, pp. 133 - 139,

Bannister H; Brandle R; Moseby K, 2018, 'Antipredator behaviour of a native marsupial is relaxed when mammalian predators are excluded', Wildlife Research, 45, pp. 726 - 736,

Moseby KE; Letnic M; Blumstein DT; West R, 2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, 217, pp. 213 - 221,

McLean AL; Cooper SJB; Lancaster ML; Gaikhorst G; Lambert C; Moseby K; Read J; Ward M; Carthew SM, 2018, 'Small marsupial, big dispersal? Broad- and fine-scale genetic structure of an endangered marsupial from the Australian arid zone', Australian Journal of Zoology, 66, pp. 214 - 227,

Moseby KE, 2018, 'The desert dweller: Forging a career in arid zone ecology', Pacific Conservation Biology, 24, pp. 230 - 234,

Crisp H; Pedler R; Moseby K, 2018, 'The use of hair tubes in detecting irruptive arid-zone rodents', Australian Mammalogy, 40, pp. 230 - 233,

Moseby KE; Letnic M; Blumstein DT; West R, 2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, 217, pp. 213 - 221,

West R; Letnic MI; Blumstein D; Moseby K, 2017, 'Predator exposure improves anti-predator responses in a threatened mammal', Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, pp. 147 - 156,

Pavey CR; Addison J; Brandle R; Dickman CR; McDonald PJ; Moseby KE; Young LI, 2017, 'The role of refuges in the persistence of australian dryland mammals', Biological Reviews, 92, pp. 647 - 664,

Legge S; Murphy BP; McGregor H; Woinarski JCZ; Augusteyn J; Ballard G; Baseler M; Buckmaster T; Dickman CR; Doherty T; Edwards G; Eyre T; Fancourt BA; Ferguson D; Forsyth DM; Geary WL; Gentle M; Gillespie G; Greenwood L; Hohnen R; Hume S; Johnson CN; Maxwell M; McDonald PJ; Morris K; Moseby K; Newsome T; Nimmo D; Paltridge R; Ramsey D; Read J; Rendall A; Rich M; Ritchie E; Rowland J; Short J; Stokeld D; Sutherland DR; Wayne AF; Woodford L; Zewe F, 2017, 'Enumerating a continental-scale threat: How many feral cats are in Australia?', Biological Conservation, 206, pp. 293 - 303,

Linley GD; Moseby KE; Paton DC, 2017, 'Vegetation damage caused by high densities of burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) at Arid Recovery', Australian Mammalogy, 39, pp. 33 - 41,

Pedler RD; Brandle R; Read JL; Southgate R; Bird P; Moseby KE, 2016, 'Rabbit biocontrol and landscape-scale recovery of threatened desert mammals', Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 30, pp. 774 - 782,

Atkins R; Blumstein DT; Moseby K; West R; Letnic MI, 2016, 'Deep evolutionary experience explains mammalian responses to predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70, pp. 1755 - 1763,

Moseby K; Read J; Mclean A; Ward M; Rogers DJ, 2016, 'How high is your hummock? The importance of Triodia height as a habitat predictor for an endangered marsupial in a fire-prone environment', Austral Ecology, 41, pp. 382 - 395,

Bengsen AJ; Algar D; Ballard G; Buckmaster T; Comer S; Fleming PJS; Friend JA; Johnston M; Mcgregor H; Moseby K; Zewe F, 2016, 'Feral cat home-range size varies predictably with landscape productivity and population density', Journal of Zoology, 298, pp. 112 - 120,

Bannister HL; Lynch CE; Moseby KE, 2016, 'Predator swamping and supplementary feeding do not improve reintroduction success for a threatened Australian mammal, Bettongia lesueur', Australian Mammalogy, 38, pp. 177 - 187,

Moseby KE; Peacock DE; Read JL, 2015, 'Catastrophic cat predation: A call for predator profiling in wildlife protection programs', Biological Conservation, 191, pp. 331 - 340,

Moseby K; Blumstein D; Letnic MI, 2015, 'Harnessing natural selection to tackle the problem of prey naïveté', Evolutionary Applications: evolutionary approaches to environmental, biomedical and socio-economic issues, 9, pp. 334 - 343,

Newsome TM; Ballard GA; Crowther MS; Dellinger JA; Fleming PJS; Glen AS; Greenville AC; Johnson CN; Letnic M; Moseby KE; Nimmo DG; Nelson MP; Read JL; Ripple WJ; Ritchie EG; Shores CR; Wallach AD; Wirsing AJ; Dickman CR, 2015, 'Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration', Restoration Ecology, 23, pp. 201 - 208,

Schroeder T; Lewis MM; Kilpatrick AD; Moseby KE, 2015, 'Dingo interactions with exotic mesopredators: Spatiotemporal dynamics in an Australian arid-zone study', Wildlife Research, 42, pp. 529 - 539,

Read JL; Ward MJ; Moseby KE, 2015, 'Factors that influence trap success of sandhill dunnarts (Sminthopsis psammophila) and other small mammals in Triodia dunefields of South Australia', Australian Mammalogy, 37, pp. 212 - 218,

Read JL; Bengsen AJ; Meek PD; Moseby KE, 2015, 'How to snap your cat: Optimum lures and their placement for attracting mammalian predators in arid Australia', Wildlife Research, 42, pp. 1 - 12,

Read JL; Peacock D; Wayne AF; Moseby KE, 2015, 'Toxic Trojans: Can feral cat predation be mitigated by making their prey poisonous?', Wildlife Research, 42, pp. 689 - 696,

Moseby KE; Hill BM; Lavery TH, 2014, 'Tailoring release protocols to individual species and sites: One size does not fit all', PLoS ONE, 9,

Meek PD; Ballard G; Claridge A; Kays R; Moseby K; O'Brien T; O'Connell A; Sanderson J; Swann DE; Tobler M; Townsend S, 2014, 'Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research', Biodiversity and Conservation,

McGregor HM; Moseby KE, 2014, 'Improved technique for capturing the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) using burrow cage traps', Australian Mammalogy, 36, pp. 259 - 260,

Meek PD; Ballard G; Claridge A; Kays R; Moseby K; O'Brien T; O'Connell A; Sanderson J; Swann DE; Tobler M; Townsend S, 2014, 'Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research', Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, pp. 2321 - 2343,

Matthews A; Ruykys L; Ellis B; Fitzgibbon S; Lunney D; Crowther MS; Glen AS; Purcell B; Moseby K; Stott J; Fletcher D; Wimpenny C; Allen BL; Van Bommel L; Roberts M; Davies N; Green K; Newsome T; Ballard G; Fleming P; Dickman CR; Eberhart A; Troy S; Mcmahon C; Wiggins N, 2013, 'The success of GPS collar deployments on mammals in Australia', Australian Mammalogy, 35, pp. 65 - 83,

Moseby KE; Cameron A; Crisp HA, 2012, 'Can predator avoidance training improve reintroduction outcomes for the greater bilby in arid Australia?', Animal Behaviour, 83, pp. 1011 - 1021,

Moseby KE; Labere JP; Read JL, 2012, 'Landowner Surveys Inform Protected Area Management: A Case Study from Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands', Human Ecology, 40, pp. 227 - 235,

Moseby KE; Neilly H; Read JL; Crisp HA, 2012, 'Interactions between a top order predator and exotic mesopredators in the Australian rangelands', International Journal of Ecology,

Moseby KE; Read JL; Paton DC; Copley P; Hill BM; Crisp HA, 2011, 'Predation determines the outcome of 10 reintroduction attempts in arid South Australia', Biological Conservation, 144, pp. 2863 - 2872,

Moseby KE; Hill BM, 2011, 'The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia I. Aerial baiting trials', Wildlife Research, 38, pp. 338 - 349,

Moseby KE; Read JL; Galbraith B; Munro N; Newport J; Hill BM, 2011, 'The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia II. Bait type, placement, lures and non-target uptake', Wildlife Research, 38, pp. 350 - 358,

Read JL; Moseby KE; Briffa J; Kilpatrick AD; Freeman A, 2011, 'Eradication of rabbits from landscape scale exclosures: Pipedream or possibility?', Ecological Management and Restoration, 12, pp. 46 - 53,

James A; Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Moseby KE, 2011, 'Can the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assume the soil engineering role of locally-extinct natives?', Biological Invasions, 13, pp. 3027 - 3038,

Crisp H; Moseby K, 2010, 'One-way gates: Initial trial of a potential tool for preventing overpopulation within fenced reserves', Ecological Management and Restoration, 11, pp. 139 - 141,

Read JL; Argument D; Moseby KE, 2010, 'Initial conservation outcomes of the Tetepare Island Protected Area', Pacific Conservation Biology, 16, pp. 173 - 180,

James A; Eldridge DJ; Moseby KE, 2010, 'Foraging pits, litter and plant germination in an arid shrubland', Journal of Arid Environments, 74, pp. 516 - 520,

Munro NT; Moseby KE; Read JL, 2009, 'The effects of browsing by feral and re-introduced native herbivores on seedling survivorship in the Australian rangelands', Rangeland Journal, 31, pp. 417 - 426,

Moseby KE; Stott J; Crisp H, 2009, 'Movement patterns of feral predators in an arid environment implications for control through poison baiting', Wildlife Research, 36, pp. 422 - 435,

Moseby KE; Hill BM; Read JL, 2009, 'Arid Recovery - A comparison of reptile and small mammal populations inside and outside a large rabbit, cat and fox-proof exclosure in arid South Australia', Austral Ecology, 34, pp. 156 - 169,

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