Select Publications
Journal articles
2018, 'Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contributions of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced predators', Wildlife Research, 45, pp. 627 - 644,
,2018, 'Choice or opportunity: are post-release social groupings influenced by familiarity or reintroduction protocols?', Oryx
,2018, 'Prey naïveté and the anti-predator responses of a vulnerable marsupial prey to known and novel predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, pp. 151,
,2018, 'Conservation challenges and benefits of multispecies reintroductions to a national park – a case study from New South Wales, Australia', Pacific Conservation Biology, 24, pp. 397 - 408,
,2018, 'Ecological Role of an Apex Predator Revealed by a Reintroduction Experiment and Bayesian Statistics', Ecosystems,
,2018, 'Peak hour in the bush: linear anthropogenic clearings funnel predator and prey species', Austral Ecology, 43, pp. 159 - 171,
,2018, 'Long-term genetic consequences of mammal reintroductions into an Australian conservation reserve', Biological Conservation, 219, pp. 1 - 11,
,2018, 'Too much of a good thing; successful reintroduction leads to overpopulation in a threatened mammal', Biological Conservation, 219, pp. 78 - 88,
,2018, 'Discrimination of introduced predators by ontogenetically naïve prey scales with duration of shared evolutionary history', Animal Behaviour, 137, pp. 133 - 139,
,2018, 'Antipredator behaviour of a native marsupial is relaxed when mammalian predators are excluded', Wildlife Research, 45, pp. 726 - 736,
,2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, 217, pp. 213 - 221,
,2018, 'Small marsupial, big dispersal? Broad- and fine-scale genetic structure of an endangered marsupial from the Australian arid zone', Australian Journal of Zoology, 66, pp. 214 - 227,
,2018, 'The desert dweller: Forging a career in arid zone ecology', Pacific Conservation Biology, 24, pp. 230 - 234,
,2018, 'The use of hair tubes in detecting irruptive arid-zone rodents', Australian Mammalogy, 40, pp. 230 - 233,
,2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, 217, pp. 213 - 221,
,2017, 'Predator exposure improves anti-predator responses in a threatened mammal', Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, pp. 147 - 156,
,2017, 'The role of refuges in the persistence of australian dryland mammals', Biological Reviews, 92, pp. 647 - 664,
,2017, 'Enumerating a continental-scale threat: How many feral cats are in Australia?', Biological Conservation, 206, pp. 293 - 303,
,2017, 'Vegetation damage caused by high densities of burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) at Arid Recovery', Australian Mammalogy, 39, pp. 33 - 41,
,2016, 'Rabbit biocontrol and landscape-scale recovery of threatened desert mammals', Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 30, pp. 774 - 782,
,2016, 'Deep evolutionary experience explains mammalian responses to predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70, pp. 1755 - 1763,
,2016, 'How high is your hummock? The importance of Triodia height as a habitat predictor for an endangered marsupial in a fire-prone environment', Austral Ecology, 41, pp. 382 - 395,
,2016, 'Feral cat home-range size varies predictably with landscape productivity and population density', Journal of Zoology, 298, pp. 112 - 120,
,2016, 'Predator swamping and supplementary feeding do not improve reintroduction success for a threatened Australian mammal, Bettongia lesueur', Australian Mammalogy, 38, pp. 177 - 187,
,2015, 'Catastrophic cat predation: A call for predator profiling in wildlife protection programs', Biological Conservation, 191, pp. 331 - 340,
,2015, 'Harnessing natural selection to tackle the problem of prey naïveté', Evolutionary Applications: evolutionary approaches to environmental, biomedical and socio-economic issues, 9, pp. 334 - 343,
,2015, 'Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration', Restoration Ecology, 23, pp. 201 - 208,
,2015, 'Dingo interactions with exotic mesopredators: Spatiotemporal dynamics in an Australian arid-zone study', Wildlife Research, 42, pp. 529 - 539,
,2015, 'Factors that influence trap success of sandhill dunnarts (Sminthopsis psammophila) and other small mammals in Triodia dunefields of South Australia', Australian Mammalogy, 37, pp. 212 - 218,
,2015, 'How to snap your cat: Optimum lures and their placement for attracting mammalian predators in arid Australia', Wildlife Research, 42, pp. 1 - 12,
,2015, 'Toxic Trojans: Can feral cat predation be mitigated by making their prey poisonous?', Wildlife Research, 42, pp. 689 - 696,
,2014, 'Tailoring release protocols to individual species and sites: One size does not fit all', PLoS ONE, 9,
,2014, 'Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research', Biodiversity and Conservation,
,2014, 'Improved technique for capturing the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) using burrow cage traps', Australian Mammalogy, 36, pp. 259 - 260,
,2014, 'Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research', Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, pp. 2321 - 2343,
,2013, 'The success of GPS collar deployments on mammals in Australia', Australian Mammalogy, 35, pp. 65 - 83,
,2012, 'Can predator avoidance training improve reintroduction outcomes for the greater bilby in arid Australia?', Animal Behaviour, 83, pp. 1011 - 1021,
,2012, 'Landowner Surveys Inform Protected Area Management: A Case Study from Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands', Human Ecology, 40, pp. 227 - 235,
,2012, 'Interactions between a top order predator and exotic mesopredators in the Australian rangelands', International Journal of Ecology,
,2011, 'Predation determines the outcome of 10 reintroduction attempts in arid South Australia', Biological Conservation, 144, pp. 2863 - 2872,
,2011, 'The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia I. Aerial baiting trials', Wildlife Research, 38, pp. 338 - 349,
,2011, 'The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia II. Bait type, placement, lures and non-target uptake', Wildlife Research, 38, pp. 350 - 358,
,2011, 'Eradication of rabbits from landscape scale exclosures: Pipedream or possibility?', Ecological Management and Restoration, 12, pp. 46 - 53,
,2011, 'Can the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assume the soil engineering role of locally-extinct natives?', Biological Invasions, 13, pp. 3027 - 3038,
,2010, 'One-way gates: Initial trial of a potential tool for preventing overpopulation within fenced reserves', Ecological Management and Restoration, 11, pp. 139 - 141,
,2010, 'Initial conservation outcomes of the Tetepare Island Protected Area', Pacific Conservation Biology, 16, pp. 173 - 180,
,2010, 'Foraging pits, litter and plant germination in an arid shrubland', Journal of Arid Environments, 74, pp. 516 - 520,
,2009, 'The effects of browsing by feral and re-introduced native herbivores on seedling survivorship in the Australian rangelands', Rangeland Journal, 31, pp. 417 - 426,
,2009, 'Movement patterns of feral predators in an arid environment implications for control through poison baiting', Wildlife Research, 36, pp. 422 - 435,
,2009, 'Arid Recovery - A comparison of reptile and small mammal populations inside and outside a large rabbit, cat and fox-proof exclosure in arid South Australia', Austral Ecology, 34, pp. 156 - 169,