Select Publications

Journal articles

Sivakumar L; Camicioli R; Butcher K, 2014, 'Factors associated with cognitive decline in transient ischemic attack patients', Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 41, pp. 303 - 313,

Ziai WC; Tuhrim S; Lane K; Mcbee N; Lees K; Dawson J; Butcher K; Vespa P; Wright DW; Keyl PM; Mendelow AD; Kase C; Wijman C; Lapointe M; John S; Thompson R; Thompson C; Mayo S; Reilly P; Janis S; Awad I; Hanley DF, 2014, 'A multicenter, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase III study of Clot Lysis Evaluation of Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage (CLEAR III)', International Journal of Stroke, 9, pp. 536 - 542,

Kate MP; Hansen MB; Mouridsen K; Østergaard L; Choi V; Gould BE; McCourt R; Hill MD; Demchuk AM; Coutts SB; Dowlatshahi D; Emery DJ; Buck BH; Butcher KS, 2014, 'Blood pressure reduction does not reduce perihematoma oxygenation: A CT perfusion study', Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 34, pp. 81 - 86,

McCourt R; Gould B; Gioia L; Kate M; Coutts SB; Dowlatshahi D; Asdaghi N; Jeerakathil T; Hill MD; Demchuk AM; Buck B; Emery D; Butcher K, 2014, 'Cerebral perfusion and blood pressure do not affect perihematoma edema growth in acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Stroke, 45, pp. 1292 - 1298,

Stang L; Nahirniak S; Butcher K; Szkotak AJ, 2014, 'Dabigatran assessment in patients with acute complications using routine coagulation assays', Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, 25, pp. 426 - 434,

Asdaghi N; Campbell BCV; Butcher KS; Coulter JI; Modi J; Qazi A; Goyal M; Demchuk AM; Coutts SB, 2014, 'DWI Reversal Is Associated with Small Infarct Volume in Patients with TIA and Minor Stroke', American Journal of Neuroradiology, 35, pp. 660 - 666,

Tamm A; Siddiqui M; Shuaib A; Butcher K; Jassal R; Muratoglu M; Buck BH, 2014, 'Impact of stroke care unit on patient outcomes in a community hospital', Stroke, 45, pp. 211 - 216,

Kate M; Szkotak A; Witt A; Shuaib A; Butcher K, 2014, 'Proposed approach to thrombolysis in dabigatran-treated patients presenting with ischemic stroke', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23, pp. 1351 - 1355,

Sivakumar L; Kate M; Jeerakathil T; Camicioli R; Buck B; Butcher K, 2014, 'Serial montreal cognitive assessments demonstrate reversible cognitive impairment in patients with acute transient ischemic attack and minor stroke', Stroke, 45, pp. 1709 - 1715,

Kate M; Gould B; McCourt R; Gioia L; Hill M; Asdaghi N; Dowlatshahi D; Coutts S; Demchuk A; Buck B; Emery D; Jeerakathil T; Butcher K, 2014, 'Abstract 33: Cerebral Blood Flow in Leukoaraiosis Regions is Unaffected by Acute Lowering of Blood Pressure in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients.', Stroke, 45,

Butcher K; Kate M; Gioia L; Jeerakathil T; Buck B; Emery D; Khan K; Saqqur M; Shuaib A, 2014, 'Abstract 61: Safety and Feasibility of Acute Dabigatran Therapy in Minor Ischemic Stroke Patients Without Atrial Fibrillation.', Stroke, 45,

Asdaghi N; Coulter J; Modi J; Qazi A; Goyal M; Butcher KS; Coutts SB, 2014, 'Abstract T P292: Baseline Infarct Volume Predicts Disability in TIA and Minor Stroke Patients', Stroke, 45,

Riaz P; Kate M; Sivakumar L; Emery D; Butcher K, 2014, 'Abstract T P35: Baseline Diffusion Weighted Imaging Lesion Volume Predicts Disappearance of Infarct on Fluid Attenuated Inverse Recovery Sequences Within 30 Days of TIA/Minor Stroke', Stroke, 45,

Phoa K; Kate M; Shuaib A; Yaseen I; Butcher K; Buck B, 2014, 'Abstract W MP68: MRI Infarct Patterns Do Not Predict Long-Term Cardiac Rhythm Recorder Findings', Stroke, 45,

Gioia LC; Choi V; Kate M; Emery D; Butcher K, 2014, 'Abstract W P258: Magnitude of Acute Blood Pressure Decrease Does Not Predict the Presence of Diffusion-Restricted Lesions in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, 45,

Gergova R; Butcher KSA; Binsted PW; Gogova D, 2014, 'Initial results for epitaxial growth of InN on gallium oxide and improved Migration-Enhanced Afterglow Epitaxy growth on gallium nitride', JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 32,

Qureshi AI; Palesch YY; Martin R; Toyoda K; Yamamoto H; Wang Y; Wang Y; Hsu CY; Yoon B-W; Steiner T; Butcher K; Hanley DF; Suarez JI, 2014, 'Interpretation and Implementation of Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial (INTERACT II).', J Vasc Interv Neurol, 7, pp. 34 - 40,

Nhung HT; Le BH; Fan S; Zhao S; Mi Z; Schmidt BA; Savard M; Gervais G; Butcher KSA, 2013, 'Optical and structural characterization of nitrogen-rich InN: Transition from nearly intrinsic to strongly n-type degenerate with temperature', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 103,

Parthasarathy R; Kate M; Rempel JL; Liebeskind DS; Jeerakathil T; Butcher KS; Shuaib A, 2013, 'Prognostic evaluation based on cortical vein score difference in stroke', Stroke, 44, pp. 2748 - 2754,

Butcher K; Shuaib A; Saver J; Donnan G; Davis SM; Norrving B; Wong KSL; Abd-Allah F; Bhatia R; Khan A, 2013, 'Thrombolysis in the developing world: Is there a role for streptokinase?', International Journal of Stroke, 8, pp. 560 - 565,

Terziyska PT; Butcher KSA; Gogova D; Alexandrov D; Binsted P; Wu G, 2013, 'InN nanopillars grown from In-rich conditions by migration enhanced afterglow technique', MATERIALS LETTERS, 106, pp. 155 - 157,

Asdaghi N; Hill MD; Coulter JI; Butcher KS; Modi J; Qazi A; Goyal M; Demchuk AM; Coutts SB, 2013, 'Perfusion MR predicts outcome in high-risk transient ischemic attack/minor stroke: A derivation-validation study', Stroke, 44, pp. 2486 - 2492,

Saqqur M; Ibrahim M; Butcher K; Khan K; Emery D; Manawadu D; Derksen C; Schwindt B; Shuaib A, 2013, 'Transcranial doppler and cerebral augmentation in acute ischemic stroke', Journal of Neuroimaging, 23, pp. 460 - 465,

Gould B; McCourt R; Asdaghi N; Dowlatshahi D; Jeerakathil T; Kate M; Coutts SB; Hill MD; Demchuk AM; Shuaib A; Emery D; Butcher K, 2013, 'Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow is preserved in primary intracerebral hemorrhage', Stroke, 44, pp. 1726 - 1728,

Dowlatshahi D; Wasserman JK; Butcher KS; Bernbaum ML; Cwinn AA; Giulivi A; Lang E; Poon MC; Tomchishen-Pope J; Sharma M; Coutts SB, 2013, 'Stroke prenotification is associated with shorter treatment times for warfarin-associated intracerebral hemorrhage', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 36, pp. 383 - 387,

Campbell BCV; Christensen S; Parsons MW; Churilov L; Desmond PM; Barber PA; Butcher KS; Levi CR; De Silva DA; Lansberg MG; Mlynash M; Olivot JM; Straka M; Bammer R; Albers GW; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2013, 'Advanced imaging improves prediction of hemorrhage after stroke thrombolysis', Annals of Neurology, 73, pp. 510 - 519,

Shuaib A; Mohammad A; Sherin A; Butcher K; Khan K; Tariq M; Shuaib U; Khan H; Khan A, 2013, 'Thrombolysis in the treatment of acute stroke: Is there a role for streptokinase when tissue plasminogen activator is not available?', Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, 27, pp. 122 - 128

Butcher KS; Jeerakathil T; Hill M; Demchuk AM; Dowlatshahi D; Coutts SB; Gould B; McCourt R; Asdaghi N; Findlay JM; Emery D; Shuaib A, 2013, 'The intracerebral hemorrhage acutely decreasing arterial pressure trial', Stroke, 44, pp. 620 - 626,

Lee SB; Cho AH; Butcher KS; Kim TW; Ryu SY; Kim YI, 2013, 'Low bone mineral density is associated with poor clinical outcome in acute ischemic stroke', International Journal of Stroke, 8, pp. 68 - 72,

Butcher KS; Jeerakathil T; Hill M; Demchuk AM; Dowlatshahi D; Coutts SB; Gould B; McCourt R; Asdaghi N; Findlay M; Emery D; Shuaib A, 2013, 'Abstract 113: The Intracerebral Haemorrhage Acutely Decreasing Arterial Pressure Trial (ICH ADAPT): Final Results.', Stroke, 44,

KATE MP; SZKOTAK A; WITT A; SHUAIB A; BUTCHER K, 2013, 'Abstract TMP64: Development of a Thrombolysis Protocol for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Dabigatran.', Stroke, 44,

McCourt R; Gould B; Hill MD; Jeerakathil T; Asdaghi N; Dowlatshahi D; Coutts SB; Demchuk AM; Shuaib A; Emery D; Butcher KS, 2013, 'Abstract TMP81: Cerebral Blood Flow and Blood Pressure Reduction Do Not Affect Perihematomal Edema Growth in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, 44,

Sivakumar L; Jeerakathil T; Asdaghi N; Camicioli R; Beaulieu C; Emery D; Butcher K, 2013, 'Abstract TP439: Temporary Cognitive Impairment in Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke Patients is Predicted by Chronic White Matter Hyperintensity Volume', Stroke, 44,

Gould B; McCourt R; Hill MD; Asdaghi N; Dowlatshahi D; Jeerakathil T; Coutts SB; Demchuk AM; Shuaib A; Emery D; Butcher KS, 2013, 'Abstract WP295: Acute Blood Pressure Reduction in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients Does Not Increase Hypoperfused Tissue Volume: a CT Perfusion Threshold Study', Stroke, 44,

Berthet E; Chen C; Butcher K; Schneider RA; Alliston T; Amirtharajah M, 2013, 'Smad3 binds scleraxis and mohawk and regulates tendon matrix organization', JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH, 31, pp. 1475 - 1483,

Terziyska PT; Butcher KSA; Alexandrov D, 2012, 'Investigation of the presence of metal droplets after pulsed InN and GaN epitaxial growth using atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation', APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 258, pp. 9997 - 10001,

Dowlatshahi D; Butcher KS; Asdaghi N; Nahirniak S; Bernbaum ML; Giulivi A; Wasserman JK; Poon MC; Coutts SB, 2012, 'Poor prognosis in warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage despite anticoagulation reversal', Stroke, 43, pp. 1812 - 1817,

Nagakane Y; Christensen S; Ogata T; Churilov L; Ma H; Parsons MW; Desmond PM; Levi CR; Butcher KS; Davis SM; Donnan GA, 2012, 'Moving beyond a single perfusion threshold to define penumbra: A novel probabilistic mismatch definition', Stroke, 43, pp. 1548 - 1555,

Allon AA; Butcher K; Schneider RA; Lotz JC, 2012, 'Structured Bilaminar Coculture Outperforms Stem Cells and Disc Cells in a Simulated Degenerate Disc Environment', SPINE, 37, pp. 813 - 818,

Asdaghi N; Butcher KS; Hill MD, 2012, 'Risks and benefits of thrombolysis in the elderly', International Journal of Stroke, 7, pp. 142 - 149,

Butcher KSA; Chen PP-T; Downes JE, 2012, 'Low activation energy for the removal of excess nitrogen in nitrogen rich indium nitride', APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100,

Butcher KSA; Kemp BW; Hristov IB; Terziyska P; Binsted PW; Alexandrov D, 2012, 'Gallium Nitride Film Growth Using a Plasma Based Migration Enhanced Afterglow Chemical Vapor Deposition System', Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51, pp. 01AF02 - 01AF02,

Vahidy S; McCourt R; Gould EB; Gupta D; Mushtaq U; Asdaghi N; Coutts SB; Hill MD; Demchuk AM; Jeerakathil T; Emery D; Butcher KS, 2012, 'Abstract 2618: Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Increases in Intracerebral Hemorrhage do not Predict Perihematoma Edema Growth', Stroke, 43,

Gould EB; McCourt R; Vahidy S; Asdaghi N; Hill MD; Coutts SB; Demchuk AM; Jeerakathil T; Emery D; Butcher KS, 2012, 'Abstract 2619: Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow is Preserved in Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, 43,

Asdaghi N; Coulter JI; Modi J; Qazi A; Goyal M; Butcher KS; Hill MD; Demchuk AM; Coutts SB, 2012, 'Abstract 2674: DWI Reversal is associated with Small Infarct Volume and Early Reperfusion in Patients with TIA and Minor Stroke. Data from VISION and CATCH study groups', Stroke, 43,

Asdaghi N; Coulter JI; Stewart TS; Goyal M; Demchuk AM; Butcher KS; Hill MD; Coutts SB, 2012, 'Abstract 3007: What Perfusion Parameters Best Define Ischemic Penumbra in Patients with TIA and Minor Stroke; Data from the VISION study', Stroke, 43,

Jeerakathil T; Shuaib A; Fang S; Butcher K; Saqqur M; Burridge D; Green T; Amlani S; Thompson G; Hill MD; Khan K, 2012, 'Abstract 3107: Thrombolysis Using Telehealth Has Comparable Results To Non- Telehealth Thrombolysis Across Northern Alberta: The Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy (APSS)', Stroke, 43,

Asdaghi N; Coulter JI; Modi J; Qazi A; Goyal M; Butcher KS; Demchuk A; Hill M; Coutts SB, 2012, 'Abstract 3595: Perfusion imaging predicts Outcome in TIA and Minor Stroke. A Prospective Derivation-Validation Study', Stroke, 43,

Picanco MR; Campbell BC; Christensen S; Desmond PM; Churilov L; De Silva DA; Butcher KS; Parsons MW; Levi CR; Barber PA; Bladin CF; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2012, 'Abstract 61: Reperfusion Beyond 4.5 Hours Reduces Infarct Growth And Improves Clinical Outcome', Stroke, 43,

Campbell BC; Christensen S; Parsons MW; Desmond PM; Barber PA; Butcher KS; Levi CR; De Silva DA; Lansberg MG; Mlynash M; Olivot J-M; Straka M; Bammer R; Albers GW; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2012, 'Abstract 95: Regional Very Low Cerebral Blood Volume with Subsequent Local Reperfusion Predicts Hemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischemic Stroke', Stroke, 43,

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