Select Publications

Journal articles

Burnett L; Whitfield J; Nightingale B, 1986, 'Are specimens with "at risk" biochemical profiles more likely to be infectious for hepatitis B virus?', Clinical Chemistry, 32, pp. 1951 - 1953

Burnett L, 1986, 'Development of a superior strategy for computer-assisted nucleotide sequence analysis', Nucleic acids research, 14, pp. 47 - 55

Bennetts BH; Burnett L; dos Remedios CG, 1986, 'Differential co-expression of alpha-actin genes within the human heart.', Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 18, pp. 993 - 996

Diegutis P; Keirnan L; Burnett L; Nightingale B; Cossart Y, 1986, 'False-positive results with hepatitis B virus DNA dot-hybridization in hepatitis B surface antigen-negative specimens', J Clin Microbiol, 23, pp. 797 - 799

Burnett L; Cossart Y, 1986, 'Laboratory tests in acute viral hepatitis', Clinical Biochemistry Reviews, 7, pp. 23 - 29

Milborrow H; Burnett L; Lowe B; Nightingale B; Cossart Y, 1986, 'Rapid method for the concentration of hepatitis B virus particles using Beckman airfuge', J Clin Pathol, 39, pp. 808 - 809

Diegutis P; Burnett L; Nightingale B; Lowe B; Givney R; Cossart Y; Keirnan L; Williams G; Parsons C; McCaughan G; Freiman J; Britton W; Hensley W; Gallagher N, 1986, 'Relationship between hepatitis B virus DNA in blood and serological markers of hepatitis B infection', The Medical Journal of Australia, 144, pp. 351 - 5

Burnett L; Basten T; Hensley W, 1986, 'Should nucleotide sequence analyzing computer algorithms always extend homologies by extending homologies?', Nucleic acids research, 14, pp. 425 - 430

Burnett L; Basten T; Hensley W, 1985, 'An exhaustive tree-searching algorithm for high-resolution computer-assisted nucleotide sequence analysis', Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOS, 1, pp. 153 - 160

Burnett L; Lowe B; Chan B; Whitfield J; Nightingale B; Hensley W, 1985, 'Can potentially infectious specimens containing hepatitis B virus be identified on the basis of their biochemical profile?', Clinical Chemistry, 31, pp. 1329 - 1330

Britton W; Parsons C; Gallagher N; Cossart Y; Burnett L, 1985, 'Risk factors associated with Hepatitis B infection in antenatal patients', Aust N Z J Med, 15, pp. 641 - 644

Freiman J; McCaughan G; Parsons C; Davies JS; Diegutis P; Burnett L; Gallagher N, 1985, 'Significance of serum and hepatic markers of hepatitis B viral infection in HBsAg-positive and HBsAg-negative chronic active hepatitis', Hepatology, 5, pp. 50 - 53

Britton W; Parsons C; Gallagher N; Cossart Y; Burnett L, 1985, 'The risk for perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus in an Australian obstetrics hospital', Aust N Z J Med, 15, pp. 641 - 644

Burnett L; Basten T; Hensley W, 1985, 'The SEQANAL and SEQTALK programs: a new method of access to high-resolution nucleotide sequence comparison and analysis programs from a remote laboratory mini- or microcomputer', Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOS, 1, pp. 241 - 247

Burnett L; Basten T; Hensley W, 1984, 'Complementary relationship between repetitive sequences in the SV40 early gene pre-promoter enhancing region and big-T antigen splice junction exons', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 110, pp. 533 - 540

Diegutis P; Burnett L; Nightingale B; Givney R; Cossart Y; Williams G; Keirnan L; Parsons C; McCaughan G; Freiman J; Hensley W; Gallagher N, 1984, 'Correlation between Hepatitis B Virus DNA and serological markers of hepatitis infection', Aust N Z J Med, 14, pp. 916 - 917 (Suppl)

Burnett L, 1982, 'A model for the mechanism and control of eukaryote gene splicing.', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 97, pp. 351 - 366

Burnett L, 1982, 'Complementary relationship between the SV40 pre-promoter region and the early gene splice junction exon sequences', Proc. 12th International Congress of Biochemistry

Burnett L; Buchman A; McMahon JE; Tinoco Jr I; Berg P, 1980, 'A model for the mechanism of splice formation: RNA bridging sequences complementary to the splice junction can appose the RNA exons', Proceedings of the Australian Biochemical Soc, 13, pp. 84 - 84

Burnett L; Wake G, 1977, 'Initiation and termination of chromosome replication at 45 degree C in a temperature-sensitive deoxyribonucleic acid initiation mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168, TsB134', J Bacteriol, 130, pp. 538 - 539

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