My major research interest is childhood diabetes, including studies focused on prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes. I have a major interest in the the association between viruses and type 1 diabetes, in collaboration with the Virology Research Group at POWH, headed by Professor Bill Rawlinson. Together, we lead the viral theme for the multicentre ENDIA study ( I am principal investigator for the CoRD trial - a world...view more
My major research interest is childhood diabetes, including studies focused on prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes. I have a major interest in the the association between viruses and type 1 diabetes, in collaboration with the Virology Research Group at POWH, headed by Professor Bill Rawlinson. Together, we lead the viral theme for the multicentre ENDIA study ( I am principal investigator for the CoRD trial - a world first phase 1 study using autologous cord blood for prevention of type 1 diabetes in children with islet autoimmunity. I am a principal investigator for the Australasian Diabetes Data Network (ADDN - Other research interests include the epidemiology of childhood diabetes (type 1, type 2, cystic fibrosis related diabetes and monogenic diabetes) and diabetes complications, in collaboration with Prof Kim Donaghue at the Children's Hospital at Westmead.
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Scientific Convenor of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society Fellows school, former president/treasurer of the Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group (APEG), co-editor of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) guidelines (2014, 2018).
My Qualifications
MB BS Melb, MMedSc(ClinEpid) Newcastle, PhD Syd, FRACP
My Awards
Australian Paediatric Endocrine Group Young Investigator's Award - 1997
Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society Clinical Teaching Award - 2008
Lifetime Honorary Member, Caring and Living as Neighbours - 2013
Australian Diabetes Society Jeff Flack Diabetes Data Award - 2019
Australian Paediatric Endocrine Group Norman Wettenhall Award for Research and Innovation - 2019
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