Select Publications

Journal articles

Braine MF; Kearnes M; Khan SJ, 2024, 'Quality and risk management frameworks for biosolids: An assessment of current international practice', Science of the Total Environment, 915,

Neale T; Dahlgren K; Howey K; Kearnes M, 2023, 'Converging old and new carbon frontiers in northern Australia', Area, 55, pp. 523 - 531,

Munro PG; Samarakoon S; Kearnes M; Paisley C, 2023, 'The right to repairable energy: A political ecology off-grid solar repair in Zambia', Political Geography, 106, pp. 102962,

Addison C; Neale T; Lancaster K; Kearnes M, 2023, 'Latour and After, or What Comes After Latour?', Science Technology and Human Values, 48, pp. 969 - 972,

Rogers D; Kearnes M, 2023, 'Geographies of COVID-19', Geographical Research, 61, pp. 312 - 319,

Addison C; Kearnes M; Lancaster K; Neale T, 2023, 'Thank you to our reviewers for 2021 and 2022', Science Technology and Human Values, 48, pp. 237 - 242,

Neale T; Lancaster K; Addison C; Kearnes M, 2023, 'What Is an STS Contribution Now?', Science Technology and Human Values, 48, pp. 3 - 8,

McLauchlan L; Lancaster K; Kearnes M; Mellor R; Ritter A, 2022, '“It's professional but it's personal”: Participation, personal connection, and sustained disagreement in drug policy reform', International Journal of Drug Policy, 110,

Mellor R; Kearnes M; Lancaster K; McLauchlan L; Ritter A, 2022, 'Established Tables and Emergent Huddles: Exploring the Processes of Participation Associated With the Policy Changes to Opioid Pharmacotherapy Treatment in Australia in the Context of COVID-19', Contemporary Drug Problems, 49, pp. 385 - 404,

Barrett L; Mellor R; Ritter A; McLauchlan L; Kearnes M, 2022, 'Navigating the grey: Experiences of incremental cannabis reform in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 1621 - 1629,

Munro PG; Samarakoon S; Hansen UE; Kearnes M; Bruce A; Cross J; Walker S; Zalengera C, 2022, 'Towards a repair research agenda for off-grid solar e-waste in the Global South', Nature Energy, 8, pp. 1 - 6,

Manwaring K; Kearnes M; Morgan B; Munro P; Pala R; Samarakoon S, 2022, 'What does a right to repair tell us about our relationship with technology?', Alternative Law Journal, 47, pp. 179 - 179,

Miller G; Kuch D; Kearnes M, 2022, 'Reimagining Health as a ‘Flow on Effect’ of Biomedical Innovation: Research Policy as a Site of State Activism', Minerva, 60, pp. 235 - 256,

Neale T; Addison C; Lancaster K; Kearnes M, 2022, 'A Meeting Point for STS Interventions and Conversations', Science, Technology and Human Values,

Samarakoon S; Munro P; Zalengera C; Kearnes M, 2022, 'The afterlives of off-grid solar: The dynamics of repair and e-waste in Malawi', Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 42, pp. 317 - 330,

Dalziell J; Keaney J; Kearnes M; Thierry B; Winter M, 2022, 'Bioengineering human placentas: social implications of an advancing field', Trends in Biotechnology, 40, pp. 137 - 140,

Grove K; Rickards L; Anderson B; Kearnes M, 2022, 'The uneven distribution of futurity: Slow emergencies and the event of COVID-19', Geographical Research, 60, pp. 6 - 17,

Kamstra P; Cook B; Edensor T; Kennedy D; Kearnes M, 2021, 'Relational Risk and Collective Management: A Pathway to Transformational Risk Management', Risk Analysis, 41, pp. 1782 - 1794,

Kuch D; Kearnes M; Gulson K, 2020, 'The promise of precision: datafication in medicine, agriculture and education', Policy Studies, 41, pp. 527 - 546,

Duché G; Thordarson P; Kearnes M, 2020, 'The importance of reflecting on treatment and post-treatment care when assessing the social aspects of cosmetic nanomedicine and transdermal delivery system', Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 28, pp. 102214,

Ey M; Mee K; Allison J; Caves S; Crosbie E; Hughes A; Curtis F; Doney R; Dunstan P; Jones R; Tyndall A; Baker T; Cameron J; Duffy M; Dufty-Jones R; Dunn K; Hodge P; Kearnes M; McGuirk P; O’Neill P; Ruming K; Sherval M; Williams M; Wright S, 2020, 'Becoming Reading Group: reflections on assembling a collegiate, caring collective', Australian Geographer, 51, pp. 283 - 305,

Macnaghten P; Davies SR; Kearnes M, 2019, 'Understanding Public Responses to Emerging Technologies: A Narrative Approach', Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 21, pp. 504 - 518,

Chilvers J; Kearnes M, 2019, 'Remaking Participation in Science and Democracy', Science, Technology, & Human Values, 45, pp. 016224391985088 - 016224391985088,

Anderson B; Grove K; Rickards L; Kearnes M, 2019, 'Slow emergencies: Temporality and the racialized biopolitics of emergency governance', Progress in Human Geography, 44, pp. 030913251984926 - 030913251984926,

Kearnes M; Kuch D; Johnston A, 2018, 'How to do things with metaphors: Engineering life as hodgepodge', Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 14, pp. 22,

Rickards L; Neale T; Kearnes M, 2017, 'Australia's national climate: learning to adapt?', Geographical Research, 55, pp. 469 - 476,

Kearnes M; van Dooren T, 2017, 'Rethinking the Final Frontier: Cosmo-Logics and an Ethic of Interstellar Flourishing', GeoHumanities, 3, pp. 178 - 197,

Kearnes M; Rickards L, 2016, 'Earthly graves for environmental futures: Techno-burial practices', Futures, 92, pp. 48 - 58,

Balmer AS; Calvert J; Marris C; Molyneux-Hodgson S; Frow E; Kearnes M; Bulpin K; Schyfter P; Mackenzie A; Martin P, 2016, 'Five rules of thumb for post-ELSI interdisciplinary collaborations', Journal of Responsible Innovation, 3, pp. 73 - 80,

Chilvers J; Kearnes MB, 2015, 'Public participation in science and technology: why the failure to launch?', The Guardian,

Kearnes MB, 2015, 'Growing the social life of soil', Australian Policy Online,

Balmer AS; Calvert J; Marris C; Molyneux- Hodgson S; Frow E; Kearnes MB; Bulpin K; Schyfter P; Mackenzie A; Martin P, 2015, 'Taking Roles in Interdisciplinary Collaborations: Reflections on Working in Post-ELSI Spaces in the UK Synthetic Biology Community', Science & Technology Studies, 28, pp. 3 - 25,

Kearnes M; Macnaghten P; Davies SR, 2014, 'Narrative, Nanotechnology and the Accomplishment of Public Responses', NanoEthics, 8, pp. 241 - 250,

Szerszynski B; Kearnes M; Macnaghten P; Owen R; Stilgoe J, 2013, 'Why solar radiation management geoengineering and democracy won’t mix', Environment and Planning A, 45,

Kearnes M, 2013, 'What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter?', MINERVA, 51, pp. 513 - 519,

Meyer M; Kearnes M, 2013, 'Intermediaries between science, policy and the market', Science and Public Policy, 40, pp. 423 - 429,

Kearnes M, 2013, 'Performing synthetic worlds: Situating the bioeconomy', Science and Public Policy, 40, pp. 453 - 465,

Anderson B; Kearnes M; Anderson B; Swanton D, 2012, 'Materialism and the politics of assemblage', Dialogues in Human Geography, 2, pp. 212 - 215

Anderson B; Kearnes M; McFarlane C; Swanton D, 2012, 'On assemblages and geography', Dialogues in Human Geography, 2, pp. 171 - 189

Kearnes M; Wienroth M, 2011, 'Tools of the trade: UK research intermediaries in science policy practice', Minerva: A Review of Science Learning and Policy, 49, pp. 153 - 174,

Davies S; Kearnes M; Macnaghten P, 2009, 'All things weird and scary’: Nanotechnology, theology, and religious affiliations', Culture and Religion, 10, pp. 201 - 220,

Kearnes M, 2009, 'Informationalising matter: systems understandings of the nanoscale', Spontaneous Generations : Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1, pp. 99 - 111,

Kearnes M, 2008, 'Informationalising Matter Systems Understandings of the Nanoscale1', SPONTANEOUS GENERATIONS-JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, 2, pp. 99 - 111,

Kearnes M, 2008, 'Risk society: Towards a new modernity by Ulrich Beck', Geography, 93, pp. 122 - 123

Nordmann A; Kearnes M, 2008, 'Commentary on "The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology Scenario Project"', Nanotechnology Perceptions, 4, pp. 65 - 71

Kearnes M, 2008, '(Re)fazendo a matéria: projeto e seleção', Estudos de Sociologia, 13, pp. 35 - 66

Kearnes MB, 2008, 'Spotlight on … Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity by Ulrich Beck', Geography, 93, pp. 122 - 123

Kearnes M; Wynne B, 2007, 'On Nanotechnology and Ambivalence: The Politics of Enthusiasm', NanoEthics, 1, pp. 131 - 142,

Kearnes MB, 2007, '(Re)making matter: Design and selection', Area, 39, pp. 143 - 155,

Anderson B; Kearnes M; Doubleday R, 2007, 'Geographies of nano-technoscience', Area, 39, pp. 139 - 142,

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