Fields of Research (FoR)
Public Health and Health Services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance), Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Health Economics, Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classifiedSEO tags
Scientia Professor Rebecca Ivers AM FAHMS FRSN is Head, School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney, and Honorary Professorial Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health. Ivers leads a global research program focusing on the prevention and management of injury. Her work has a strong focus on equity, implementation, sustainability and capacity development. She has published over 360 peer reviewed publications and supervised 22 PhD...view more
Scientia Professor Rebecca Ivers AM FAHMS FRSN is Head, School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney, and Honorary Professorial Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health. Ivers leads a global research program focusing on the prevention and management of injury. Her work has a strong focus on equity, implementation, sustainability and capacity development. She has published over 360 peer reviewed publications and supervised 22 PhD students.
Ivers is currently chair of the Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia, Chair, National Injury Surveillance Unit (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) Advisory Committee (2022-), Co-Chair, Virtual Care Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, NSW Ministry of Health (2022-) and Chair, International Advisory Committee, Nepal Injury Research Centre (2017-). She represents UNSW at the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration.
My Grants
Costa M.. Ivers R, et al. HIPCARE: a cluster randomised controlled trial with embedded process evaluation. National Institute for Health Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) (UK), 2023-2027.
Eades S. Ivers R, Liu B, Priest N, Joshy G, Williams R, Yashadhana A, Graham S, Skilton M, Azzopardi P. The Next Generation Aboriginal Youth Cohort Study: Co-designing a strengths-based study to identify evidence-based, culturally strong, implementable strategies to improve youth health outcomes. NHMRC Clinical trials and Cohort Scheme, 2022-2027.
Garvey G, Howard K, Cunningham J, Currow D, Matthews V, Olver I, Ivers R, Harvey G, Butler T. A preference-informed model to improve access and equity in bowel screening for Australia’s First Nations people through home care services. NHMRC 2021 Targeted Call for Research - Participation in Cancer Screening Programs, 2022-2025.
Peden A, Ivers R, et al Co-designing game-based farm safety education for adolescents. Department of Agriculture, Water & the Environment/National Farm Safety Education Fund Program, 2022-2023.
Longbottom M, Clapham KC, Fredericks B, Porter A, Harwood V, McCalman J, Ivers R. Navigating the Carceral Interface. ARC Discovery Indigenous, 2022-2024.
Patton G, Sawyer S, Kinner S, Azzopardi P, Degenhardt L, Reavley N, Ivers R, Erskine H, Brown A, Scott N. Driving Global Investment in Adolescent Health NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence, 2020-2024.
Cullen, P., Stevenson, S., Walker, N. and Ivers, R. Transforming Domestic and Family Violence Response and Recovery Services, NSW Ministry of Health, 2020-2021.
Pearson SA, Jorm L, Chambers G, Dobbins T, Falster K, Harris I, Guy R, Havard A, Ivers R, Jaffe A, Levi C, Lingam R, Liu B, Sedrakyan A, Woodward M, Vajdic C, Zoega H. A “Big Data” Platform for Real World Evidence in Health, UNSW Research Infrastructure Scheme.
Ivers R, Andersen M, Hunter K, Erskine C, Spencer W, Corby C, McCausland R, MacGillivray P, Clapham K. Community led solutions to prevent Aboriginal child injury. The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre, MRFF Boosting Preventive Health Research Program, 2019. https://preventioncentre.org.au/our-work/research-projects/community-led-solutions-to-prevent-aboriginal-child-injury/
Ivers R, Sherrington C, Clapham K, Mackean T, Keay L, Clemson L, Tiedemann A, Hill A, Simpson J, Ryder C. Preventing falls in older Aboriginal people: The Ironbark Trial. NHMRC Project Grant 2018-2022.
Steinbeck K, Skinner R, Sanci L, Schofield D, Brooks F, Dawson A, Ivers R, Perry L, Liu B, Collin P. Making health services work for adolescents in a digital age. NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence 2018-2021.
Eades S, Sanson-Fisher R, McAullay D, Ivers R, Jorm L, Bryant J, Goldfeld S, Oldmeadow C, Searles A. Aboriginal child and adolescent health improvement through Aboriginal leadership and collaborative research teams. NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence 2018-2021.
Hill A-M, Kickett M, Ivers R, Hill K. The Ironbark Program: Older Aboriginal People Standing Tall and Strong. Healthway WA, 2017 Health Promotion Intervention Research Grant Scheme.
Cullen, P, Mackean T, Longbottom M, Ivers R, Clapham K, Coombes J, Porykali B. First response: Integrating trauma-informed care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experiencing violence within primary healthcare. The Lowitja Institute Project Grant 2018.
Mackean T, Ivers R, Clapham K, Freeman T, Hunter K, Wilson A. Health system competence for culturally safe care: building a collaboration to develop a national intervention study. The Lowitja Institute Project Grant 2017-2018.
Mackean T, Baum F, Wilson A, Willis E, Kelly J, Taylor K, Gibson O, Hunter C, O’Donnell K, Dwyer J, Ivers R (AI), Edmondson W. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker’s and Liaison Officer’s role in quality acute health care services. NHMRC Project Grant 2018-2022.
Vallmuur K, Ivers R, Harrison J, Nottage L, Barker R. Evaluating consumer product regulatory responses to improve child safety. Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2017-2020.
Keay L, Clemson L, Ivers RQ, Tiedeman A, McCluskey P, Ramulu P. PlaTFORM: PrevenTing Falls in a high risk, vision impaired population through specialist ORientation and Mobility services: a randomised trial. NHMRC Project Grant 2016-2019.
Harris I, Buchbinder R, Ivers R, Naylor J, Balogh Z, Smith P. CROSSFIRE: Combined Randomised and Observational Study of Surgery for Fractures In the distal Radius in the Elderly. NHMRC Project Grant 2016-2018.
Dinh M, Byrne CM, Waugh R, Ivers R. Shock Management and Advanced Radiology in Trauma Teams. Motor Accidents Authority of NSW 2015-2017.
Ivers R, Senserrick T, Norton R. The Drive Study – risk factors for injury in young drivers. NRMA-ACT Road Safety Trust 2015-2016.
Ivers R, Bhandari M, Devereaux P, Sancheti P, Thabane L, Norton R, Guyatt G, Jagnoor J; International Orthopaedic Multicenter Study in Fracture Care (INORMUS). NHMRC Project Grant 2015-2019.
Eades S, Banks E, Ward J, Wilkes E, Ivers R, Liu B, Gray D, D’Este C, Williamson A, Roseby R. Forgotten Generation: Understanding health trajectories in Aboriginal adolescents and youth. NHMRC Project Grant 2015-2019.
Bhandari M, Deveraux PJ, Guyatt G, Thabane L, Ivers R. International Orthopaedic Multicenter Study in Fracture Care (INORMUS). Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Operating Grant 2014-2016.
Ivers RQ, Holland A, Kimble R, Clapham K, Lo S, Daniels J, Hendrie D. Understanding burn injuries in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: treatment, access to services and outcomes. NHMRC Project Grant 2014-2018.
Dinh M, Ivers RQ, Paolini R, Muscatello D, Green T, Middleton P, Bein K, Chalkley D. Demand for Emergency Service Trends IN Years 2010-14 (DESTINY10.14): A population based study of Emergency Department utilisation and length of stay in New South Wales. Agency for Clinical Innovation NSW, 2014-2016.
Ivers RQ, Keay L, co-principal investigators. Driving Change: Evaluation of an Aboriginal road injury program. Aboriginal Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Demonstration Grants Program, NSW Health/Transport for NSW 2013-2016.
Ivers RQ, Keay L, Sherrington C, Tiedemann A, Broe T, Cumming R. Fall prevention in older Aboriginal people in NSW. Aboriginal Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Demonstration Grants Program, NSW Health 2013-2016.
Gruen R, Fitzgerald M, O’Reilly G, Cameron P, Ivers R – co-principal investigators. Reducing the burden of injury in India and Australia through development and piloting of improved systems of care. Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Grand Challenge 2013-2017.
Cameron I, Ivers R, Blythe F, Gabbe B, Maher C, Collie A, Kenardy J, Derrett S, Nicholas M, Boufous S, Willcock S. Inception cohort of motor vehicle related injury 2012-2015. Motor Accidents Authority of NSW 2012-2017.
Keay L, Ivers RQ, Boufous S. Evaluation of a program to enable older, at-risk drivers to stop or limit driving, but maintain mobility. Australian Research Council Discovery Grant 2011-2013.
Ivers RQ, Clapham KF, Harrison JE, Senserrick TM, Gruen RL, Martiniuk AL Road safety and Aboriginal people. Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 2011-2014.
Steinbeck K, Hawke C, Hazell P, Skinner S, Ivers R, Booy R, Cumming R, Fulcher G. Adolescent Rural Cohort Study Hormones, Health, Education, Environments and Relationships. NHMRC Project Grant 2011-2014.
Ivers RQ, Bilston L, Stevenson M, Brown J, Simpson J.Buckle up safely: pre-school based interventions for appropriate use of child restraints. NHMRC Project Grant 2009-2012.
My Awards
- NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Fellowship Public Health Award 2018
- NSW Public Health Association Public Health Impact Award; July 2014
- Australian Injury Prevention Network (AIPN): 2013 AIPN Award for Sustained Achievement
- Category Winner, Innovation. 100 women of influence (Australian Financial Review/Westpac); 2014
- Young Tall Poppy Award for Science; October 2008
- National Health and Medical Research Council Achievement Award 2007
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