Select Publications

Journal articles

McKetin R; Kelly EV; Indig D, 2005, 'Characteristics of treatment provided for amphetamine use in New South Wales, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 433 - 436

Gibson AE; Degenhardt LJ; Day CA; McKetin R, 2005, 'Recent trends in heroin supply to markets in Australia, the United States and Western Europe', International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, pp. 293 - 299,

Breen CL; Degenhardt LJ; Bruno R; Roxburgh AD; McKetin R, 2004, 'The effects of restricting publicly subsidised temazepamcapsules on benzodiazepine use among injecting drug users in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 181, pp. 300 - 304

McKetin R; Griffiths P, 2003, 'Developing a global perspective on drug information systems', Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, pp. 387 - 389,

Griffiths P; McKetin R, 2003, 'Developing a global perspective on drug consumption patterns and trends- the challenge for drug epidemiology', Bulletin on Narcotics, LV, pp. 1 - 8

Topp LJ; McKetin R, 2003, 'Supporting evidence-based policy-making : a case study of the Illicit Drug Reporting System in Australia', Bulletin on Narcotics, LV,, pp. 23 - 30

Hickman M; Taylor C; Chatterjee A; Degenhardt L; Frischer M; Hay G; Tilling K; Wiessing L; Griffiths P; McKetin R, 2002, 'Estimating the prevalence of problematic drug use: A review of methods and their application', Bulletin on Narcotics, 54, pp. 15 - 32

McKetin R, 2000, 'The illicit drugs reporting system.', N S W Public Health Bull, 11, pp. 49 - 52,

McKetin R, 1999, 'Use of RAM to monitor illicit drug use in developed countries: can rapid assessment result in a rapid response?', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 18, pp. 333 - 335,

McKetin R; Ward PB; Catts SV; Mattick RP; Bell JR, 1999, 'Changes in auditory selective attention and event-related potentials following oral administration of D-amphetamine in humans', Neuropsychopharmacology, 21, pp. 380 - 390

McKetin R; Solowij N, 1999, 'Event-related potential indices of auditory selective attention in dependent amphetamine users', Biological Psychiatry, pp. 1488 - 1497

McKetin R; Mattick RP, 1998, 'Attention and memory in illicit amphetamine users: Comparison with non-drug-using controls', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 181 - 184

McKetin R; Mattick RP, 1997, 'Attention and memory in illicit amphetamine users', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 235 - 242

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