Select Publications

Journal articles

Gisev N; Pearson SA; Dobbins T; Buizen L; Murphy T; Wilson A; Blyth F; Dunlop A; Larney S; Currow DC; Mattick RP; Degenhardt L, 2023, 'Cohort profile: POPPY II - A population-based cohort examining the patterns and outcomes of prescription opioid use in New South Wales, Australia', BMJ Open, 13,

Bruno C; Havard A; Gillies MB; Coghill D; Brett J; Guastella AJ; Pearson SA; Zoega H, 2023, 'Patterns of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medicine use in the era of new non-stimulant medicines: A population-based study among Australian children and adults (2013–2020)', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 675 - 685,

de Oliveira Costa J; Lau S; Medland N; Gibbons S; Schaffer AL; Pearson SA, 2023, 'Potential drug–drug interactions due to concomitant medicine use among people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy in Australia', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 89, pp. 1541 - 1553,

Bharat C; Degenhardt L; Pearson SA; Buizen L; Wilson A; Dobbins T; Gisev N, 2023, 'A data-informed approach using individualised dispensing patterns to estimate medicine exposure periods and dose from pharmaceutical claims data', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 32, pp. 352 - 365,

Lopez D; Strange C; Sanfilippo F; Daniels B; Pearson S; Preen D, 2023, 'Priorities for building Australian workforce capacity to leverage population-based, routinely collected data: views from pharmacoepidemiology', Public Health Research and Practice, 33,

Tang M; Pearson SA; Simes RJ; Chua BH, 2023, 'Harnessing Real-World Evidence to Advance Cancer Research', Current Oncology, 30, pp. 1844 - 1859,

Spilsbury K; Tuesley KM; Pearson SA; Coory MD; Donovan P; Steer CB; Stewart LM; Pandeya N; Jordan SJ, 2023, 'Perioperative Beta-Blocker Supply and Survival in Women with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer and a History of Cardiovascular Conditions', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. 266 - 275,

Ahmed S; Pollack A; Havard A; Pearson SA; Chidwick K, 2023, 'Agreement of acute serious events recorded across datasets using linked Australian general practice, hospital, emergency department and death data: implications for research and surveillance', International Journal of Population Data Science, 8,

Robijn AL; Woodward M; Pearson SA; Hsu B; Chow CK; Filion KB; Jorm L; Havard A, 2022, 'Uptake of prescription smoking cessation pharmacotherapies after hospitalization for major cardiovascular disease', European journal of preventive cardiology, 29, pp. 2173 - 2182,

Ali S; Na R; Tuesley K; Spilsbury K; Stewart LM; Coory M; Webb PM; Donovan P; Pearson SA; Jordan SJ; Neale RE, 2022, 'The association between diabetes mellitus of different durations and risk of pancreatic cancer: an Australian national data-linkage study in women', Cancer Epidemiology, 81,

Crepalde-Ribeiro K; de Oliveira Costa J; Pearson SA; Silveira MR; Mendes JC; dos Santos SF; Cruz MA; Braga MDG, 2022, 'Trends in HIV post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure in Brazil (2011–2019)', AIDS and Behavior, 26, pp. 4115 - 4125,

Yuen WS; Leung J; Man N; Chiu V; Gisev N; Livingston M; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Pearson SA; Dobbins T; Dunlop A; Mattick RP; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2022, 'Age at first alcohol-related hospital separation or emergency department presentation and rate of re-admission: A retrospective data linkage cohort of young Australians', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 1577 - 1588,

Lord SJ; Daniels B; Kiely BE; O'Connell DL; Beith J; Pearson S; Chiew KL; Bulsara MK; Houssami N, 2022, 'Long term risk of distant metastasis in women with non-metastatic breast cancer and survival after metastasis detection: a population-based linked health records study', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 402 - 409,

Camacho X; Zoega H; Gomes T; Schaffer AL; Henry D; Pearson S-A; Vigod S; Havard A, 2022, 'The association between psychostimulant use in pregnancy and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes: results from a distributed analysis in two similar jurisdictions.', International Journal of Epidemiology, 52, pp. 190 - 202,

Liu Y; Xiao S; Yin X; Gao P; Wu J; Xiong S; Hockham C; Hone T; Wu JHY; Pearson SA; Neal B; Tian M, 2022, 'Nation-Wide Routinely Collected Health Datasets in China: A Scoping Review', Public Health Reviews, 43, pp. 1605025,

de Oliveira Costa J; Pearson SA; Donnolley N; Bailey B; Hollingworth S; Stanford T; Pratt N, 2022, 'Parity in female authorship in Australian pharmacoepidemiology research leveraging medicine dispensing data: How well are we doing?', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 31, pp. 1010 - 1012,

Schaffer AL; Bruno C; Buckley NA; Cairns R; Litchfield M; Paget S; Zoega H; Nassar N; Pearson SA, 2022, 'Prescribed medicine use and extent of off-label use according to age in a nationwide sample of Australian children', Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 36, pp. 726 - 737,

Camacho X; Schaffer A; Buckley N; Pratt N; Brett J; Henry D; Pearson S-A, 2022, 'Trends in dispensing and utilisation of sustained-release tapentadol in Australia.', International Journal of Population Data Science, 7,

Bruno C; Havard A; Hanly M; Falster K; Nassar N; Edwards B; Guastella AJ; Pearson SA; Zoega H, 2022, 'Children's Relative Age and Medicine Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Across Australian Jurisdictions with Different School Enrolment Policies', Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 32, pp. 349 - 357,

Sotade OT; Jorm LR; Kushwaha VV; Yu J; Sedrakyan A; Falster MO; Pearson SA, 2022, 'Post-Discharge Antithrombotic Therapy Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Australian Patients', Heart Lung and Circulation, 31, pp. 1144 - 1152,

Wilson BE; Pearson SA; Barton MB; Amir E, 2022, 'Regional Variations in Clinical Trial Outcomes in Oncology', JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 20, pp. 879 - 886,

Tuesley KM; Webb PM; Protani MM; Spilsbury K; Pearson S-A; Coory MD; Donovan P; Steer C; Stewart LM; Pandeya N; Jordan SJ, 2022, 'Nitrogen-based Bisphosphonate Use and Ovarian Cancer Risk in Women Aged 50 Years and Older (vol 114, djac050, 2022)', JNCI-JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE, 114, pp. 1206 - 1206,

Schaffer AL; Henry D; Zoega H; Elliott JH; Pearson SA, 2022, 'Changes in dispensing of medicines proposed for re-purposing in the first year of the COVID- 19 pandemic in Australia', PLoS ONE, 17, pp. e0269482,

Morrow RL; Mintzes B; Souverein PC; Hallgreen CE; Ahmed B; Roughead EE; De Bruin ML; Kristiansen SB; Lexchin J; Kemp-Casey A; Sketris I; Mangin D; Pearson SA; Puil L; Lopert R; Bero L; Gnjidic D; Sarpatwari A; Dormuth CR, 2022, 'Hydroxyzine Initiation Following Drug Safety Advisories on Cardiac Arrhythmias in the UK and Canada: A Longitudinal Cohort Study', Drug Safety, 45, pp. 623 - 638,

Tuesley KM; Webb PM; Protani MM; Spilsbury K; Pearson SA; Coory MD; Donovan P; Steer C; Stewart LM; Pandeya N; Jordan SJ, 2022, 'Nitrogen-based Bisphosphonate Use and Ovarian Cancer Risk in Women Aged 50 Years and Older', Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 114, pp. 878 - 884,

Tuesley KM; Webb PM; Protani MM; Spilsbury K; Pearson S-A; Coory MD; Donovan P; Steer C; Stewart LM; Pandeya N; Jordan SJ, 2022, 'Response to Lehrer and Rheinstein', JNCI-JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE,

Chalmers K; Elshaug AG; Pearson SA; Landon BE, 2022, 'Patterns of specialist out-of-pocket costs for Australian Medicare services: Implications for price transparency', Australian Health Review, 46, pp. 645 - 651,

Tang M; Lee CK; Lewis CR; Boyer M; Brown B; Schaffer A; Pearson SA; Simes RJ, 2022, 'Generalizability of immune checkpoint inhibitor trials to real-world patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer', Lung Cancer, 166, pp. 40 - 48,

de Oliveira Costa J; Zhao Y; Pearson S; Schaffer A, 2022, 'Assessing the impact of implementing multiple adherence measures to antiretroviral therapy from dispensing data: a short report', AIDS Care: psychological and socio-medical aspects of AIDS-HIV, 35, pp. 970 - 975,

Gillies MB; Burgner DP; Ivancic L; Nassar N; Miller JE; Sullivan SG; Todd IMF; Pearson SA; Schaffer AL; Zoega H, 2022, 'Changes in antibiotic prescribing following COVID-19 restrictions: Lessons for post-pandemic antibiotic stewardship', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 88, pp. 1143 - 1151,

Morrow RL; Mintzes B; Souverein PC; De Bruin ML; Roughead EE; Lexchin J; Kemp-Casey A; Puil L; Sketris I; Mangin D; Hallgreen CE; Pearson SA; Lopert R; Bero L; Ofori-Asenso R; Gnjidic D; Sarpatwari A; Perry LT; Dormuth CR, 2022, 'Influence of drug safety advisories on drug utilisation: an international interrupted time series and meta-analysis', BMJ Quality and Safety, 31, pp. 179 - 190,

Varney B; Zoega H; Gillies MB; Brett J; Pearson SA; Havard A, 2022, 'Prescription opioid use in Australian women of reproductive age: Implications for unplanned pregnancies', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 88, pp. 1298 - 1320,

Daniels B; Schaffer A; Buckley NA; Bruno C; Jun M; Pearson SA; Zoega H, 2022, 'The impact of tightened prescribing restrictions on proton pump inhibitor use in Australia: An evaluation using interrupted time series analysis', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 31, pp. 370 - 378,

Sotade OT; Pearson SA; Jorm LR; Kushwaha VV; Sedrakyan A; Falster MO, 2022, 'Changing Practice: Procedural Volume of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation by Age and Funding in New South Wales, 2002–2018', Heart Lung and Circulation, 31, pp. e17 - e19,

Lord SJ; Bahlmann K; O'Connell DL; Kiely BE; Daniels B; Pearson SA; Beith J; Bulsara MK; Houssami N, 2022, 'De novo and recurrent metastatic breast cancer – A systematic review of population-level changes in survival since 1995', eClinicalMedicine, 44,

Falster MO; Schaffer AL; Wilson A; Nasis A; Jorm LR; Hay M; Leeb K; Pearson SA; Brieger D, 2022, 'Evidence-practice gaps in P2Y12 inhibitor use after hospitalisation for acute myocardial infarction: findings from a new population-level data linkage in Australia', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 249 - 258,

Rahman S; Trussell A; Pearson SA; Buckley NA; Karanges EA; Cairns R; Litchfield M; Todd A; Gisev N, 2022, 'Trends in transdermal fentanyl utilisation and fatal fentanyl overdose across Australia (2003–2015)', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 435 - 443,

Hong S; Daniels B; van Leeuwen MT; Pearson SA; Vajdic CM, 2022, 'Incidence and risk factors of hypertension therapy in Australian cancer patients treated with vascular signalling pathway inhibitors', Discover Oncology, 13, pp. 6,

de Oliveira Costa J; Gillies MB; Schaffer AL; Peiris D; Zoega H; Pearson SA, 2022, 'Changes in antidepressant use in Australia: A nationwide analysis (2015–2021)', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57,

Pearson S; Boerma CJ; McNamee K; Bateson D, 2022, 'Long-acting reversible contraceptives New evidence to support clinical practice', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 246 - 252,

Elliott MJ; Amir E; Pearson SA; Barton MB; Wilson BE, 2022, 'Prioritising access to cancer drugs', The Lancet Oncology, 23, pp. e1 - e1,

Wilson BE; Elliott MJ; Pearson SA; Amir E; Barton MB, 2022, 'Resource stratified guidelines for cancer: Are they all the same? Interguideline concordance for systemic treatment recommendations', International Journal of Cancer, 150, pp. 91 - 99,

Schaffer AL; Chia J; Brett J; Pearson S; Falster MO, 2022, 'A nationwide study of multimedicine use in people treated with cardiovascular medicines in Australia', Pharmacotherapy The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, 42, pp. 828 - 836,

De Oliveira Costa J; Pearson SA; Elshaug AG; Van Gool K; Jorm LR; Falster MO, 2021, 'Rates of Low-Value Service in Australian Public Hospitals and the Association with Patient Insurance Status', JAMA Network Open, 4, pp. e2138543,

Liu Y; Chu H; Peng K; Yin X; Huang L; Wu Y; Pearson SA; Li N; Elliott P; Yan LL; Labarthe DR; Hao Z; Feng X; Zhang J; Zhang Y; Zhang R; Zhou B; Li Z; Sun J; Zhao Y; Yu Y; Tian M; Neal B; Liu H, 2021, 'Factors Associated with the Use of a Salt Substitute in Rural China', JAMA Network Open, 4, pp. e2137745,

Pearson SA; Pratt N; Costa JDO; Zoega H; Laba TL; Etherton-Beer C; Sanfilippo FM; Morgan A; Ellett LK; Bruno C; Kelty E; Ijzerman M; Preen DB; Vajdic CM; Henry D; de Oliveira Costa J, 2021, 'Generating real-world evidence on the quality use, benefits and safety of medicines in australia: History, challenges and a roadmap for the future', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 13345,

Schaffer AL; Dobbins TA; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Interrupted time series analysis using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models: a guide for evaluating large-scale health interventions', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21, pp. 58,

Havard A; Choi SKY; Pearson SA; Chow CK; Tran DT; Filion KB, 2021, 'Comparison of Cardiovascular Safety for Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapies in a Population-Based Cohort in Australia', JAMA Network Open, 4, pp. E2136372,

Hong S; Daniels B; Leeuwen MT; Pearson S-A; Vajdic CM, 2021, 'Incidence And Risk Factors of Hypertension Therapy In Australian Cancer Patients Treated With Vascular Signalling Pathway Inhibitors', ,

Pace J; Ghinea N; Pearson SA; Kerridge I; Lipworth W, 2021, 'Consumer perspectives of accelerated access to medicines: a qualitative study', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 35, pp. 987 - 1007,

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