Select Publications

Journal articles

Mintzes B; Bhasale A; Torka M; Lopert R; Pearson SA; Lexchin J; Bero L, 2021, 'A sorry tale of unnecessary secrecy about medicine safety', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 1765 - 1766,

Tadrous M; Daniels B; Pearson SA; Gomes T, 2021, 'Comparison of claims from high-drug cost beneficiaries in Ontario, Canada, and Australia: a cross-sectional analysis', CMAJ open, 9, pp. E1048 - E1054,

de Oliveira Costa J; Bruno C; Baranwal N; Gisev N; Dobbins TA; Degenhardt L; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Variations in Long-term Opioid Therapy Definitions: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies Using Routinely Collected Data (2000-2019)', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, pp. 3706 - 3720,

Neal B; Wu Y; Feng X; Zhang R; Zhang Y; Shi J; Zhang J; Tian M; Huang L; Li Z; Yu Y; Zhao Y; Zhou B; Sun J; Liu Y; Yin X; Hao Z; Yu J; Li KC; Zhang X; Duan P; Wang F; Ma B; Shi W; Tanna GLD; Stepien S; Shan S; Pearson SA; Li N; Yan LL; Labarthe D; Elliott P; Di Tanna GL, 2021, 'Effect of Salt Substitution on Cardiovascular Events and Death', New England Journal of Medicine, 385, pp. 1067 - 1077,

Lord S; Daniels B; Kiely B; O'Connell D; Pearson S-A; Beith J; Bulsara M; Houssami N, 2021, '1018Long-term risk of distant metastasis and post-metastasis survival for breast cancer: health record linkage study', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Mathieson S; Wertheimer G; Maher CG; Lin C; McLachlan AJ; Buchbinder R; Pearson S-A; Underwood M, 2021, '288What proportion of patients with chronic noncancer pain are prescribed an opioid medicine?', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Tuesley K; Webb P; Protani M; Spilsbury K; Pearson S-A; Coory MD; Donovan P; Stewart LM; Pandeya N; Jordan S, 2021, '794Bisphosphonate use and risk of ovarian cancer, a nested case-control study using national health data', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Yin X; Tian M; Sun L; Webster J; Trieu K; Huffman MD; Jaime Miranda J; Marklund M; Wu JHY; Cobb LK; Chu H; Pearson SA; Neal B; Liu H, 2021, 'Barriers and facilitators to implementing reduced-sodium salts as a population-level intervention: A qualitative study', Nutrients, 13, pp. 3225,

Tang M; Daniels B; Aslam M; Schaffer A; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Changes in systemic cancer therapy in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 14, pp. 100226,

Peng CQ; Lawson KD; Heffernan M; McDonnell G; Liew D; Lybrand S; Pearson SA; Cutler H; Kritharides L; Trieu K; Huynh Q; Usherwood T; Occhipinti JA, 2021, 'Gazing through time and beyond the health sector: Insights from a system dynamics model of cardiovascular disease in Australia', PLoS ONE, 16,

Tang M; Daniels B; Schaffer AL; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Real-world data to advance HER2-targeted cancer medicines research: Playing to the strengths of clinical registry and administrative data', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 17, pp. 414 - 415,

Daniels B; Kiely BE; Tang M; Houssami N; Lord SJ; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Trastuzumab emtansine for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: Outcomes from a whole-of-population Australian cohort', Breast, 58, pp. 106 - 112,

Tang M; Pearson SA; Schaffer AL; Lewis CR; John T; Simes RJ; Lee CK, 2021, 'Are clinical trial eligibility criteria representative of older patients with lung cancer? A population-based data linkage study', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12, pp. 930 - 936,

Yin X; Liu H; Webster J; Trieu K; Huffman MD; Miranda JJ; Marklund M; Wu JHY; Cobb LK; Li KC; Pearson SA; Neal B; Tian M, 2021, 'Availability, formulation, labeling, and price of low-sodium salt worldwide: Environmental scan', JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7, pp. e27423,

Tang M; Schaffer AL; Kiely BE; Daniels B; Lee CK; Simes RJ; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Cardiac assessment in Australian patients receiving (neo)adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive early breast cancer: a population-based study', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 187, pp. 893 - 902,

Huang L; Yu J; Neal B; Liu Y; Yin X; Hao Z; Wu Y; Yan LL; Wu JHY; Joshi R; Shi J; Feng X; Zhang J; Zhang Y; Zhang R; Zhou B; Li Z; Sun J; Zhao Y; Yu Y; Pearson SA; Chen Z; Tian M, 2021, 'Feasibility and validity of using death surveillance data and SmartVA for fact and cause of death in clinical trials in rural China: A substudy of the China salt substitute and stroke study (SSaSS)', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75, pp. 540 - 549,

De Oliveira Costa J; Bruno C; Schaffer AL; Raichand S; Karanges EA; Pearson SA, 2021, 'The changing face of Australian data reforms: Impact on pharmacoepidemiology research', International Journal of Population Data Science, 6, pp. 1418,

Pace J; Kerridge I; Pearson S; Lipworth W, 2021, 'Physicians' attitudes towards accelerated access to medicines', Health Economics, Policy and Law, 16, pp. 154 - 169,

Brett J; Pearson SA; Daniels B; Wylie CE; Buckley NA, 2021, 'A cross sectional study of psychotropic medicine use in Australia in 2018: A focus on polypharmacy', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, pp. 1369 - 1377,

Ghinea N; Critchley C; Morrell B; Kerridge I; Campbell T; Day R; Gazarian M; Isaacs D; Liauw W; Olver I; Pace J; Pearson S; Salkeld G; Lipworth W, 2021, 'A survey of Australian public attitudes towards funding of high cost cancer medicines', Health Policy, 125, pp. 327 - 334,

Falster MO; Charrier R; Pearson SA; Buckley NA; Daniels B, 2021, 'Long-term trajectories of medicine use among older adults experiencing polypharmacy in Australia', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, pp. 1264 - 1274,

Tervonen HE; Schaffer AL; Luckett T; Phillips J; Litchfield M; Todd A; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Patterns of opioid use in older people diagnosed with cancer in New South Wales, Australia', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 30, pp. 360 - 370,

Daniels B; Luckett T; Holliday S; Liauw W; Lovell M; Phillips J; Rowett D; John TN; Tervonen H; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Patterns of oxycodone controlled release use in older people with cancer following public subsidy of oxycodone/naloxone formulations: An Australian population-based study', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 17, pp. 68 - 78,

Wertheimer G; Mathieson S; Maher CG; Lin CWC; McLachlan AJ; Buchbinder R; Pearson SA; Underwood M, 2021, 'The Prevalence of Opioid Analgesic Use in People with Chronic Noncancer Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies', Pain Medicine (United States), 22, pp. 506 - 517,

Wilson BE; Jacob S; Do V; Amir E; Bray F; Ferlay J; Knaul FM; Elawawy A; Pearson SA; Barton MB, 2021, 'Are nccn resource-stratified guidelines for breast cancer systemic therapy achievable? a population-based study of global need and economic impact', JCO Global Oncology, 7, pp. 1074 - 1083,

Daniels B; Pearson SA; Buckley NA; Bruno C; Schaffer A; Zoega H, 2021, 'Coming to grips with seemingly conflicting results in programme evaluation: The devil's in the detail', BMJ Quality and Safety, 30, pp. 70 - 71,

Pratt N; Camacho X; Vajdic C; Degenhardt L; Laba TL; Hillen J; Etherton-Beer C; Preen D; Jorm L; Donnolley N; Havard A; Pearson SA, 2021, 'The Medicines Intelligence Centre of Research Excellence: Co-creating real-world evidence to support the evidentiary needs of Australian regulators and payers', International Journal of Population Data Science, 6,

Yin X; Liu H; Webster J; Trieu K; Huffman MD; Miranda JJ; Marklund M; Wu JHY; Cobb LK; Li KC; Pearson S-A; Neal B; Tian M, 2021, 'Availability, Formulation, Labeling, and Price of Low-sodium Salt Worldwide: Environmental Scan (Preprint)', JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7,

Vogel JP; Tendal B; Giles M; Whitehead C; Burton W; Chakraborty S; Cheyne S; Downton T; Fraile Navarro D; Gleeson G; Gordon A; Hunt J; Kitschke J; McDonald S; McDonnell N; Middleton P; Millard T; Murano M; Oats J; Tate R; White H; Elliott J; Roach V; Homer CSE; McGowan S; Ballenden N; Barrett TL; Beavis V; Saunders JB; Buchanan T; Buchanan-Grey M; Casey D; Cowie M; Doyle J; Frydenberg M; Gnjidic D; Green S; Greenland R; Griffin K; Groombridge S; Hardy L; Hodak A; Holley A; Jovanovska V; Knight S; Michaels K; Morley P; Morphet J; Nou S; Russo P; Sarson M; Young A; Norris S; Morris-Donovan B; Gurry S; Hudson E; Hurley S; Primmer D; Timms S; Whicker S; Mukherjee S; Agostino J; Booth K; Burr L; Byers L; Cameron P; Cooper M; Cheng A; Fowler P; Glanville A; Leder K; McGloughlin S; McMullan B; McPhee E; Mitchell B; Morgan M; Myles P; O’Donnell C; Parr M; Phillips J; Randall R; Varndell W; Whyte I; William L; Brightwell R; Condon L; Deshpande A; Ehm A; Ferrie M; Muller J; Pullin L; Robinson E; Witt A; Larkins S; Morgan M; Taylor G; Agostino J; Burgess P; Agar M; Peiris D; Pearson S; Matthews G; McCarthy S, 2020, 'Clinical care of pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19: Living recommendations from the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60, pp. 840 - 851,

Badgery-Parker T; Pearson SA; Elshaug AG, 2020, 'Estimating misclassification error in a binary performance indicator: Case study of low value care in Australian hospitals', BMJ Quality and Safety, 29, pp. 992 - 999,

Yin X; Liu H; Trieu K; Webster J; Farrand C; Li KC; Pearson S; Tian M, 2020, 'The effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of low-sodium salts worldwide: An environmental scan protocol', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22, pp. 2258 - 2265,

Sotade OT; Falster M; Girardi LN; Pearson SA; Jorm LR, 2020, 'Age-stratified outcomes of bioprosthetic and mechanical aortic valve replacements in an Australian cohort of 13 377 patients', BMJ Surgery, Interventions, and Health Technologies, 2, pp. e000036,

Daniels B; Pearson SA; Vajdic CM; Pottegård A; Buckley NA; Zoega H, 2020, 'Risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the lip and cutaneous melanoma in older Australians using hydrochlorothiazide: A population-based case-control study', Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 127, pp. 320 - 328,

Wylie CE; Daniels B; Brett J; Pearson SA; Buckley NA, 2020, 'A national study on prescribed medicine use in Australia on a typical day', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 29, pp. 1046 - 1053,

Tang M; Schaffer A; Kiely BE; Daniels B; Simes RJ; Lee CK; Pearson SA, 2020, 'Correction: Treatment patterns and survival in HER2-positive early breast cancer: a whole-of-population Australian cohort study (2007–2016) (British Journal of Cancer, (2019), 121, 11, (904-911), 10.1038/s41416-019-0612-5)', British Journal of Cancer, 123, pp. 868,

Van Leeuwen MT; Luu S; Brown MR; Pearson S-A; Webber K; Hunt L; Hong S; Delaney G; Vajdic CM, 2020, 'Cardiovascular toxicity of targeted therapies for cancer: An overview of systematic reviews', JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 4, pp. pkaa076-,

Badgery-Parker T; Pearson SA; Elshaug AG, 2020, 'Hospital characteristics associated with low-value care in public hospitals in New South Wales, Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 20,

Homaira N; Daniels B; Pearson S; Jaffe A, 2020, 'Dispensing practices of fixed dose combination controller therapy for asthma in australian children and adolescents', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 1 - 7,

Falster MO; Buckley NA; Brieger D; Pearson SA, 2020, 'Antihypertensive polytherapy in Australia: Prevalence of inappropriate combinations, 2013-2018', Journal of Hypertension, 38, pp. 1586 - 1592,

Hsu B; Falster MO; Schaffer AL; Pearson S; Jorm L; Brieger DB, 2020, 'Antiplatelet therapy within 30 days of percutaneous coronary intervention with stent implantation', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 124 - 125,

Zheng D; Brett J; Daniels B; Buckley NA; Pearson SA; Schaffer AL, 2020, 'Potentially inappropriate benzodiazepine use in Australian adults: A population-based study (2014–2017)', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 575 - 582,

Shand AW; Bell J; Henry A; Grzeskowiak LE; Kidson-Gerber G; Pearson S; Nassar N, 2020, 'Rapid increase in intravenous iron therapy for women of reproductive age in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 85 - 86,

Ghinea N; Wiersma M; Kerridge I; Olver I; Pearson S; Day R; Liauw W; Lipworth W, 2020, '“Some sort of fantasy land”: A qualitative investigation of appropriate prescribing in cancer care', Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26, pp. 747 - 754,

Favell DL; Tang M; Daniels B; Vajdic CM; Zoega H; Pearson SA, 2020, 'Capture of systemic anticancer medicines in pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) data likely higher than previously reported', Public Health Research and Practice, 30,

Chitty KM; Schumann JL; Schaffer A; Cairns R; Gonzaga NJ; Raubenheimer JE; Carter G; Page A; Pearson SA; Buckley NA, 2020, 'Australian Suicide Prevention using Health-Linked Data (ASHLi): Protocol for a population-based case series study', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e038181,

Bruno C; Pearson SA; Daniels B; Buckley NA; Schaffer A; Zoega H, 2020, 'Passing the acid test? Evaluating the impact of national education initiatives to reduce proton pump inhibitor use in Australia', BMJ Quality and Safety, 29, pp. 365 - 373,

Mathieson S; Wertheimer G; Maher CG; Christine Lin CW; McLachlan AJ; Buchbinder R; Pearson SA; Underwood M, 2020, 'What proportion of patients with chronic noncancer pain are prescribed an opioid medicine? Systematic review and meta-regression of observational studies', Journal of Internal Medicine, 287, pp. 458 - 474,

Peng Z; Hayen A; Kirk MD; Pearson S; Cheng AC; Liu B, 2020, 'Microbiology testing associated with antibiotic dispensing in older community-dwelling adults', BMC Infectious Diseases, 20,

Schaffer AL; Cairns R; Brown JA; Gisev N; Buckley NA; Pearson SA, 2020, 'Changes in sales of analgesics to pharmacies after codeine was rescheduled as a prescription only medicine', Medical Journal of Australia, 212, pp. 321 - 327,

Raichand S; Pearson SA; Zoega H; Buckley NA; Havard A, 2020, 'Utilisation of teratogenic medicines before and during pregnancy in Australian women', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60, pp. 218 - 224,

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