Select Publications

Journal articles

Chiu T; Brett J; Pearson S; Schaffer A, 2020, 'Patterns of pregabalin initiation and discontinuation after its subsidy in Australia', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 86, pp. 1882 - 1887,

Cairns R; Schaffer AL; Brown JA; Pearson SA; Buckley NA, 2020, 'Codeine use and harms in Australia: evaluating the effects of re-scheduling', Addiction, 115, pp. 451 - 459,

Luckett T; Newton-John T; Phillips J; Holliday S; Giannitrapani K; Powell-Davies G; Lovell M; Liauw W; Rowett D; Pearson SA; Raymond B; Heneka N; Lorenz K, 2020, 'Risk of opioid misuse in people with cancer and pain and related clinical considerations: A qualitative study of the perspectives of Australian general practitioners', BMJ Open, 10,

De Oliveira Costa J; Schaffer AL; Medland NA; Litchfield M; Narayan SW; Guy R; McManus H; Pearson SA, 2020, 'Adherence to Antiretroviral Regimens in Australia: A Nationwide Cohort Study', AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 34, pp. 81 - 91,

Daniels B; Tervonen HE; Pearson SA, 2020, 'Identifying incident cancer cases in dispensing claims: A validation study using Australia's Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) data', International Journal of Population Data Science, 5,

Schaffer AL; Pearson SA; Perez-Concha O; Dobbins T; Ward RL; Leeuwen MTV; Rhee JJ; Laaksonen MA; Craigen G; Vajdic CM; van Leeuwen M, 2020, 'Diagnostic and health service pathways to diagnosis of cancer-registry notified cancer of unknown primary site (CUP)', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0230373,

Daniels B; Pearson SA; Buckley NA; Bruno C; Zoega H, 2020, 'Long-term use of proton-pump inhibitors: whole-of-population patterns in Australia 2013–2016', Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 13,

Darshni A; Farshid A; MacIsaac A; Hsu B; Pearson S; Falster M; Hyun K; D'Silva M; Brieger D, 2020, '730 Exploration of Single Antiplatelet Drug use in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Cardiac Stenting', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 29, pp. S364 - S365,

Coleman L; Brett J; Daniels B; Pearson S; Falster M, 2020, 'Medicine reviews: do they reduce benzodiazepine use in older Australians?', Public Health Research & Practice, 31,

Pearson SA; Buckley N; Stamatakis E, 2019, 'Exercise trials for blood pressure control: Keeping it REAL', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53, pp. 1443 - 1444,

Bell J; Paget SP; Nielsen TC; Buckley NA; Collins J; Pearson SA; Nassar N, 2019, 'Prescription opioid dispensing in Australian children and adolescents: a national population-based study', The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 3, pp. 881 - 888,

Tang M; Schaffer A; Kiely BE; Daniels B; Simes RJ; Lee CK; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Treatment patterns and survival in HER2-positive early breast cancer: a whole-of-population Australian cohort study (2007–2016)', British Journal of Cancer, 121, pp. 904 - 911,

Reekie J; Donovan B; Guy R; Hocking JS; Kaldor JM; Mak D; Preen D; Ward J; Liu B; Wand H; Pearson S, 2019, 'Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy and Tubal Infertility Following Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Infections', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69, pp. 1621 - 1623,

Feng Y; Flitcroft K; van Leeuwen MT; Elshaug AG; Spillane A; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Patterns of immediate breast reconstruction in New South Wales, Australia: a population-based study', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 89, pp. 1230 - 1235,

Schaffer AL; Buckley NA; Cairns R; Pearson S, 2019, 'Comparison of Prescribing Patterns before and after Implementation of a National Policy to Reduce Inappropriate Alprazolam Prescribing in Australia', JAMA Network Open, 2, pp. e1911590,

Daniels B; Kiely BE; Tang M; Tervonen H; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Trastuzumab use in older patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: Outcomes and treatment patterns in a whole-of-population Australian cohort (2003-2015)', BMC Cancer, 19, pp. 909,

Vajdic CM; Perez-Concha O; Rhee JJ; Dobbins T; Ward RL; Schaffer AL; van Leeuwen MT; Laaksonen MA; Craigen G; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Health-related predictors of cancer registry-notified cancer of unknown primary site (CUP)', Cancer Epidemiology, 61, pp. 1 - 7,

Peacock A; Chiu V; Leung J; Dobbins T; Larney S; Gisev N; Pearson SA; Degenhardt L, 2019, 'Protocol for the Data-Linkage Alcohol Cohort Study (DACS): Investigating mortality, morbidity and offending among people with an alcohol-related problem using linked administrative data', BMJ Open, 9,

Chen Y; Kirk MD; Stuart R; Cheng AC; Pearson SA; Hayen A; Banks E; Liu B, 2019, 'Socio-demographic and health service factors associated with antibiotic dispensing in older Australian adults', PLoS ONE, 14,

Page AT; Falster MO; Litchfield M; Pearson SA; Etherton-Beer C, 2019, 'Polypharmacy among older Australians, 2006–2017: a population-based study', Medical Journal of Australia, 211, pp. 71 - 75,

Vajdic CM; Perez-Concha O; Dobbins T; Ward RL; Schaffer AL; van Leeuwen MT; Rhee JJ; Laaksonen MA; Craigen G; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Demographic, social and lifestyle risk factors for cancer registry-notified cancer of unknown primary site (CUP)', Cancer Epidemiology, 60, pp. 156 - 161,

Tang M; Schaffer A; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Embracing the full spectrum of real-world data for cancer medicines research in Australia', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 15, pp. 186 - 187,

Tervonen HE; Daniels B; Tang M; Preen DB; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Patterns of endocrine therapy in a national cohort of early stage HER2-positive breast cancer patients', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 28, pp. 812 - 820,

Badgery-Parker T; Feng Y; Pearson SA; Levesque JF; Dunn S; Elshaug AG, 2019, 'Exploring variation in low-value care: A multilevel modelling study', BMC Health Services Research, 19,

Schaffer AL; Zoega H; Tran DT; Buckley NA; Pearson S; Havard A, 2019, 'Trajectories of antipsychotic use before and during pregnancy and associated maternal and birth characteristics', Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53, pp. 000486741984776 - 000486741984776,

Costa JDO; Pearson SA; Acurcio FDA; Bonolo PDF; Silveira MR; Ceccato MDGB, 2019, 'Health-related quality of life among HIV-infected patients initiating treatment in Brazil in the single-tablet regimen era', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 31, pp. 572 - 581,

Han D; Narayan SW; Zoega H; Litchfield M; Buckley NA; Pearson SA; Schaffer AL, 2019, 'Anticipating the effects of restricting high-dose preparations of strong opioids in Australia: A population-based analysis to inform the current policy debate', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 28, pp. 521 - 527,

Badgery-Parker T; Pearson SA; Dunn S; Elshaug AG, 2019, 'Measuring Hospital-Acquired Complications Associated with Low-Value Care', JAMA Internal Medicine, 179, pp. 499 - 505,

Gisev N; Pearson SA; Larance B; Larney S; Blanch B; Degenhardt L, 2019, 'A population-based study of transdermal fentanyl initiation in Australian clinical practice', European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75, pp. 401 - 408,

Peacock A; Larance B; Bruno R; Pearson SA; Buckley NA; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2019, 'Effectiveness and framing of pharmaceutical opioid abuse-deterrent formulations', Addiction, 114, pp. 404 - 405,

Cairns R; Schaffer AL; Ryan N; Pearson SA; Buckley NA, 2019, 'Monitoring emerging prescription-drug related harms: a comment on Cairns et al. (2018)—in reply', Addiction, 114, pp. 572 - 573,

Peacock A; Larance B; Bruno R; Pearson SA; Buckley NA; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2019, 'Post-marketing studies of pharmaceutical opioid abuse-deterrent formulations: a framework for research design and reporting', Addiction, 114, pp. 389 - 399,

Badgery-Parker T; Pearson SA; Scott IA; Elshaug AG, 2019, 'Response to: A 'Sentinel lymph node biopsy for in situ melanoma is unlikely in Australia' by Morton and Thompson', BMJ Quality and Safety, 28, pp. 255 - 256,

Lord SJ; Kiely BE; Pearson SA; Daniels B; O'Connell DL; Beith J; Bulsara MK; Houssami N, 2019, 'Metastatic breast cancer incidence, site and survival in Australia, 2001-2016: A population-based health record linkage study protocol', BMJ Open, 9,

Du W; Gnjidic D; Pearson SA; Hilmer SN; McLachlan AJ; Blyth F; Viney R; Joshy G; Day C; Banks E, 2019, 'Patterns of high-risk prescribing and other factors in relation to receipt of a home medicines review: A prospective cohort investigation among adults aged 45 years and over in Australia', BMJ Open, 9,

Cairns R; Karanges EA; Wong A; Brown JA; Robinson J; Pearson SA; Dawson AH; Buckley NA, 2019, 'Trends in self-poisoning and psychotropic drug use in people aged 5-19 years: A population-based retrospective cohort study in Australia', BMJ Open, 9,

Narayan SW; Pearson SA; Litchfield M; Le Couteur DG; Buckley N; McLachlan AJ; Zoega H, 2019, 'Anticholinergic medicines use among older adults before and after initiating dementia medicines', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 85, pp. 1957 - 1963,

Schaffer AL; Falster MO; Brieger D; Jorm LR; Wilson A; Hay M; Leeb K; Pearson S; Nasis A, 2019, 'Evidence-practice gaps in postdischarge initiation with oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation', Journal of the American Heart Association, 8, pp. e014287,

Schaffer AL; Karanges EA; Buckley NA; Wilson A; Degenhardt L; Larance B; Pearson SA, 2019, 'Increases in controlled-release oxycodone utilisation following the subsidy of oxycodone with naloxone formulations: An Australian population-based study', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 28, pp. 97 - 105,

Chalmers K; Badgery-Parker T; Pearson SA; Brett J; Scott I; Elshaug AG, 2019, 'Measuring 21 low-value health care procedures in Australian private health insurance claims data (2010 – 2014)', BMJ

Campbell G; Lintzeris N; Gisev N; Larance B; Pearson S; Degenhardt L, 2019, 'Regulatory and other responses to the pharmaceutical opioid problem', Medical Journal of Australia, 210,

Brett J; Zoega H; Buckley NA; Daniels BJ; Elshaug AG; Pearson SA, 2018, 'Choosing wisely? Quantifying the extent of three low value psychotropic prescribing practices in Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 18, pp. 1009,

Morgan A; Joshy G; Schaffer A; Laba T-L; Litchfield M; Pearson S; Banks E, 2018, 'Rapid and substantial increases in anticoagulant use and expenditure in Australia following the introduction of new types of oral anticoagulants', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0208824,

Gisev N; Pearson SA; Dobbins T; Currow DC; Blyth F; Larney S; Dunlop A; Mattick RP; Wilson A; Degenhardt L, 2018, 'Combating escalating harms associated with pharmaceutical opioid use in Australia: The POPPY II study protocol', BMJ Open, 8,

Gisev N; Campbell G; Lalic S; Larney S; Peacock A; Nielsen S; Pearson SA; Degenhardt L, 2018, 'Current Opioid Access, Use, and Problems in Australasian Jurisdictions', Current Addiction Reports, 5, pp. 464 - 472,

Henry D; Stehlik P; Camacho X; Pearson SA, 2018, 'Access to routinely collected data for population health research: experiences in Canada and Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42, pp. 430 - 433,

Lopez D; Daniels B; Sanfilippo F; Pearson S; Martini A; Preen DB, 2018, 'Needs and priority areas for building capacity for working with linked data in the Australian pharmacoepidemiology workforce', International Journal of Population Data Science, 3,

Cairns R; Schaffer A; Ryan N; Pearson S; Buckley NA, 2018, 'Rising pregabalin use and misuse in Australia: trends in utilisation and intentional poisonings', Addiction, 114, pp. 1026 - 1034,

Bell JC; Bentley JP; Downie C; Cairns R; Buckley NA; Katelaris A; Pearson SA; Nassar N, 2018, 'Accidental pharmacological poisonings in young children: population-based study in three settings', Clinical Toxicology, 56, pp. 782 - 789,

Daniels B; Kiely BE; Lord SJ; Houssami N; Lu CY; Ward RL; Pearson SA, 2018, 'Long-term survival in trastuzumab-treated patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: real-world outcomes and treatment patterns in a whole-of-population Australian cohort (2001–2016)', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 171, pp. 151 - 159,

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