Select Publications

Journal articles

Hains I; Ward RL; Pearson S, 2012, 'Implementing a web-based oncology protocol system in Australia: Evaluation of the first three years of operation', Internal Medicine Journal, 42, pp. 57 - 64,

Lu CY; Srasuebkul P; Drew A; Ward RL; Pearson S, 2012, 'Positive spillover effects of prescribing requirements: Increased cardiac testing in patients treated with trastuzumab for HER2+ metastatic breast cancer', Internal Medicine Journal, 42, pp. 1229 - 1235,

Jebb SA; Ahern AL; Olson AD; Aston LM; Holzapfel C; Stoll J; Amann-Gassner U; Simpson AE; Fuller NR; Pearson S; Lau NS; Mander AP; Hauner H; Caterson ID, 2011, 'Primary care referral to a commercial provider for weight loss treatment versus standard care: A randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 378, pp. 1485 - 1492,

Robertson JG; Moxey AJ; Newby D; Gillies MC; Williamson M; Pearson S, 2011, 'Electronic information and clinical decision support for prescribing: State of play in Australian general practice', Family Practice, 28, pp. 93 - 101,

Langton JM; Pearson S, 2011, 'EviQ cancer treatments on line: How does the web-based protocol system fare in a comprehensive quality assessment?', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 7, pp. 357 - 363

Langton JM; Drew A; Mellish L; Olivier J; Ward RL; Pearson S, 2011, 'The quality of web-based oncology guidelines and protocols: how do international sites stack up?', British Journal of Cancer, 105, pp. 1166 - 1172

Stavrou E; Vajdic CM; Loxton DJ; Pearson S, 2011, 'The validity of self-reported cancer diagnoses and factors associated with accurate reporting in a cohort of older Australian women', Cancer Epidemiology, 35, pp. e75 - e80

Robertson J; Walkom E; Pearson SA; Hains I; Williamson M; Newby D, 2010, 'The impact of pharmacy computerised clinical decision support on prescribing, clinical and patient outcomes: A systematic review of the literature', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18, pp. 69 - 87,

Moxey AJ; Robertson J; Newby D; Hains I; Williamson M; Pearson S, 2010, 'Computerized clinical decision support for prescribing: provision does not guarantee uptake', American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium Proceedings, 17, pp. 25 - 33,

De raad J; van Gool K; Haas M; Haywood P; Faedo M; Gallego G; Pearson S; Ward RL, 2010, 'Nursing takes time: workload associated with administering cancer protocols', Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 14, pp. 735 - 741

Pearson S; Chin M; Faedo M; Ward RL, 2010, 'Rationale for treatment durations of targeted cancer agents', Lancet Oncology, 11, pp. 1113 - 1115,

Robertson J; Walkom E; Pearson S; Hains I; Williamson M; Newby D, 2010, 'The impact of pharmacy computerised clinical decision support on prescribing, clinical and patient outcomes: A systematic review of the literature', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18, pp. 69 - 87,

Pearson S; Moxey A; Robertson J; Hains I; Williamson M; Reeve J; Newby D, 2009, 'Do computerised clinical decision support systems for prescribing change practice? A systematic review of the literature (1990-2007)', BMC Health Services Research, 9, pp. 154,

Pearson S; Moxey AJ; Robertson JG; Hains I; Williamson M; Reeve J; Newby D, 2009, 'Do computerised clinical decision support systems for prescribing change practice? A systematic review of the literature (1990-2007)', BMC Health Services Research, 9

Garvey G; Rolfe I; Pearson S; Treloar C, 2009, 'Indigenous Australian medical students' perceptions of their medical school training', Medical Education, 43, pp. 1047 - 1055,

Hains I; Fuller J; Ward RL; Pearson S, 2009, 'Standardizing care in medical oncology: Are web-based systems the answer?', Cancer, 115, pp. 5579 - 5588

Lane CA; Healy CA; Ho MT; Pearson S; Brown MA, 2008, 'How to attract a nephrology trainee: Quantitative questionnaire results', Nephrology, 13, pp. 116 - 123,

Lu C; Ross-Degnan D; Soumerai SB; Pearson S, 2008, 'Interventions designed to improve the quality and effciency of medication use in managed care: a critical review of the literature - 2001-2007', BMC Health Services Research, 8

Lu CY; Ross-Degnan D; Soumerai SB; Pearson S, 2008, 'Interventions designed to improve the quality and efficiency of medication use in managed care: A critical review of the literature - 2001-2007', BMC Health Services Research, 8, pp. 1 - 12

Lu C; Ross-Degnan D; Soumerai SB; Pearson S, 2008, 'The interventions designed to improve the quality and efficienby of medication use in managed care: A critical review of the literature - 2001-2007', BMC Health Services Research, 8, pp. 75

Ringland C; Mant A; McGettigan P; Mitchell PB; Kelman C; Buckley NA; Pearson S, 2008, 'Uncovering the potential risk of serotonin toxicity in Australian veterans using pharmaceutical claims data', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 66, pp. 682 - 688

Egger G; Pearson S; Pal S; Swinburn B, 2007, 'Erratum: Dissecting obesogenic behaviours: The development and application of a test battery for targeting prescription for weight loss (Obesity Reviews (2007) 8, (481-486))', Obesity Reviews, 8, pp. 533,

Kelman CW; Pearson S; Day RO; D Arcy C; Holman JW; Kliewer E; Henry D, 2007, 'Evaluating medicines: let`s use all the evidence', Medical Journal of Australia, 186, pp. 249 - 252

Pearson S; Ringland C; Kelman CW; Mant A; Lowinger J; Stark H; Nichol G; Day RO; Henry DA, 2007, 'Patterns of analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicine use by Australian veterans', Internal Medicine Journal, 37, pp. 798 - 805

Pearson S; Ringland C; Ward RL, 2007, 'Trastuzumab and metastatic breast cancer: Trastuzumab use in Australia - Monitoring the effect of an expensive medicine access program', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, pp. 3688 - 3693

Pearson S; Ringland C; Ward RL, 2007, 'Use of trastuzumab for metastatic breast cancer in Australia: Interpreting findings from a cohort of 1,469 women on a national access program versus 41 women treated by two medical oncologists', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, pp. 5663 - 5664

Egger G; Pearson S; Pal S, 2006, 'Individualising weight loss prescription: A management tool for clinicians', Australian Family Physician, 35, pp. 591 - 594

Tan E; Stark HL; Lowinger J; Ringland C; Ward RL; Pearson S, 2006, 'Information sources used by New South Wales cancer clinicians: a qualitative study', Internal Medicine Journal, 36, pp. 711 - 717

Pearson S; Rolfe I; Soumerai S; Mah C; Zhang F; Simoni-Wastila L; Salzman C; Cosler L; Fanning T; Gallagher P; Ross-Degnan D, 2006, 'Racial disparities in access after regulatory surveillance of benzodiazepines', Archives of Internal Medicine, 166, pp. 572 - 579

Pearson S; Soumerai S; Mah C; Zhang F; Simoni-Wastila L; Salzman C; Cosler L; Fanning T; Gallagher P; Ross-Degnan D, 2006, 'Racial disparities in access after regulatory surveillance of benzodiazepines', Archives of Internal Medicine, 166, pp. 572 - 579

Pearson S; Honeywood S; O'Toole M, 2005, 'Not yet learning for sustainability: The challenge of environmental education in a university', International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 14, pp. 173 - 186,

Webeck K; Pearson S, 2005, 'Stick-nest rat middens and a late-Holocene record of White Range, central Australia', Holocene, 15, pp. 466 - 471,

Rolfe I; Ringland C; Pearson S, 2004, 'Graduate entry to medical school? Testing some assumptions', Medical Education, 38, pp. 778 - 786

Pearson S; Ross-Degnan D; Payson A; Soumerai S, 2003, 'Changing medication use in managed care: A critical review of the available evidence', American Journal of Managed Care, 9, pp. 715 - 731

Mooney WWW; Cole I; Albsoul N; Pearson SA, 2002, 'Salvage vertical partial laryngectomy for radiation failure in early glottic carcinoma', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 72, pp. 746 - 749,

Pearson SA; Rolfe I; Ringland C; Kay-Lambkin F, 2002, 'A comparison of practice outcomes of graduates from traditional and non-traditional medical schools in Australia', Medical Education, 36, pp. 985 - 991,

Pearson SA; Rolfe I; Smith T; O'Connell D, 2002, 'Intern prescribing decisions: Few and far between', Education for Health, 15, pp. 315 - 325,

Pearson SA; Rolfe I; Smith T, 2002, 'Factors influencing prescribing: An intern's perspective', Medical Education, 36, pp. 781 - 787,

Kay-Lambkin F; Pearson SA; Rolfe I, 2002, 'The influence of admissions variables on first year medical school performance: A study from Newcastle University, Australia', Medical Education, 36, pp. 154 - 159,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA; Sanson-Fisher RW; Ringland C; Bayley S; Hart A; Kelly S, 2002, 'Which common clinical conditions should medical students be able to manage by graduation? A perspective from Australian interns', Medical Teacher, 24, pp. 16 - 22,

Pearson SG; Searson MJ, 2002, 'High-resolution data from Australian trees', Australian Journal of Botany, 50, pp. 431 - 439,

Pearson S; Betancourt JL, 2002, 'Understanding arid environments using fossil rodent middens', Journal of Arid Environments, 50, pp. 499 - 511,

Rolfe IE; Pearson S; Sanson-Fisher RW; Ringland C, 2001, 'Identifying medical school learning needs: A survey of Australian interns', Education for Health, 14, pp. 395 - 404,

Pearson SG; Baynes A; Triggs BE, 2001, 'The record of fauna, and accumulating agents of hair and bone, found in middens of stick-nest rats (Genus Leporillus) (Rodentia: Muridae)', Wildlife Research, 28, pp. 435 - 444,

De Clercq L; Pearson SA; Rolfe IE, 2001, 'The relationship between previous tertiary education and course performance in first year medical students at Newcastle University, Australia', Education for Health, 14, pp. 417 - 426,

Grey MR; Pearson SA; Rolfe IE; Kay FJ; Powis DA, 2001, 'How do Australian doctors with different pre-medical school backgrounds perform as interns?', Education for Health, 14, pp. 87 - 96,

Treloar C; McCall N; Rolfe I; Pearson SA; Garvey G; Heathcote A, 2000, 'Factors affecting progress of Australian and international students in a problem-based learning medical course', Medical Education, 34, pp. 708 - 715,

Pearson S; Smith AJ; Rolfe IE; Moulds RFW; Shenfield GM, 2000, 'Intern Prescribing for Common Clinical Conditions', Advances in Health Sciences Education, 5, pp. 141 - 150,

Enno A; Mondy P; Kerridge I; Pearson S, 2000, 'Investigating pathology utilisation by junior medical staff in a teaching hospital: A qualitative study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 30, pp. 261 - 263,

Soumerai SB; McLaughlin TJ; Gurwitz JH; Pearson S; Christiansen CL; Borbas C; Morris N; McLaughlin B; Gao X; Ross-Degnan D, 1999, 'Timeliness and quality of care for elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction under health maintenance organization vs fee-for-service insurance.', Arch Intern Med, 159, pp. 2013 - 2020,

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