Select Publications

Journal articles

Kerridge IH; Pearson SA; Rolfe IE; Lowe M; McPhee JR, 1999, 'Impact of written information on knowledge and preferences for cardiopulmonary resuscitation', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 239 - 242,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA; Cleary EG; Gannon C, 1999, 'Attitudes towards community medicine: A comparison of students from traditional and community-oriented medical schools', Medical Education, 33, pp. 606 - 611,

Willison DJ; Soumerai SB; McLaughlin TJ; Gurwitz JH; Gao X; Guadagnoli E; Pearson S; Hauptman P; McLaughlin B, 1998, 'Consultation between cardiologists and generalists in the management of acute myocardial infarction: implications for quality of care.', Arch Intern Med, 158, pp. 1778 - 1783,

Rolfe IE; Gordon J; Atherton S; Pearson S; Kay FJ; Fardell SD, 1998, 'A system for maintaining the educational and training standards of junior doctors', Medical Education, 32, pp. 426 - 431,

Kerridge IH; Pearson SA; Rolfe IE; Lowe M, 1998, 'Decision making in CPR: Attitudes of hospital patients and healthcare professionals', Medical Journal of Australia, 169, pp. 128 - 131,

Rolfe IE; Pearson S; Sanson-Fisher R; Fardell SD; Kay FJ; Gordon J, 1998, 'Measuring the hospital experiences of junior doctors', Medical Education, 32, pp. 312 - 319,

Pearson SA; Rolfe IE; Henry RL, 1998, 'The relationship between assessment measures at Newcastle Medical School (Australia) and performance ratings during internship', Medical Education, 32, pp. 40 - 45,

Hill J; Rolfe IE; Pearson SA; Heathcote A, 1998, 'Do junior doctors feel they are prepared for hospital practice? A study of graduates from traditional and non-traditional medical schools', Medical Education, 32, pp. 19 - 24,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA; Fardell SD; Kay FJ, 1998, 'Monitoring the performance of junior doctors in the first two years of postgraduate training', Education for Health, 11, pp. 183 - 192

Kerridge IH; Pearson S; Rolfe IE, 1998, 'Determining the function of a hospital clinical ethics committee: making ethics work.', J Qual Clin Pract, 18, pp. 117 - 124,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA, 1996, 'Screening recommendations in general practice: A survey of graduates from different medical schools', Medical Journal of Australia, 165, pp. 14 - 17,

Carr SC; Pearson SA; Provost SC, 1996, 'Learning to manage motivational gravity: An application of group polarization', Journal of Social Psychology, 136, pp. 251 - 254,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA, 1996, 'A scale to measure attitudes toward community medicine', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 20, pp. 433 - 435,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA; Barnsley L, 1996, 'Attitudes of Doctors Toward Community Medicine: Differences between Graduates from Innovative and Traditional Medical Schools', Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 8, pp. 77 - 82,

Rolfe IE; Pearson S; Powis DA; Smith AJ, 1996, 'Time For a Review of Admission to Medical School?', Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 51, pp. 282 - 283,

Rolfe IE; Pearson S; Powis DA; Smith AJ, 1995, 'Time for a review of admission to medical school?', The Lancet, 346, pp. 1329 - 1333,

Rolfe IE; Andren JM; Pearson S; Hensley MJ; Gordon JJ; Atherton S; Gordon J; Smith A; Barnsley L; Hazell P; Henry R; Powis D; Wallis B, 1995, 'Clinical competence of interns', Medical Education, 29, pp. 225 - 230,

Rolfe IE; Pearson S; O'Connell DL; Dickinson JA, 1995, 'Finding solutions to the rural doctor shortage: the roles of selection versus undergraduate medical education at Newcastle', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 25, pp. 512 - 517,

Smith AJ; Pearson S; Hamilton JD; Rolfe IE, 1995, 'Communication skills of interns in New South Wales: In reply', Medical Journal of Australia, 162, pp. 498 - 498,

Kenardy J; Mensch M; Bowen K; Pearson SA, 1994, 'A comparison of eating behaviors in newly diagnosed NIDDM patients and case-matched control subjects', Diabetes Care, 17, pp. 1197 - 1199,

Rolfe IE; Pearson SA, 1994, 'Communication skills of interns in New South Wales', Medical Journal of Australia, 161, pp. 667 - 670,

Smith AJ; Barnsley L; Cameron R; Engel CE; Feletti GI; Hazell P; McPherson J; Murphy LB; Pearson SA; Powis DA; Rolfe I; Saunders NA; Wallis BJ, 1994, 'Ratings of Performance of Graduates from Traditional and Nontraditional Medical Schools', Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 6, pp. 179 - 184,

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