
Professor Sam Adie

My Expertise

Orthopaedic Surgery

Evidence Based Medicine

Fields of Research (FoR)

Orthopaedics, Epidemiology


Sam Adie is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at UNSW. Sam has had a long association with the university, completing his undergraduate Medical degree, a Masters of Sports Medicine, a Masters of Public Health, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)- all at UNSW. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Orthopaedic Association, then completed three clinical/research fellowships at the University of Toronto...view more

Sam Adie is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at UNSW. Sam has had a long association with the university, completing his undergraduate Medical degree, a Masters of Sports Medicine, a Masters of Public Health, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)- all at UNSW. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Orthopaedic Association, then completed three clinical/research fellowships at the University of Toronto (Canada), the University of Oxford (UK), and Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney. He practices at St. George (public and private) and Sutherland hospitals.

Sam's research interests focus in the clinical effectiveness of orthopaedic/musculoskeletal interventions: systematic reviews, clinical trials, and clinical registries. He also has a particular interest in the scientific quality and reporting of research publications. Sam has been awarded ~$12million in research funding, and is an investigator on a series of clinical trials in orthopaedics, including the first large randomised registry nested trials with the Australian National Joint Replacement Registry.

Sam supervises both undergraduate (Independent Learning Project) students, as well as higher degree students. He is also current Chair of CLEAR (Critical Literature Evaluation and Research), a mandatory clinical epidemiology course offered to trainees of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.


My Grants


NHMRC 2023 Partnership Projects PRC2                                                             June 2024

AI, Project title: “Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) to improve perioperative care

for Older PeoplE (COPE)”



Ramsay Hospital Research Foundation                                                                 Apr 2024

CI, Project title: "Reducing Opioids After fracture Discharge: a Randomised Trial"



Ramsay Hospital Research Foundation                                                                 Apr 2024

CIA, Project title: "Early Pain Intervention in Knee replacement (EPIK): A registry nested trial"



National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)                               Apr 2024

Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grant

CIA, Project title: "Early Pain Intervention in Knee replacement (EPIK): A registry nested trial"

$A 2,154,577.23


Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)                                                                Feb 2024

Clinician Researchers Initiative Grant 

CIA, Project title: "Early Pain Intervention in Knee replacement (EPIK)"



National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

CI, Project title: “Responsible Opioid use for Hip and knee ArthropLasTy (OpioidHALT) study.



Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Clinician Researchers-                         Jan 2023

Nurses Midwives and Allied Health Grants                                                          

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

CI, Project title: “Responsible Opioid use for Hip and knee ArthropLasTy (OpioidHALT) study.



Centres of Research Excellence (CRE) Grant                                                        Nov 2022 – Nov 2027

National Health and Medical Research Council

Associate Investigator, Australian and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trials Network

AU $2,500,000


College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing Strategic Research Pilot Grant      May 2022

Project title: “Exploratory investigation of novel brain biomarkers for predicting chronic postsurgical pain”

AU $9,783 over 6 months


Avant Foundation Grant                                                                                           September 2021

Project title: “Responsible pre-operative Opioid use for Hip and knee ArthropLaTty (OpioidHALT): pilot study with embedded qualitative study”

AU $100,046.10 over 2 years


Australia and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trial Network                  August 2021


Project title: “Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Bolster Analgesic Effects of Exercise in Knee Osteoarthritis”

AU $20000


The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise         December 2020

(SPHERE) Musculoskeletal Clinical Academic Group, Blue Sky Initiative  

Project title: “Efficacy of pain management approaches in the subacute period following knee or hip arthroplasty”

AU $15000


Australia and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trial Network                  October 2020


CIA, Project Title: A partial meal replacement program for weight loss prior to knee or hip arthroplasty: a feasibility study 



The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise         May 2020

(SPHERE) Musculoskeletal Clinical Academic Group, Blue Sky Initiative  

CI, Project title: “Acceptability of opioid tapering: perspectives from a pre-arthroplasty

cohort versus chronic pain cohort

AU$10,000 over 1 year


Australian Orthopaedic Association Research Foundation Grant                       Aug 2019

CI, Project title: “DISTINCT: Dual mobility versus standard total hip arthroplasty

in femoral neck fractures, a cluster randomised trial

AU$30,000 over 3 years 


Australian Orthopaedic Association Research Foundation Grant                       Aug 2019

CI, Project title: “Rates of Persistent Wound Drainage in Patients Receiving Aspirin or

Low Molecular Weight Heparin as Venous Thromboembolic Event Prophylaxis for Total

Hip or Total Knee Arthroplasty”

AU$1,400 over 1 years 


Australian Orthopaedic Association Research Foundation Grant                       Aug 2019

CI, Project title: “Individual patient data meta-analysis: Operative vs. non-operative

treatment for adult distal radius fractures

AU$10,000 over 3 years 


The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise         Feb 2019

(SPHERE) Supporting Leading Better Value Care (SLBVC) Grants Scheme

“Raising the bar in hip fracture care – a win for everyone”

AU$147,248 over 2 years


Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)                                                                Jan 2018

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

Scheme: Lifting Clinical Trials and Registries Capacity

CI for “CRISTAL: Cluster Randomised Trial of Aspirin versus Low molecular weight

heparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in joint replacement

surgery, a registry-nested study” (APP1152285)

AU$910,700.60 over 4 years


Australian Orthopaedic Association Research Foundation Grant                       Jun 2010

Investigator, Project title: “Combined Randomised and Observational

Study of Surgery for type B Ankle Fracture Treatment (CROSSBAT)

AU$35,337.50 over lifetime of project 


Medical Postgraduate Scholarship                                                                          Jan 2010

National Health and Medical Research Council

AU$81,000 over 2.25 years


Sir Roy McCaughey Research Fellowship                                                              Jan 2009

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

AU$180,000 over 3 years

My Qualifications

BSc(Med) MBBS(Hons) (UNSW); MSpMed (UNSW); MPH (UNSW); PhD (UNSW); FRACS(Ortho); FAOA

My Awards

Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Young Ambassador Fellowship, representing Australia 2018


AOA Emerging Leader, 2019



My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

Clinical effectiveness of orthopaedic/musculoskeletal interventions: systematic reviews, clinical trials, and clinical outcomes registries.

Scientific quality and reporting of research publications.

Currently supervising

  • Independent Learning Project Students
  • Masters Student 
  • PhD Student

My Teaching

Faculty Member, RACS Critical Literature Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) Course

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St. George Private Consulting Suites
Suite 201, 131 Princes Hwy (Entry via South St.)
Kogarah, NSW 2217


+61 2 95874720
+61 2 95876927