Shalini Vinod is a Radiation Oncologist at Liverpool Hospital. She specialises in the treatment of lung and breast cancers. Her current research is focused on health services based research (patterns of care studies, multidisciplinary team care, quality indicators), predictive modelling of data to inform patient care (datamining research), incorporation of MRI imaging for radiotherapy planning and new technologies to improve the radiotherapy...view more
Shalini Vinod is a Radiation Oncologist at Liverpool Hospital. She specialises in the treatment of lung and breast cancers. Her current research is focused on health services based research (patterns of care studies, multidisciplinary team care, quality indicators), predictive modelling of data to inform patient care (datamining research), incorporation of MRI imaging for radiotherapy planning and new technologies to improve the radiotherapy treatment of cancer.
My Qualifications
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
Topics :
Health services research
Multidisciplinary teams in cancer
Quality Indicators
Geriatric oncology
Currently supervising
PhD student - Population Variations of Quality of Care in the Management of Cancer
PhD student - Identifying risk factors to reduce cardiac morbidity and mortality in patients with breast and lung cancer
PhD student - Would a predictive outcome model be a useful tool for clinical decision making in older patients with
Head and Neck cancer?
PhD student - Outcomes of cervical cancer and chemoradiation in patients with and without HIV
PhD student - Developing, Implementing and Evaluating a Co-Designed Nurse-Led Geriatric Model of Care for Older People with Lung Cancer: A Mixed-Methods Study
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