Select Publications

Journal articles

Watkins A; Stein-Parbury J; Denney-Wilson E; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Upskilling Mental Health Nurses to Address the Burden of Poor Metabolic Health: A Mixed Method Evaluation', Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41, pp. 925 - 931,

Firth J; Solmi M; Wootton RE; Vancampfort D; Schuch FB; Hoare E; Gilbody S; Torous J; Teasdale SB; Jackson SE; Smith L; Eaton M; Jacka FN; Veronese N; Marx W; Ashdown-Franks G; Siskind D; Sarris J; Rosenbaum S; Carvalho AF; Stubbs B, 2020, 'A meta-review of “lifestyle psychiatry”: the role of exercise, smoking, diet and sleep in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders', World Psychiatry, 19, pp. 360 - 380,

Fibbins H; Czosnek L; Stanton R; Davison K; Lederman O; Morell R; Ward P; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Self-reported physical activity levels of the 2017 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) conference delegates and their exercise referral practices', Journal of Mental Health, 29, pp. 565 - 572,

Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Baldeo R; Fibbins H; Jarman R; Lederman O; Perram A; Poole J; Rossimel E; Smith G; Teasdale S; Wade T; Watkins A; White A; Pearce D; Curtis J, 2020, 'Changing health workforce attitudes to promote improved physical health in mental health service users: Keeping our Staff in Mind (KoSiM)', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 31, pp. 447 - 455,

Vancampfort D; Basangwa D; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Mugisha J, 2020, 'Test-retest reliability and correlates of the simple physical activity questionnaire in ugandan out-patients with psychosis', African Health Sciences, 20, pp. 1438 - 1445,

McKeon G; Steel Z; Wells R; Newby J; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'A Mental Health–Informed Physical Activity Intervention for First Responders and Their Partners Delivered Using Facebook: Mixed Methods Pilot Study (Preprint)', ,

Deenik J; Czosnek L; Teasdale SB; Stubbs B; Firth J; Schuch FB; Tenback DE; Van Harten PN; Tak ECPM; Lederman O; Ward PB; Hendriksen IJM; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'From impact factors to real impact: Translating evidence on lifestyle interventions into routine mental health care', Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10, pp. 1070 - 1073,

Lederman O; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S; Maloney C; Watkins A; Teasdale S; Morell R; Curtis J, 2020, 'Stepping up early treatment for help-seeking youth with at-risk mental states: Feasibility and acceptability of a real-world exercise program', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 14, pp. 450 - 462,

Fibbins H; Ward P; Stanton R; Thom J; Burdett A; Lederman O; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Australian exercise physiology student attitudes and knowledge towards people living with mental illness', Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 15, pp. 193 - 205,

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Curtis J; Watkins A; Lederman O; Morell R; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Effectiveness of a brief lifestyle intervention targeting mental health staff: Analysis of physical fitness and activity in the Keeping Our Staff in Mind study', BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6, pp. e000761,

Rebar AL; Rosenbaum S; Maher JP, 2020, 'Responsiveness to change of the psychological determinants and outcomes of physical activity and sedentary behavior', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 49,

Chen A; Rosenbaum S; Wells R; Gould K; Ward PB; Steel Z, 2020, 'Obesity, physical activity and sleep quality in patients admitted to a posttraumatic stress inpatient ward', Australasian Psychiatry, 28, pp. 270 - 273,

Korman N; Fox H; Skinner T; Dodd C; Suetani S; Chapman J; Parker S; Dark F; Collins C; Rosenbaum S; Siskind D, 2020, 'Feasibility and Acceptability of a Student-Led Lifestyle (Diet and Exercise) Intervention Within a Residential Rehabilitation Setting for People With Severe Mental Illness, GO HEART (Group Occupation, Health, Exercise And Rehabilitation Treatment)', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11,

Watkins A; Denney-Wilson E; Curtis J; Teasdale S; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Stein-Parbury J, 2020, 'Keeping the body in mind: A qualitative analysis of the experiences of people experiencing first-episode psychosis participating in a lifestyle intervention programme', International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29, pp. 278 - 289,

Stanton R; Rebar AL; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Supporting better mental health services for rural Australians: Secondary analysis from the Australian National Social Survey', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 28, pp. 122 - 123,

Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahmadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Boyan Han J; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Camaz Deslandes A; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castañeda CP; Castro Monteiro F; Chapman J; Chau JY; Chen LJ; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger ST; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Trachsler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; Jesus-Moraleida FR; Kondo S; Ku PW; Lederman O; Lee EHM; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; Van Damme T; Van Der Stouwe E; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 2020, 'Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the simple physical activity questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', BMC Psychiatry, 20,

Bond G; Stanton R; Wintour SA; Rosenbaum S; Rebar AL, 2020, 'Do exercise trials for adults with depression account for comorbid anxiety? A systematic review', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 18,

Teychenne M; White RL; Richards J; Schuch FB; Rosenbaum S; Bennie JA, 2020, 'Do we need physical activity guidelines for mental health: What does the evidence tell us?', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 18,

Rebar AL; Stanton R; Wells R; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Feeling states of people experiencing depression, anxiety, or comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms during a multi-day charity cycling ride: An ecological momentary assessment study', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 47,

Opdal IM; Morseth B; Handegård BH; Lillevoll KR; Nilsen W; Nielsen C; Furberg AS; Rosenbaum S; Rognmo K, 2020, 'Is change in mental distress among adolescents predicted by sedentary behaviour or screen time? Results from the longitudinal population study the Tromsø Study: Fit Futures', BMJ Open, 10,

Brokmeier LL; Firth J; Vancampfort D; Smith L; Deenik J; Rosenbaum S; Stubbs B; Schuch FB, 2020, 'Does physical activity reduce the risk of psychosis? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies', Psychiatry Research, 284,

Korman N; Armour M; Chapman J; Rosenbaum S; Kisely S; Suetani S; Firth J; Siskind D, 2020, 'High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) for people with severe mental illness: A systematic review & meta-analysis of intervention studies– considering diverse approaches for mental and physical recovery', Psychiatry Research, 284,

Vancampfort D; Hallgren M; Schuch F; Stubbs B; Smith L; Rosenbaum S; Firth J; Van Damme T; Koyanagi A, 2020, 'Sedentary behavior and depression among community-dwelling adults aged ≥50 years: Results from the irish longitudinal study on Ageing', Journal of Affective Disorders, 262, pp. 389 - 396,

Carraro A; Gobbi E; Solmi M; Watkins A; Ward PB; Rosenbaum S, 2020, 'Test–retest reliability of the Italian version of the M-BACK questionnaire to assess the barriers, attitudes, confidence, and knowledge of mental health staff regarding metabolic health of psychiatric patients', Brain and Behavior, 10,

Ashdown-Franks G; Firth J; Carney R; Carvalho AF; Hallgren M; Koyanagi A; Rosenbaum S; Schuch FB; Smith L; Solmi M; Vancampfort D; Stubbs B, 2020, 'Exercise as Medicine for Mental and Substance Use Disorders: A Meta-review of the Benefits for Neuropsychiatric and Cognitive Outcomes', Sports Medicine, 50, pp. 151 - 170,

Czosnek L; Rankin N; Zopf E; Richards J; Rosenbaum S; Cormie P, 2020, 'Implementing Exercise in Healthcare Settings: The Potential of Implementation Science', Sports Medicine, 50, pp. 1 - 14,

Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahmadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Han JB; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Deslandes AC; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castaneda CP; Monteiro FC; Chapman J; Chau J; Chen L-J; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger S; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Tracksler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; de Jesus-Moraleida FR; Kondo S; Ku P-W; Lederman O; Lee EHM; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi-Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; Damme TV; Stouwe EVD; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 2019, 'Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', ,

Vancampfort D; Firth J; Smith L; Stubbs B; Rosenbaum S; Van Damme T; Christiaansen L; Ashdown-Franks G; Koyanagi A, 2019, 'Cannabis use and leisure-time sedentary behavior among 94,035 adolescents aged 12–15 years from 24 low- and middle-income countries', Addictive Behaviors, 99,

Vancampfort D; Lara E; Smith L; Rosenbaum S; Firth J; Stubbs B; Hallgren M; Koyanagi A, 2019, 'Physical activity and loneliness among adults aged 50 years or older in six low- and middle-income countries', International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34, pp. 1855 - 1864,

Stanton R; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Temporal trends in exercise physiology services in Australia—Implications for rural and remote service provision', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 27, pp. 514 - 519,

Vancampfort D; van Damme T; Firth J; Hallgren M; Smith L; Stubbs B; Rosenbaum S; Koyanagi A, 2019, 'Correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior among 181,793 adolescents aged 12-15 years from 66 low- And middle-income countries', PLoS ONE, 14,

Firth J; Rosenbaum S; Galletly C; Siddiqi N; Stubbs B; Killackey E; Koyanagi A; Siskind D, 2019, 'Protecting physical health in people with mental illness – Authors' reply', The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, pp. 890 - 891,

Deenik J; Tenback DE; Tak ECPM; Blanson Henkemans OA; Rosenbaum S; Hendriksen IJM; Van Harten PN, 2019, 'Implementation barriers and facilitators of an integrated multidisciplinary lifestyle enhancing treatment for inpatients with severe mental illness: The MULTI study IV', BMC Health Services Research, 19,

Costa R; Teasdale S; Abreu S; Bastos T; Probst M; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Corredeira R, 2019, 'Dietary Intake, Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle-Related Factors in People with Schizophrenia', Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40, pp. 851 - 860,

Stanton R; Rosenbaum S; Rebar A; Happell B, 2019, 'Prevalence of Chronic Health Conditions in Australian Adults with Depression and/or Anxiety', Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40, pp. 902 - 907,

Vancampfort D; Van Damme T; Firth J; Smith L; Stubbs B; Rosenbaum S; Hallgren M; Hagemann N; Koyanagi A, 2019, 'Correlates of physical activity among 142,118 adolescents aged 12–15 years from 48 low- and middle-income countries', Preventive Medicine, 127,

Fibbins H; Ward PB; Stanton R; Czsonek L; Cudmore J; Michael S; Steel Z; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Embedding an exercise professional within an inpatient mental health service: A qualitative study', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 17,

McKeon G; Chen A; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Investigating Exercise for Anxiety and Depression Treatment: A Case Report', Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 8, pp. 115 - 120,

McKeon G; Steel Z; Wells R; Newby JM; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Mental health informed physical activity for first responders and their support partner: A protocol for a stepped-wedge evaluation of an online, codesigned intervention', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e030668,

Schuch FB; Stubbs B; Meyer J; Heissel A; Zech P; Vancampfort D; Rosenbaum S; Deenik J; Firth J; Ward PB; Carvalho AF; Hiles SA, 2019, 'Physical activity protects from incident anxiety: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies', Depression and Anxiety, 36, pp. 846 - 858,

Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahmadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Han JB; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Deslandes AC; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castaneda CP; Monteiro FC; Chapman J; Chau J; Chen L-J; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger S; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Tracksler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; de Jesus-Moraleida FR; Kondo S; Ku P-W; Lederman O; Lee EHM; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi-Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; Damme TV; Stouwe EVD; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 2019, 'Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', ,

Teychenne M; Lamb KE; Main L; Miller C; Hahne A; Ford J; Rosenbaum S; Belavy D, 2019, 'General strength and conditioning versus motor control with manual therapy for improving depressive symptoms in chronic low back pain: A randomised feasibility trial', PLoS ONE, 14,

Firth J; Siddiqi N; Koyanagi A; Siskind D; Rosenbaum S; Galletly C; Allan S; Caneo C; Carney R; Carvalho AF; Chatterton ML; Correll CU; Curtis J; Gaughran F; Heald A; Hoare E; Jackson SE; Kisely S; Lovell K; Maj M; McGorry PD; Mihalopoulos C; Myles H; O'Donoghue B; Pillinger T; Sarris J; Schuch FB; Shiers D; Smith L; Solmi M; Suetani S; Taylor J; Teasdale SB; Thornicroft G; Torous J; Usherwood T; Vancampfort D; Veronese N; Ward PB; Yung AR; Killackey E; Stubbs B, 2019, 'The Lancet Psychiatry Commission: a blueprint for protecting physical health in people with mental illness', The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, pp. 675 - 712,

Opdal IM; Morseth B; Handegård BH; Lillevoll K; Ask H; Nielsen CS; Horsch A; Furberg AS; Rosenbaum S; Rognmo K, 2019, 'Change in physical activity is not associated with change in mental distress among adolescents: The Tromsø study: Fit Futures', BMC Public Health, 19,

Vancampfort D; De Hert M; Myin-Germeys I; Rosenbaum S; Stubbs B; Van Damme T; Probst M, 2019, 'Validity and correlates of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in first-episode psychosis', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13, pp. 562 - 567,

Vancampfort D; Probst M; Rosenbaum S; Ward PB; Van Damme T; Mugisha J, 2019, 'Sedentary Behavior and Quality of Life in People with Psychotic Disorders from a Low Income Country: A Study from Uganda', Community Mental Health Journal, 55, pp. 714 - 720,

Stanton R; Rebar A; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Exercise and mental health literacy in an Australian adult population', Depression and Anxiety, 36, pp. 465 - 472,

Wells R; Némorin S; Steel Z; Guhathakurta M; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Physical activity as a psychosocial intervention among Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: A rapid ecological community assessment', Intervention, 17, pp. 140 - 148,

McKeon G; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Muscling Up on Mental Illness: How Exercise Can Help Both Body and Mind', Frontiers for Young Minds, 7,

Stanton R; Hobson-Powell A; Rosenbaum S, 2019, 'Conference Hashtags: A Case of #RTP18 – The 2018 Exercise and Sports Science Australia Conference', Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 8, pp. 26 - 29,

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