Journal articles
Rosenbaum S; Morell R; Abdel-Baki A; Ahamadpanah M; Anilkumar TV; Baie L; Bauman A; Bender S; Han JB; Brand S; Bratland-Sanda S; Bueno-Antequera J; Camaz Deslandes A; Carneiro L; Carraro A; Castañeda C; Castro Monteiro F; Chapman J; Chau JY; Chen LJ; Chvatalova B; Chwastiak L; Corretti G; Dillon M; Douglas C; Egger S; Gaughran F; Gerber M; Gobbi E; Gould K; Hatzinger M; Holsboer-Trachsler E; Hoodbhoy Z; Imboden C; Indu PS; Iqbal R; Jesus-Moraleida F; Kondo S; Ku PW; Lederman O; Lee EH; Malchow B; Matthews E; Mazur P; Meneghelli A; Mian A; Morseth B; Munguia-Izquierdo D; Nyboe L; O'Donoghue B; Perram A; Richards J; Romain AJ; Romaniuk M; Sadeghi-Bahmani D; Sarno M; Schuch F; Schweinfurth N; Stubbs B; Uwakwe R; van Damme T; van der Stouwe EC; Vancampfort D; Vetter S; Waterreus A; Ward PB, 'Assessing Physical Activity in People with Mental Illness: 23-Country Reliability and Validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ)', SSRN Electronic Journal,
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