Select Publications

Journal articles

Chockalingam A; Chalmers J; Lisheng L; Labarthe D; MacMahon S; Martin I; Whitworth J, 2000, 'Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in developing countries: Agenda for action (Statement from a WHO-ISH meeting in Beijing, October 1999)', Journal of Hypertension, 18, pp. 1705 - 1708,

Yamamoto A; Dans A; Ritchie G; MacMahon S; Nontakanun S; Keech A, 2000, 'Prevalence of hypertension in CHD patients in the asia-pacific region: the aspac study', Atherosclerosis, 151, pp. 255 - 255,

Simes J; Marschner I; Hunt D; Colquhoun D; Glasziou P; Hague W; MacMahon S; Keech A; Tonkin A, 2000, 'Reduction in coronary events with pravastatin and proportion of treatment benefit explained by on-study LIPID levels in the LIPID study', Atherosclerosis, 151, pp. 44 - 44,

Iso H; Sato H; Chambless L; De Backer G; De Bacquer D; Kornitzer M; Ebrahim S; Whincup P; Wannamethee G; Wald N; Morris J; Knuimann M; Sweetnam P; Elwood P; Kronmal R; Kromhout D; Sutherland S; Keil J; Schnohr P; Jensen G; Grobbee D; Witteman J; Hames C; Aromaa A; Knekt P; Reunanen A; Tuomilehto J; Jousilahti P; Vartiainen E; Levy D; D'Agostino R; Silbershatz H; Thomsen T; Bengtsson C; Sharp D; Benetos A; Guize L; Goldbourt U; Yaari S; Murayama T; Tomita M; Nishimoto M; Staessen J; Criqui M; Davies C; Jacobs D; Blackburn H; Luepker R; Neaton J; Cox C; Ofstedal M; Weiss S; Cassano P; Sparrow D; Vokonas P; Tverdal A; Selmer R; Meade T; Garrow K; Cooper J; Menotti A; Spagnolo A; Tsuji I; Imai Y; Ohkubo T; Hisamichi S; Haheim L; Holme I; Hjermann I; Leren P; Ducimetière P; Richard J; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst R; Assmann G; Schulte H; Clarke R; Collins R; Donald A; Duffy S; Lewington S; MacMahon S; Peto R; Qizilbash N; Rodgers A; Sherliker P; Zhang W; Sorlie P; Garcia-Palmeri M; Barrett-Conner E; Langer R; Gillis C; Hole D; Nakachi K; Fang X; Li S; Buzina R; Kivinen P; Nissinen A, 1999, 'Collaborative overview ('meta-analysis') of prospective observational studies of the associations of usual blood pressure and usual cholesterol levels with common causes of death: Protocol for the second cycle of the Prospective Studies Collaboration', Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 6, pp. 315 - 320

Iso H; Sato H; Chambless L; De Backer G; De Bacquer D; Kornitzer M; Ebrahim S; Whincup P; Wannamethee G; Wald N; Morris J; Knuimann M; Sweetnam P; Elwood P; Kronmal R; Kromhout D; Sutherland S; Keil J; Schnohr P; Jensen G; Grobbee D; Witteman J; Hames C; Aromaa A; Knekt P; Reunanen A; Tuomilehto J; Jousilahti P; Vartiainen E; Levy D; D'Agostino R; Silbershatz H; Thomsen T; Bengtsson C; Sharp D; Benetos A; Guize L; Goldbourt U; Yaari S; Murayama T; Tomita M; Nishimoto M; Staessen J; Criqui M; Davies C; Jacobs D; Blackburn H; Luepker R; Neaton J; Cox C; Ofstedal M; Weiss S; Cassano P; Sparrow D; Vokonas P; Tverdal A; Selmer R; Meade T; Garrow K; Cooper J; Menotti A; Spagnolo A; Tsuji I; Imai Y; Ohkubo T; Hisamichi S; Haheim L; Holme I; Hjermann I; Leren P; Ducimetière P; Richard J; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst R; Assmann G; Schulte H; Clarke R; Collins R; Donald A; Duffy S; Lewington S; MacMahon S; Peto R; Qizilbash N; Rodgers A; Sherliker P; Zhang W; Sorlie P; Garcia-Palmeri M; Barrett-Conner E; Langer R; Gillis C; Hole D; Nakachi K; Fang X; Li S; Buzina R; Kivinen P; Nissinen A, 1999, 'Collaborative overview ('meta-analysis') of prospective observational studies of the associations of usual blood pressure and usual cholesterol levels with common causes of death: Protocol for the second cycle of the Prospective Studies Collaboration', Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 6, pp. 315 - 320

Zhang X; MacMahon S; Rodgers A; Neal B, 1999, 'Determinants of cardiovascular disease in the Asian Pacific Region: Protocol for a collaborative overview of cohort studies', CVD Prevention, 2, pp. 281 - 289

Walker N; Norton R; Hoorn SV; Rodgers A; MacMahon S; Clark T; Gray H, 1999, 'Mortality after hip fracture: Regional variations in New Zealand', New Zealand Medical Journal, 112, pp. 269 - 271

Richards AM; Doughty R; Nicholls MG; Macmahon S; Ikram H; Sharpe N; Espiner EA; Frampton C; Yandle TG, 1999, 'Neurohumoral prediction of benefit from carvedilol in ischemic left ventricular dysfunction', Circulation, 99, pp. 786 - 792,

Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Whitworth J; Beilin L; Hansson L; Neal B; Rodgers A; Mhurchu CN; Clark T, 1999, '1999 World Health Organization International Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of hypertension', JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, 17, pp. 151 - 183,

Alderman M; Arakawa K; Beilin J; Chalmers J; Erdine S; Fujishima M; Hamet P; Hansson L; Landsberg L; Leenen F; Lindholm L; Lisheng L; Mabadeje AFB; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Martin I; Mimran A; Rahn KH; Ribeiro A; Sleight P; Whitworth J; Zanchetti A, 1999, '1999 World Health Organization-International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension endorsed by the Lebanese Hypertension League', Journal Medical Libanais, 47, pp. 107

Whalley GA; Gamble GD; Doughty RN; Culpan A; Plank L; MacMahon S; Sharpe N, 1999, 'Left ventricular mass correlates with fat-free mass but not fat mass in adults', Journal of Hypertension, 17, pp. 569 - 574,

Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Bousser MG; Cutler J; Donnan G; Hansson L; Harrap S; Liu L; Mancia G; Omae T; Reid J; Rodgers A; Warlow C, 1999, 'PROGRESS - Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study: Characteristics of the study population at baseline', Journal of Hypertension, 17, pp. 1647 - 1655

Neal B; MacMahon S, 1999, 'The world health organization- international society of hypertension blood pressure lowering treatment trialists' collaboration: Prospective collaborative overviews of major randomized trials of blood pressure-lowering treatments', Current Hypertension Reports, 1, pp. 346 - 356,

Rodgers A; MacMahon S; Yee T; Clark T, 1998, 'Blood pressure, cholesterol, and stroke in eastern Asia', Lancet, 352, pp. 1801 - 1807,

Tonkin A; Alyward P; Colquhoun D; Glasziou P; Harris P; Hunt D; Keech A; MacMahon S; Magnus P; Newel D; Nestel P; Sharpe N; Shaw J; Simes RJ; Thompson P; Thompson A; West M; White H; Simes S; Hague W; Caleo S; Hall J; Martin A; Mulray S; Barter P; Beilin L; Collins R; McNeil J; Meier P; Willimott H; Smithers D; Wallace P; Baker J; Hobbs M; Sullivan D; Anderson N; Hankey G; Watson J; Arulchelvam M; Chup S; Daly J; Hanna J; Leach A; Lee M; Loughhead J; Lundie-Jenkin H; Morrison J; Netting S; Nguyen A; Pater H; Philip R; Pinna G; Rattos D; Ryerson S; Sazhin V; Walsh R; Claque A; Mackie M; Yallop J; Boss K; Shepard M; Leach J; Gandy M; Joughin J; Seabrook J; Abraham R; Allen J; Bates F; Beinart I; Breed E; Brown D; Bunyan N; Calvert D; Campbell T; Condon-Paoloni D; Conway B; Coupland L; Crowe J; Cunio N; Cuthbert B; Cuthbert N; D'Arcy S; Davidson P; Dwyer B; England J; Friend C; Fulcher G; Grant S; Hellestrand K; Kava M; Kritharides L; McGill D; McKee H; McLean A; Neaverson M; Nelson G; O'Neill M; Onuma C; O'Reilly F, 1998, 'Prevention of cardiovascular events and death with pravastatin in patients with coronary heart disease and a broad range of initial cholesterol levels', New England Journal of Medicine, 339, pp. 1349 - 1357,

Sharples K; Fleming TR; MacMahon S; Moore A; Reid I; Scoggins B, 1998, 'Monitoring clinical trials', New Zealand Medical Journal, 111, pp. 322 - 325

Swinburn BA; Walter L; Ricketts H; Whitlock G; Law B; Norton R; Jackson R; MacMahon S, 1998, 'The determinants of fat intake in a multi-ethnic New Zealand population', International Journal of Epidemiology, 27, pp. 416 - 421,

MacMahon S; Sharpe N; Gamble G; Hart H; Scott J; Simes J; White H, 1998, 'Effects of lowering average or below-average cholesterol levels on the progression of carotid atherosclerosis: Results of the lipid atherosclerosis substudy', Circulation, 97, pp. 1784 - 1790,

Ameratunga SN; Norton RN; MacMahon SW; Smith GS; Jackson RT; Currie R; Langley JD; Sharpe SS; Cheng A; Woodfield DG, 1998, 'A prospective cohort study of blood donors: Methodological issues in the investigation of injuries and chronic diseases', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 22, pp. 578 - 582,

Whitlock G; MacMahon S; Hoorn SV; Davis P; Jackson R; Norton R, 1998, 'Association of environmental tobacco smoke exposure with socioeconomic status in a population of 7725 New Zealanders', Tobacco Control, 7, pp. 276 - 280,

Gamble G; MacMahon S; Culpan A; Ciobo C; Whalley G; Sharpe N, 1998, 'Atherosclerosis and left ventricular hypertrophy: Persisting problems in treated hypertensive patients', Journal of Hypertension, 16, pp. 1389 - 1395,

Krum H; Shusterman N; MacMahon S; Sharpe N, 1998, 'Efficacy and safety of carvedilol in patients with chronic heart failure receiving concomitant amiodarone therapy', Journal of Cardiac Failure, 4, pp. 281 - 288,

Black H; Boissel JP; Brenner B; Brown M; Bulpitt C; Chalmers J; Collins R; Cutler J; Dahlof B; Davis B; Fagard R; Fletcher A; Furberg C; Hansson L; Kuramoto K; Lewis E; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Pitt B; Poulter N; Remuzzi G; Sleight P; Turner R; Sever P; Whelton P; Wing L; Yusuf S; Zanchetti A; Martin I; Cohn J; Alderman M; Hansson L; Neal B; Rodgers A; Baigent C; Collins R, 1998, 'Protocol for prospective collaborative overviews of major randomized trials of blood-pressure-lowering treatments', Journal of Hypertension, 16, pp. 127 - 137

Whalley GA; Gamble GD; Doughty RN; MacMahon S; Sharpe N, 1998, 'Selection bias in clinical research when subjects are excluded because of failure to estimate left ventricular mass by echocardiography', Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 11, pp. 1050 - 1055,

MacMahon S, 1998, 'Treatment for high blood pressure: Evidence and practice', Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine, 2, pp. 5 - 6,

NEAL B, 1998, 'Blood pressure and the risk of recurrent vascular disease', American Journal of Hypertension, 11, pp. 25A - 25A,

Simes RJ; Baker J; MacMahon S; Hague W; Colquhoun D; West M; Arulchelvam M; Shaw J; Tonkin A, 1998, 'Pravastatin reduces total mortality in patients with coronary heart disease and average cholesterol levels: relationship of baseline cholesterol and treatment effects in the LIPID trial', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 31, pp. 281 - 281,

Whitlock G; MacMahon S; Vander Hoorn S; Davis P; Jackson R; Norton R, 1997, 'Socioeconomic distribution of smoking in a population of 10 529 New Zealanders', New Zealand Medical Journal, 110, pp. 327 - 330

Alderman M; Arakawa K; Beilin L; Chalmers J; Cohn J; Collins R; Fenichel RR; Frohlich ED; Hamet P; Hansson L; Hennekens C; Kuschnir E; Lisheng L; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Martin I; Menard J; Sleight P; Whitworth J; Yusuf S; Zanchetti A; Neal B, 1997, 'Effects of calcium antagonists on the risks of coronary heart disease, cancer and bleeding', Hypertension Research - Clinical and Experimental, 20, pp. 61 - 72

Doughty RN; Whalley GA; Gamble G; MacMahon S; Sharpe N, 1997, 'Left ventricular remodeling with carvedilol in patients with congestive heart failure due to ischemic heart disease', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 29, pp. 1060 - 1066,

Norton R; Yee T; Rodgers A; Gray H; MacMahon S, 1997, 'Regional variation in the incidence of hip fracture in New Zealand', New Zealand Medical Journal, 110, pp. 78 - 80

MacMahon S; Sharpe N; Doughty R; Krum H; Tonkin A; Trotter A; Burton R; Garrett J; Lane G; Owensby D; Ryan J; Shepherd J; Singh B; Jackson B; Rudge G; Stephensen J; Woodhouse S; Davidson P; Turner J; Walsh W; Bradbury J; Hamer A; Cross D; Hall C; Kimber V; Spaulding C; Thompson PL; Horowitz J; Leslie S; Zhang Y; Colquhoun D; Hicks B; Jeffery I; Taverner P; Bond C; Murphy J; Ikram H; Richards M; Low C; Scott D; Brown G; Lewis G; Bruning J; Nairn L; CLayton A; Crawford J; McAlister H; Bartram H; McCulloch A; Milne A; Prasad R; Yee T; Whalley G; Reid I, 1997, 'Randomised, placebo-controlled trial of carvedilol in patients with congestive heart failure due to ischaemic heart disease', LANCET, 349, pp. 375 - 380,

MacMahon S; Rodgers A; Neal B; Chalmers J, 1997, 'Blood pressure lowering for the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke', Hypertension, 29, pp. 537 - 538,

Doughty RN; Rodgers A; Sharpe N; MacMahon S, 1997, 'Effects of beta-blocker therapy on mortality in patients with heart failure. A systematic overview of randomized controlled trials', European Heart Journal, 18, pp. 560 - 565,

Robson R; Collins J; Johnson R; Kitching R; Searle M; Walker R; Douglas J; Leary J; Whalley G; Sharpe N; Macmahon S, 1997, 'Effects of simvastatin and enalapril on serum lipoprotein concentrations and left ventricular mass in patients on dialysis', Journal of Nephrology, 10, pp. 33 - 40

Norton R; Vander Hoorn S; Roberts I; Jackson R; Macmahon S, 1997, 'Migraine: A risk factor for motor vehicle driver injury?', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 29, pp. 699 - 701,

MacMahon S; Collins R; Chalmers J, 1997, 'Reliable and unbiased assessment of the effects of calcium antagonists: Importance of minimizing both systematic and random errors', Journal of Hypertension, 15, pp. 1201 - 1204,

Johnson R; McNutt P; MacMahon S; Robson R, 1997, 'Use of the Friedewald formula to estimate LDL-cholesterol in patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis', Clinical Chemistry, 43, pp. 2183 - 2184,

Walker RJ; Sutherland WH; Walker HL; MacMahon S; Robson RA, 1997, 'Effect of treatment with simvastatin on serum cholesteryl ester transfer in patients on dialysis. PERFECT Study Collaborative Group.', Nephrol Dial Transplant, 12, pp. 87 - 92,

Bullen C; Tipene-Leach D; Vander Hoorn S; Jackson R; Norton R; MacMahon S, 1996, 'Ethnic differences in blood pressure: Findings from the Fletcher Challenge-Auckland University Heart and Health Study', New Zealand Medical Journal, 109, pp. 395 - 397

Neal B; Rodgers A; Mackie MJ; MacMahon S, 1996, 'Forty years of randomised trials in the New Zealand Medical Journal', New Zealand Medical Journal, 109, pp. 372 - 373

Rodgers A; MacMahon S, 1996, 'Antiplatelet therapy and the prevention of thrombosis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 26, pp. 210 - 215,

Rodgers A; Sage D; Futter M; Macmahon S, 1996, 'Attitudes and practices of New Zealand anaesthetists with regard to epidural and subarachnoid anaesthesia', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 24, pp. 79 - 86,

Rodgers A; MacMahon S; Gamble G; Slattery J; Sandercock P; Warlow C, 1996, 'Blood pressure and risk of stroke in patients with cerebrovascular disease', British Medical Journal, 313, pp. 147,

Neal B; Anderson C; Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Rodgers A, 1996, 'Blood pressure lowering in patients with cerebrovascular disease: Results of the progress (perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study) pilot phase', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 23, pp. 444 - 446,

Collins R; MacMahon S; Flather M; Baigent C; Remvig L; Mortensen S; Appleby P; Godwin J; Yusuf S; Peto R, 1996, 'Clinical effects of anticoagulant therapy in suspected acute myocardial infarction: Systematic overview of randomised trials', British Medical Journal, 313, pp. 652 - 659,

MacMahon S, 1996, 'Guidelines for antihypertensive therapy', Journal of Hypertension, 14, pp. 691 - 693,

Farquhar C; MacMahon S; Arroll B; Hatcher S; Browne MO; Wilson D; Herbison P; Silagy C, 1996, 'The Cochrane Collaboration: New Zealand gets involved.', The New Zealand medical journal, 109, pp. 433 - 434

Doughty R; Whalley G; MacMahon S; Sharpe N, 1996, 'Carvedilol reduces left ventricular volumes in patients with heart failure of ischemic etiology', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 27, pp. 169 - 170,

Neal B; MacMahon S, 1995, 'PROGRESS (perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study): rationale and design. PROGRESS Management Committee [corrected]', Journal of hypertension, 13, pp. 1869 - 1873

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