Select Publications

Journal articles

Kyme AZ; Angelis GI; Eisenhuth J; Fulton RR; Zhou V; Hart G; Popovic K; Akhtar M; Ryder WJ; Clemens KJ; Balleine BW; Parmar A; Pascali G; Perkins G; Meikle SR, 2019, 'Open-field PET: Simultaneous brain functional imaging and behavioural response measurements in freely moving small animals', NeuroImage, 188, pp. 92 - 101,

Dezfouli A; Balleine BW; Nock R, 2019, 'Optimal response vigor and choice under non-stationary outcome values', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, pp. 182 - 204,

Kennett J; Carter A; Bourne JA; Hall W; Levy N; Mattingley JB; Lawrence AJ; Forlini C; Malcolm L; Vincent N; Richards LJ; Egan GF; Breakspear M; Cornish K; Halliday G; Poole-Warren L; Sriram S; Soulis T; Fitzgibbon B; Kiral-Kornek I; Badcock DR; Balleine B; Bekkers JM; Berk M; Bradley A; Brichta A; Carter O; Castles A; Clements J; Cornish J; de Zubicaray G; Enticott PG; Fornito A; Griffiths L; Gullifer J; Hannan AJ; Harrer S; Harvey A; Hickie IB; Jazwinska L; Kiernan M; Kilpatrick T; Leventer R; Licinio J; Lovell N; Mackellar G; Medland SE; Michie PT; Nithianantharajah J; Parker J; Payne JM; Rossell S; Sah P; Sarnyai Z; Schofield PR; Shum DHK; Silk T; Slee M; Stuart GJ; Tapson J; van Schaik A; Vissel B; Waters A; Apthorp D; Cohen-Woods S; Conn SJ; Korgaonkar M; Mason A; Azghadi MR; Shimoni O; Smith A; Thompson MB, 2019, 'A Neuroethics Framework for the Australian Brain Initiative', Neuron, 101, pp. 365 - 369,

Dezfouli A; Balleine BW, 2019, 'Learning the structure of the world: The adaptive nature of state-space and action representations in multi-stage decisionmaking', PLoS Computational Biology, 15,

Greco L; Fisher SD; Pearl A; Akbari L; Geaghan M; Kenny PJ; Balleine B; Cairns MJ; Dayas CV, 2019, '64 OVER EXPRESSION OF THE SCHIZOPHRENIA-ASSOCIATED RISK GENE MIR-137 IN THE DORSAL STRIATUM PROMOTES COMPULSIVE COCAINE-SEEKING', European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29, pp. S95 - S96,

Bradfield L; Leung B; Boldt S; Balleine B, 2019, 'Goal-directed action transiently depends on action space', ,

Bouton ME; Balleine BW, 2019, 'Prediction and control of operant behavior: What you see is not all there is.', Behav Anal (Wash D C), 19, pp. 202 - 212,

Morris RW; Cyrzon C; Green MJ; Le Pelley ME; Balleine BW, 2018, 'Impairments in action-outcome learning in schizophrenia', Translational Psychiatry, 8, pp. 54,

Bradfield LA; Hart G; Balleine BW, 2018, 'Inferring action-dependent outcome representations depends on anterior but not posterior medial orbitofrontal cortex', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 155, pp. 463 - 473,

Wong S; Balleine BW; Kumfor F, 2018, 'A new framework for conceptualizing symptoms in frontotemporal dementia: From animal models to the clinic', Brain, 141, pp. 2245 - 2254,

Hart G; Bradfield LA; Fok SY; Chieng B; Balleine BW, 2018, 'The Bilateral Prefronto-striatal Pathway Is Necessary for Learning New Goal-Directed Actions', Current Biology, 28, pp. 2218 - 2229.e7,

Furlong TM; Corbit LH; Brown RA; Balleine BW, 2018, 'Methamphetamine promotes habitual action and alters the density of striatal glutamate receptor and vesicular proteins in dorsal striatum', Addiction Biology, 23, pp. 857 - 867,

Heath E; Chieng B; Christie MJ; Balleine BW, 2018, 'Substance P and dopamine interact to modulate the distribution of delta-opioid receptors on cholinergic interneurons in the striatum', European Journal of Neuroscience, 47, pp. 1159 - 1173,

Hart G; Bradfield LA; Balleine BW, 2018, 'Prefrontal corticostriatal disconnection blocks the acquisition of goal-directed action', Journal of Neuroscience, 38, pp. 1311 - 1322,

Kassem MS; Fok SYY; Smith KL; Kuligowski M; Balleine BW, 2018, 'A novel, modernized Golgi-Cox stain optimized for CLARITY cleared tissue', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 294, pp. 102 - 110,

Laurent V; Balleine BW; Westbrook RF, 2018, 'Motivational state controls the prediction error in Pavlovian appetitive-aversive interactions', Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 147, pp. 18 - 25,

van Timmeren T; Quail SL; Geurts DEM; Balleine BW; van Holst RJ; Goudriaan AE, 2018, 'T268. Pavlovian-To-Instrumental Transfer and Outcome Devaluation in Human Alcohol Dependence', Biological Psychiatry, 83, pp. S233 - S234,

Laurent V; Wong FL; Balleine BW, 2017, 'The lateral habenula and its input to the rostromedial tegmental nucleus mediates outcome-specific conditioned inhibition', Journal of Neuroscience, 37, pp. 10932 - 10942,

Angus DJ; Latham AJ; Harmon-Jones E; Deliano M; Balleine B; Braddon-Mitchell D, 2017, 'Electrocortical components of anticipation and consumption in a monetary incentive delay task', Psychophysiology, 54, pp. 1686 - 1705,

Matamales M; Skrbis Z; Bailey MR; Balsam PD; Balleine BW; Götz J; Bertran-Gonzalez J, 2017, 'A corticostriatal deficit promotes temporal distortion of automatic action in ageing', eLife, 6, pp. e29908,

Quail SL; Laurent V; Balleine BW, 2017, 'Inhibitory pavlovian-instrumental transfer in humans', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 43, pp. 315 - 324,

Parkes SL; Furlong TM; Black AD; Balleine BW, 2017, 'Intermittent feeding alters sensitivity to changes in reward value', Appetite, 113, pp. 1 - 6,

Yücel M; Carter A; Allen AR; Balleine B; Clark L; Dowling NA; Gainsbury SM; Goudriaan AE; Grant J; Hayes A; Hodgins D; van Holst R; Lattimore R; Livingstone C; Lorenzetti V; Lubman D; Murawski C; Parkes L; Petry N; Room R; Singh B; Thomas A; Townshend P; Youssef G; Hall W, 2017, 'Neuroscience in gambling policy and treatment: an interdisciplinary perspective', The Lancet Psychiatry, 4, pp. 501 - 506,

Quail SL; Morris RW; Balleine BW, 2017, 'Stress associated changes in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in humans', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, pp. 675 - 685,

Bradfield LA; Balleine BW, 2017, 'Thalamic control of dorsomedial striatum regulates internal state to guide goal-directed action selection', Journal of Neuroscience, 37, pp. 3721 - 3733,

Becchi S; Buson A; Foot J; Jarolimek W; Balleine BW, 2017, 'Inhibition of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase/vascular adhesion protein-1 reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation', British Journal of Pharmacology, 174, pp. 2302 - 2317,

Furlong TM; Supit ASA; Corbit LH; Killcross S; Balleine BW, 2017, 'Pulling habits out of rats: adenosine 2A receptor antagonism in dorsomedial striatum rescues meth-amphetamine-induced deficits in goal-directed action', Addiction Biology, 22, pp. 172 - 183,

Laurent V; Chieng B; Balleine BW, 2016, 'Extinction Generates Outcome-Specific Conditioned Inhibition', Current Biology, 26, pp. 3169 - 3175,

Cartoni E; Balleine B; Baldassarre G, 2016, 'Appetitive Pavlovian-instrumental Transfer: A review', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 71, pp. 829 - 848,

Alvares GA; Balleine BW; Whittle L; Guastella AJ, 2016, 'Reduced goal-directed action control in autism spectrum disorder', Autism Research, 9, pp. 1285 - 1293,

Furlong TM; Duncan JR; Corbit LH; Rae CD; Rowlands BD; Maher AD; Nasrallah FA; Milligan CJ; Petrou S; Lawrence AJ; Balleine BW, 2016, 'Toluene inhalation in adolescent rats reduces flexible behaviour in adulthood and alters glutamatergic and GABAergic signalling', Journal of Neurochemistry, 139, pp. 806 - 822,

Hart G; Balleine BW, 2016, 'Consolidation of goal-directed action depends on MAPK/ERK signaling in rodent prelimbic cortex', Journal of Neuroscience, 36, pp. 11974 - 11986,

Corbit LH; Balleine BW, 2016, 'Learning and motivational processes contributing to pavlovian–instrumental transfer and their neural bases: Dopamine and beyond', Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 27, pp. 259 - 289,

Matamales M; Skrbis Z; Hatch RJ; Balleine BW; Götz J; Bertran-Gonzalez J, 2016, 'Aging-Related Dysfunction of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons Produces Conflict in Action Selection', Neuron, 90, pp. 362 - 373,

Leah PM; Heath EML; Balleine BW; Christie MJ, 2016, 'Chronic Morphine Reduces Surface Expression of δ-Opioid Receptors in Subregions of Rostral Striatum', Neurochemical Research, 41, pp. 500 - 509,

Griffiths KR; Lagopoulos J; Hermens DF; Lee RSC; Guastella AJ; Hickie IB; Balleine BW, 2016, 'Impaired causal awareness and associated cortical–basal ganglia structural changes in youth psychiatric disorders', NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 285 - 292,

Payzan-LeNestour E; Balleine BW; Berrada T; Pearson J; Payzan E, 2016, 'Variance After-Effects Distort Risk Perception in Humans', Current Biology, 26, pp. 1500 - 1504,

Balleine BW; Morris RW; Leung BK, 2015, 'Thalamocortical integration of instrumental learning and performance and their disintegration in addiction', Brain Research, 1628, pp. 104 - 116,

Griffiths KR; Lagopoulos J; Hermens DF; Hickie IB; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Right external globus pallidus changes are associated with altered causal awareness in youth with depression', Translational Psychiatry, 5,

Balleine BW; Dezfouli A; Ito M; Doya K, 2015, 'Hierarchical control of goal-directed action in the cortical-basal ganglia network', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, pp. 1 - 7,

Shan Q; Christie MJ; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Plasticity in striatopallidal projection neurons mediates the acquisition of habitual actions', European Journal of Neuroscience, 42, pp. 2097 - 2104,

Parkes SL; Bradfield LA; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Interaction of insular cortex and ventral striatum mediates the effect of incentive memory on choice between goal-directed actions', Journal of Neuroscience, 35, pp. 6464 - 6471,

Laurent V; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Factual and counterfactual action-outcome mappings control choice between goal-directed actions in rats', Current Biology, 25, pp. 1074 - 1079,

Morris RW; Quail S; Griffiths KR; Green MJ; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Corticostriatal control of goal-directed action is impaired in schizophrenia', Biological Psychiatry, 77, pp. 187 - 195,

Bradfield LA; Dezfouli A; Van Holstein M; Chieng B; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex Mediates Outcome Retrieval in Partially Observable Task Situations', Neuron, 88, pp. 1268 - 1280,

Laurent V; Morse AK; Balleine BW, 2015, 'The role of opioid processes in reward and decision-making', British Journal of Pharmacology, 172, pp. 449 - 459,

Leung BK; Balleine BW, 2015, 'Ventral pallidal projections to mediodorsal thalamus and ventral tegmental area play distinct roles in outcome-specific pavlovian-instrumental transfer', Journal of Neuroscience, 35, pp. 4953 - 4964,

Laurent V; Wong FL; Balleine BW, 2015, 'δ-Opioid receptors in the accumbens shell mediate the influence of both excitatory and inhibitory predictions on choice', British Journal of Pharmacology, 172, pp. 562 - 570,

Dezfouli A; Lingawi NW; Balleine BW, 2014, 'Habits as action sequences: Hierarchical action control and changes in outcome value', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369,

Dezfouli A; Lingawi NW; Balleine BW, 2014, 'Habits as action sequences: hierarchical action control and changes in outcome value', Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 369,

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