Select Publications


Leung B; Merlin S; Walker A; Lawther A; Paxinos G; Eapen V; Clarke R; Balleine B; Furlong T, 2023, Immp2l knockdown increases stimulus-driven instrumental behaviour but does not alter goal-directed learning or neuron density in cortico-striatal circuits in a mouse model of Tourette syndrome and autism spectrum disorder, ,

Quang H; Le Heron C; Balleine B; Nguyen T-V; Nguyen T-Q; Nguyen M-N; Kumfor F; McDonald S, 2023, Reduced Sensitivity to Background Reward Underlies Apathy after Traumatic Brain Injury: Insights from an Ecological Foraging Framework, ,

Becchi S; Chieng B; Bradfield L; Capellán R; Leung B; Balleine B, 2022, Cognitive effects of thalamostriatal degeneration are ameliorated by normalizing striatal cholinergic activity, ,

Becchi S; Burton CL; Tsoukalas M; Bowring J; Balleine BW; Mor D, 2022, CRF receptor type 1 modulates the nigrostriatal dopamine projection and facilitates cognitive flexibility after acute and chronic stress, ,

Ferguson L; Matamales M; Balleine B; Bertran-Gonzalez J, 2022, Dynamic adaptation of sequential action benefits from cortico-basal ganglia-related temporal variability, ,

Dhungana A; Becchi S; Leake J; Morris G; Avgan N; Balleine B; Vissel B; Bradfield L, 2022, Goal-directed action is transiently impaired in an hAPP-J20 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, and in aging male mice regardless of genotype, ,

Hart G; Burton TJ; Nolan CR; Balleine BW, 2022, Striatal dopamine encodes the relationship between actions and reward, ,

Perkes I; Kassem M; Hazell P; Paxinos G; Mitchell P; Eapen V; Balleine B, 2022, The anatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder, ,

Perkes I; Morris R; Griffiths K; Quail S; Waters F; O’Brien M; Hazell P; Balleine B, 2022, The motivational determinants of human action, their neural bases and functional impact in adolescents with OCD, ,

Crimmins B; McNulty M; Laurent V; Hart G; Balleine B, 2021, Response-independent outcome presentations weakens the instrumental response-outcome association, ,

Becchi S; Buson A; Balleine B, 2021, Inhibition of Vascular Adhesion Protein 1 Protects Dopamine Neurons From the Effects of Acute Inflammation and Restores Habit Learning in the Striatum, ,

Matamales M; McGovern A; Mi JD; Mazzone S; Balleine B; Bertran-Gonzalez J, 2019, D1 and D2 systems converge in the striatum to update goal-directed learning, ,

Dezfouli A; Morris R; Ramos F; Dayan P; Balleine B, 2018, Integrated accounts of behavioral and neuroimaging data using flexible recurrent neural network models, ,

Dezfouli A; Griffiths K; Ramos F; Dayan P; Balleine B, 2018, Models that learn how humans learn: the case of decision-making and its disorders, ,

Dezfouli A; Balleine B, 2017, Learning the structure of the world: The adaptive nature of state-space and action representations in multi-stage decision-making, ,

Dezfouli A; Balleine B; Nock R, 2017, Optimal Response Vigor and Choice Under Non-stationary Outcome Values, ,

Morris R; Dezfouli A; Griffiths K; Le Pelley M; Balleine B, 2017, The algorithmic neuroanatomy of action-outcome learning, ,

Morse A; Leung B; Heath E; Bertran-Gonzalez J; Pepin E; Chieng B; Balleine B; Laurent V, A Novel GPCR-Based Memory Process is Necessary for the Influence of Predictive Learning on Choice, ,

Payzan-LeNestour E; Balleine B; Doran J; Nave G; Pradier L, Friend or Foe: The Influence of Ambient Sound on Risk Perception, ,

Peak J; Chieng B; Hart G; Balleine B, Striatal Direct and Indirect Pathway Neurons Differentially Control the Encoding and Updating of Goal-Directed Learning, ,

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