Select Publications

Journal articles

Lenton S; Dietze P; Degenhardt LJ; Darke S; Butler TG, 2009, 'Naloxone for administration by peers in cases of heroin overdose', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 469 - 469

Lenton S; Dietze P; Degenhardt LJ; Darke S; Butler TG, 2009, 'Now is the time to take steps to allow peer access to naloxone for heroin overdose in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, pp. 583 - 585,

Burns LA; Randall D; Hall WD; Law MG; Butler T; Bell JR; Degenhardt LJ; Butler , 2009, 'Opioid agonist pharmacotherapy in New South Wales from 1985 to 2006: Patient characteristics and patterns and predictors of treatment retention', Addiction, 104, pp. 1363 - 1372,

Degenhardt LJ; Hall WD; Lynskey M; Mcgrath J; McLaren JA; Calabria B; Whiteford H; Vos T, 2009, 'Should burden of disease estimates include cannabis use as a risk factor for psychosis?', PLOS Medicine, 6, pp. e1000133 - e1000133,

Degenhardt LJ; Swendsen J; Conway K; Dierker L; Glantz M; Jin R; Merikangas K; Sampson N; Kessler RC, 2009, 'Socio-demographic risk factors for alcohol and drug dependence: the 10-year follow-up of the national comorbidity survey', Addiction, 104, pp. 1346 - 1355,

Kalaydjian A; Swendsen J; Chiu W; Dierker L; Degenhardt LJ; Glantz M; Merikangas K; Sampson N; Kessler RC, 2009, 'Sociodemographic predictors of transitions across stages of alcohol use, disorders, and remission in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication', Comprehensive Psychiatry, 50, pp. 299 - 306,

Hall WD; Degenhardt LJ, 2009, 'The Australian Illicit Drug Reporting System: monitoring trends in illicit drug availability, use and drug-related harm in Australia 1996-2006.', Contemporary Drug Problems, 36, pp. 643 - 661

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Dunn M; Bruno R; Kinner S, 2009, 'The epidemiology of ecstasy use and harms in Australia', Neuropsychobiology, 60, pp. 176 - 187,

Miller P; Degenhardt LJ, 2009, 'The Global Diversion of Pharmaceutical Drugs series', Addiction, 104, pp. 333 - 334

Dunn M; Degenhardt LJ, 2009, 'The use of drug detection dogs in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, pp. 658 - 662,

Hall W; Degenhardt L; Patton G, 2008, 'Cannabis abuse and Dependence', , pp. 117 - 148,

Larance B; Degenhardt L; Copeland J; Dillon P, 2008, 'Injecting risk behaviour and related harm among men who use performance- and image-enhancing drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 679 - 686,

Hall W; Degenhardt L; Gibson A; Mattick RP, 2008, 'Response to brewer', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 448 - 449,

Riddell S; Shanahan MD; Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD, 2008, 'A review of the use of US-derived aetiological fractions in an Australian setting for antenatal problems related to cocaine use', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32, pp. 393 - 394,

Johnston JR; Barratt M; Fry C; Kinner S; Stoove M; Degenhardt LJ; George J; Jenkinson R; Dunn M; Bruno R, 2008, 'A survey of regular ecstasy users’ knowledge and practices around determining pill content and purity: Implications for policy and practice', International Journal of Drug Policy, 17, pp. 464 - 472

Swift W; Coffey C; Carlin JB; Degenhardt LJ; Patton G, 2008, 'Adolescent cannabis users at 24 years: trajectories to regular weekly use and dependence in young adulthood', Addiction, 103, pp. 1361 - 1370

Degenhardt LJ; Coffey C; Carlin JB; Swift W; Patton G, 2008, 'Are diagnostic orphans at risk of developing cannabis abuse or dependence? Four-year follow-up of young adult cannabis users not meeting diagnostic criteria', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 92, pp. 86 - 90,

Degenhardt LJ; Bohnert K; Anthony J, 2008, 'Assessment of cocaine and other drug dependence in the general population: `Gated` versus `ungated` approaches', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 93, pp. 227 - 232,

Degenhardt LJ; Hall WD, 2008, 'Australian heroin seizures and the causes of the 2001 heroin shortage', International Journal of Drug Policy, 19, pp. 293 - 294

Hall WD; Degenhardt LJ, 2008, 'Cannabis use and the risk of developing a psychotic disorder', World Psychiatry, 7, pp. 68 - 71

Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ, 2008, 'Characteristics of drug-related hospital separations in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 92, pp. 149 - 155,

Kinner S; Degenhardt LJ, 2008, 'Crystal methamphetamine smoking among regular ecstasy users in Australia: increases in use and associations with harm', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 292 - 300,

Hall WD; Degenhardt LJ; Gibson AE; Mattick RP, 2008, 'Depot naltrexone use for opioid dependence in Australia: large-scale use of an unregistered medication in the absence of data on safety and efficacy', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 1 - 3,

Roxburgh AD; Degenhardt LJ; Copeland J; Larance BK, 2008, 'Drug dependence and associated risks among female street-based sex workers in the greater Sydney area, Australia', Substance Use and Misuse, 43, pp. 1202 - 1217

Degenhardt LJ; Kinner S; Roxburgh AD; Black E; Bruno R; Fetherston J; Fry C, 2008, 'Drug use and risk among regular injecting drug users in Australia: does age make a difference?', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 357 - 360

Roxburgh AD; Burns L; Degenhardt LJ, 2008, 'Drug-related hospital stays in Australia 1993-2006', Drug-related hospital stays in Australia 1993-2006

Riddell S; Shanahan MD; Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD, 2008, 'Estimating the costs of drug-related hospital separations in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32, pp. 156 - 161,

Kimber J; Hickman M; Degenhardt LJ; Coulson T; Van Beek IA, 2008, 'Estimating the size and dynamics of an injecting drug user population and implications for health service coverage: comparison of indirect prevalence estimation methods', Addiction, 103, pp. 1604 - 1613

Gibson AE; Degenhardt LJ; Mattick RP; White J; O Brien SM, 2008, 'Exposure to opioid maintenance treatment reduces long-term mortality', Addiction, 103, pp. 462 - 468,

Mathers BM; Degenhardt LJ, 2008, 'Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review', Lancet, 372, pp. 1733 - 1745

Swendsen J; Anthony J; Conway K; Degenhardt LJ; Dierker L; Glantz M; Merikangas K, 2008, 'Improving targets for the prevention of drug use disorders: Sociodemographic predictors of transitions across drug use stages in the national comorbidity survey replication', Preventive Medicine, 47, pp. 629 - 634,

Larance BK; Degenhardt LJ; Copeland J; Dillon PG, 2008, 'Injecting risk behaviour and related harm among men who use performance- and image-enhancing drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 679 - 686,

Degenhardt J; Baker A; Maher L, 2008, 'Methamphetamine: geographic areas and populations at risk, and emerging evidence for effective interventions', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 217 - 219,

Degenhardt LJ; Hall WD, 2008, 'The adverse effects of cannabinoids: implications for use of medical marijuana', Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 178, pp. 1685 - 1686,

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Van Beek IA; Hall WD; Robinson M; Ross JE; Mant A, 2008, 'The effects of the market withdrawal of temazepam gel capsules on benzodiazepine injecting in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 145 - 151,

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Dunn M; Campbell G; Bruno R; Kinner S; George J; Quinn B; White N; Topp LJ, 2008, 'The epidemiology of ecstasy use and harms in New South Wales, Australia', Neuropsychobiology, 60, pp. 176 - 187

Degenhardt LJ; Dunn M, 2008, 'The epidemiology of GHB and Ketamine use in an Australian household survey', International Journal of Drug Policy, 19, pp. 311 - 316

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD; Black E; Bruno R; Campbell G; Kinner S; Fetherston J, 2008, 'The epidemiology of methamphetamine use and harm in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 27, pp. 243 - 252,

Dierker L; He J; Kalaydjian A; Swendsen J; Degenhardt LJ; Glantz M; Conway K; Anthony J; Chiu W; Sampson N; Kessler RC; Merikangas K, 2008, 'The importance of timing of transitions for risk of regular smoking and nicotine dependence', Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 36, pp. 87 - 92

Degenhardt LJ; Chiu W; Sampson N; Kessler RC; Anthony J; Angermeyer M; Bruffaerts R; de Girolamo G; Gureje O; Huang Y; Karam A; Kostyuchenko S; Lepine J; Mora ME; Neumark Y; Ormel J; Pinto-Meza A; Posada-Villa J; Stein DJ; Takeshima T; Wells E, 2008, 'Toward a global view of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and cocaine use: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys - art. no. 141', PLOS Medicine, 5, pp. 1053 - 1067

Sim MG-B, 2007, 'Opioid overdose deaths can occur in patients with naltrexone implants', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 187, pp. 54 - 54,

Degenhardt L; Hall W, 2007, 'Cannabis-induced psychosis among aboriginal people in the northwest territories - Reply', CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PSYCHIATRIE, 52, pp. 475 - 476,

Degenhardt L; Hall W, 2007, 'Reply: Cannabis-induced psychosis among aboriginal people in the Northwest Territories [2]', Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 52, pp. 475 - 476,

Gureje O; Degenhardt LJ; Olley B; Uwakwe R; Udofia O; Wakil A; Adeyemi O; Bohnert K; Anthony J, 2007, 'A descriptive epidemiology of substance use and substance use disorders in Nigeria during the early 21st century', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 91, pp. 1 - 9

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD, 2007, 'Accidental drug-induced deaths due to opioids in Australia 2005', NIDIP Bulletin

Rodgers B; Parslow R; Degenhardt LJ, 2007, 'Affective disorders, anxiety disorders and psychological distress in non-drinkers', Journal of Affective Disorders, 99, pp. 165 - 172

Degenhardt LJ; Cheng H; Anthony J, 2007, 'Assessing cannabis dependence in community surveys: methodological issues', International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 16, pp. 43 - 51

Degenhardt LJ; Bohnert K; Anthony J, 2007, 'Case ascertainment of alcohol dependence in general population surveys: `gated` versus `ungated` approaches', International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 16, pp. 111 - 123

Degenhardt LJ; Roxburgh AD, 2007, 'Cocaine and methamphetamine related drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2005', Cocaine and methamphetamine related drug-induced deaths in Australia, 2005

Degenhardt LJ; Chiu W; Sampson N; Kessler RC; Anthony J, 2007, 'Epidemiological patterns of extra-medical drug use in the United States: Evidence from the national Comorbidity Survey Replication, 2001-2003', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 90, pp. 210 - 223

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