Select Publications

Journal articles

Farrell M; Shahbazi J; Byrne M; Grebely J; Lintzeris N; Chambers M; Larance B; Ali R; Nielsen S; Dunlop A; Dore GJ; McDonough M; Montebello M; Nicholas T; Weiss R; Rodgers C; Cook J; Degenhardt L, 2022, 'Outcomes of a single-arm implementation trial of extended-release subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injections in people with opioid dependence', International Journal of Drug Policy, 100,

Padmanathan P; Forbes H; Redaniel MT; Gunnell D; Lewer D; Moran P; Watson B; Degenhardt L; Hickman M, 2022, 'Self-harm and suicide during and after opioid agonist treatment among primary care patients in England: a cohort study', The Lancet Psychiatry, 9, pp. 151 - 159,

Stone J; Artenie A; Hickman M; Martin NK; Degenhardt L; Fraser H; Vickerman P, 2022, 'The contribution of unstable housing to HIV and hepatitis C virus transmission among people who inject drugs globally, regionally, and at country level: a modelling study', The Lancet Public Health, 7, pp. e136 - e145,

Ferrari AJ; Santomauro DF; Herrera AMM; Shadid J; Ashbaugh C; Erskine HE; Charlson FJ; Degenhardt L; Scott JG; McGrath JJ; Allebeck P; Benjet C; Breitborde NJK; Brugha T; Dai X; Dandona L; Dandona R; Fischer F; Haagsma JA; Maria Haro J; Kieling C; Knudsen AKS; Kumar GA; Leung J; Majeed A; Mitchell PB; Moitra M; Mokdad AH; Molokhia M; Patten SB; Patton GC; Phillips MR; Soriano JB; Stein DJ; Stein MB; Szoeke CE; Naghavi M; Hay S; Murray CJL; Vos T; Whiteford HA, 2022, 'Global, regional, and national burden of 12 mental disorders in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', LANCET PSYCHIATRY, 9, pp. 137 - 150,

Price O; Man N; Bruno R; Dietze P; Salom C; Lenton S; Grigg J; Gibbs D; Wilson T; Degenhardt L; Chan R; Thomas N; Peacock A, 2022, 'Changes in illicit drug use and markets with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions: findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System, 2016–20', Addiction, 117, pp. 182 - 194,

Hammoud MA; Wells N; Holt M; Bavinton B; Jin F; Maher L; Philpot S; Haire B; Degenhardt L; Bourne A; Saxton P; Keen P; Storer D; Prestage G, 2022, 'COVID-19 Testing in a Weekly Cohort Study of Gay and Bisexual Men: The Impact of Health-Seeking Behaviors and Social Connection', AIDS and Behavior, 27, pp. 948 - 956,

Tran AD; Chen R; Nielsen S; Zahra E; Degenhardt L; Santo T; Farrell M; Larance B, 2022, 'Economic analysis of out-of-pocket costs among people in opioid agonist treatment: A cross-sectional survey in three Australian jurisdictions', International Journal of Drug Policy, 99,

Santo T; Campbell G; Gisev N; Degenhardt L, 2022, 'Exposure to childhood trauma increases risk of opioid use disorder among people prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 230,

Watchirs Smith L; Liu B; Degenhardt L; Richters J; Bateson D; Yeung A; Guy R, 2022, 'Identifying gaps in dual protection from sexually transmissible infections and unintended pregnancies among Australian women: An observational study', Sexual Health, 18, pp. 475 - 486,

Bavinton BR; Chan C; Hammoud MA; Maher L; Haire B; Degenhardt L; Holt M; Lea T; Bath N; Storer D; Jin F; Grulich AE; Bourne A; Saxton P; Prestage GP; Murphy D; Mackie B; Batrouney C; Ellard J; Grierson J; Pastorelli M, 2022, 'Increase in Depression and Anxiety Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men During COVID-19 Restrictions: Findings from a Prospective Online Cohort Study', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, pp. 355 - 364,

Valerio H; Alavi M; Conway A; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Grebely J; ETHOS Engage Study Group , 2022, 'Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study.', Int J Drug Policy, 105, pp. 103706,

Clare PJ; Aiken A; Yuen WS; Upton E; Kypri K; Degenhardt L; Bruno R; McCambridge J; McBride N; Hutchinson D; Slade T; Mattick R; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2021, 'Alcohol use among young Australian adults in May–June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study', Addiction, 116, pp. 3398 - 3407,

Valerio H; Alavi M; Law M; McManus H; Tillakeratne S; Bajis S; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Amin J; Janjua NZ; Krajden M; George J; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2021, 'Opportunities to Enhance Linkage to Hepatitis C Care Among Hospitalized People With Recent Drug Dependence in New South Wales, Australia: A Population-based Linkage Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. 2037 - 2044,

Degenhardt L; Bharat C; Chiu WT; Sampson NA; Kessler RC; Kazdin AE; Harris MG; McGrath JJ; Vigo DV; Vigo DV; Alonso J; Andrade LH; Bruffaerts R; Bunting B; Cardoso G; de Girolamo G; Florescu S; Gureje O; Makanjuola V; Haro JM; Hu C; Karam AN; Karam EG; Kovess-Masfety V; Lee S; Medina-Mora ME; Moskalewicz J; Navarro-Mateu F; Posada-Villa J; Rapsey C; Stagnaro JC; Tachimori H; ten Have M; Torres Y; Williams DR; Zarkov Z; Al-Hamzawi A; Al-Kaisy MS; Altwaijri YA; Atwoli L; Benjet C; Borges G; Bromet EJ; Caldas-de-Almeida JM; Chatterji S; Cia AH; Demyttenaere K; Florescu S; Giovanni de Girolamo ; Hinkov H; Peter de Jonge ; Karam G; Kawakami N; Kiejna A; Lee S; Lepine JP; Mneimneh Z; Piazza M; Scott KM; Slade T; Stein DJ; Margreet ten Have ; Viana MC; Whiteford H; Wojtyniak B, 2021, 'Perceived helpfulness of treatment for alcohol use disorders: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 229,

Stein DJ; Kazdin AE; Ruscio AM; Chiu WT; Sampson NA; Ziobrowski HN; Aguilar-Gaxiola S; Al-Hamzawi A; Alonso J; Altwaijri Y; Bruffaerts R; Bunting B; de Girolamo G; de Jonge P; Degenhardt L; Gureje O; Haro JM; Harris MG; Karam A; Karam EG; Kovess-Masfety V; Lee S; Medina-Mora ME; Moskalewicz J; Navarro-Mateu F; Nishi D; Posada-Villa J; Scott KM; Viana MC; Vigo DV; Xavier M; Zarkov Z; Kessler RC; Al-Kaisy MS; Altwaijri YA; Andrade LH; Atwoli L; Benjet C; Borges G; Bromet EJ; Caldas-de-Almeida JM; Cardoso G; Chatterji S; Cia AH; Demyttenaere K; Florescu S; Hinkov H; Hu CY; Kawakami N; Kiejna A; Lepine JP; McGrath JJ; Mneimneh Z; Piazza M; Slade T; Stagnaro JC; ten Have M; Torres Y; Whiteford H; Williams DR; Wojtyniak B, 2021, 'Perceived helpfulness of treatment for generalized anxiety disorder: a World Mental Health Surveys report', BMC Psychiatry, 21,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Darke S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Moran L; Peacock A, 2021, 'Unintentional and intentional drug poisoning deaths, Australia, 2012–2016: Drug pattern profile and demographic characteristics', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 229,

Roest AM; De Vries YA; Al-Hamzawi A; Alonso J; Ayinde OO; Bruffaerts R; Bunting B; Caldas De Almeida JM; De Girolamo G; Degenhardt L; Florescu S; Gureje O; Haro JM; Hu C; Karam EG; Kiejna A; Kovess-Masfety V; Lee S; McGrath JJ; Medina-Mora ME; Navarro-Mateu F; Nishi D; Piazza M; Posada-Villa J; Scott KM; Stagnaro JC; Stein DJ; Torres Y; Viana MC; Zarkov Z; Kessler RC; De Jonge P, 2021, 'Previous disorders and depression outcomes in individuals with 12-month major depressive disorder in the World Mental Health surveys', Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30, pp. 3 - 9,

Gibbs D; Price O; Grebely J; Larney S; Sutherland R; Read P; Butler K; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2021, 'Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs in Australia: Factors associated with testing and treatment in a universal healthcare system', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 228,

McKetin R; Sutherland R; Peacock A; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Patterns of smoking and injecting methamphetamine and their association with health and social outcomes', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1256 - 1265,

Bharat C; Larney S; Barbieri S; Dobbins T; Jones NR; Hickman M; Gisev N; Ali R; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'The effect of person, treatment and prescriber characteristics on retention in opioid agonist treatment: a 15-year retrospective cohort study', Addiction, 116, pp. 3139 - 3152,

McKetin R; Chrzanowska A; Man N; Peacock A; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Trends in treatment episodes for methamphetamine smoking and injecting in Australia, 2003–2019', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1281 - 1286,

Bharat C; Degenhardt L; Dobbins T; Larney S; Farrell M; Barbieri S, 2021, 'Using administrative data to predict cessation risk and identify novel predictors among new entrants to opioid agonist treatment', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 228,

Jahagirdar D; Walters MK; Novotney A; Brewer ED; Frank TD; Carter A; Biehl MH; Abbastabar H; Abhilash ES; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Raddad LJ; Adekanmbi V; Adeyinka DA; Adnani QES; Afzal S; Aghababaei S; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad S; Ahmadi K; Ahmadi S; Ahmadpour E; Ahmed MB; Rashid TA; Salih YA; Aklilu A; Akram T; Akunna CJ; Al Hamad H; Alahdab F; Alanezi FM; Aleksandrova EA; Alene KA; Ali L; Alipour V; Almustanyir S; Alvis-Guzman N; Ameyaw EK; Amu H; Andrei CL; Andrei T; Anvari D; Arabloo J; Aremu O; Arulappan J; Atnafu DD; Quintanilla BPA; Ayza MA; Azari S; Darshan BB; Banach M; Bärnighausen TW; Barra F; Barrow A; Basu S; Bazargan-Hejazi S; Belay HG; Berheto TM; Bezabhe WM; Bezabih YM; Bhagavathula AS; Bhardwaj N; Bhardwaj P; Bhattacharyya K; Bibi S; Bijani A; Bisignano C; Bolarinwa OA; Boloor A; Boltaev AA; Briko NI; Buonsenso D; Burkart K; Butt ZA; Cao C; Charan J; Chatterjee S; Chattu SK; Chattu VK; Choudhari SG; Chu DT; Couto RAS; Cowden RG; Dachew BA; Dadras O; Dagnew AB; Dahlawi SMA; Dai X; Dandona L; Dandona R; das Neves J; Degenhardt L; Demeke FM; Desta AA; Deuba K; Dhamnetiya D; Dhungana GP; Dianatinasab M; Diaz D; Djalalinia S; Doan LP, 2021, 'Global, regional, and national sex-specific burden and control of the HIV epidemic, 1990–2019, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2019', The Lancet HIV, 8, pp. e633 - e651,

Conway A; Valerio H; Peacock A; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Harrod ME; Henderson C; Read P; Gilliver R; Christmass M; Dunlop A; Montebello M; Whitton G; Reid D; Lam T; Alavi M; Silk D; Marshall AD; Treloar C; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2021, 'Non-fatal opioid overdose, naloxone access, and naloxone training among people who recently used opioids or received opioid agonist treatment in Australia: The ETHOS Engage study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96,

de Oliveira Costa J; Bruno C; Baranwal N; Gisev N; Dobbins TA; Degenhardt L; Pearson SA, 2021, 'Variations in Long-term Opioid Therapy Definitions: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies Using Routinely Collected Data (2000-2019)', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, pp. 3706 - 3720,

Borschmann R; Mundy L; Canterford L; Moreno-Betancur M; Moran P; Allen N; Viner R; Degenhardt L; Kosola S; Fedyszyn I; Patton G, 2021, '533The psychosocial profiles of children aged 11-12 years who have self-harmed: A prospective cohort study', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Yuen WS; Chan G; Clare P; Bruno R; Boland V; Aiken A; Kypri K; Horwood J; McCambridge J; Degenhardt L; Slade T; Wadolowski M; Hutchinson D; Najman J; McBride N; Mattick R; Peacock A, 2021, '962Adolescent Alcohol Use Trajectories: A Prospective Study of Risk Factors and Adulthood AUD Outcomes', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Santo T; Clark B; Hickman M; Grebely J; Campbell G; Sordo L; Chen A; Tran LT; Bharat C; Padmanathan P; Cousins G; Dupouy J; Kelty E; Muga R; Nosyk B; Min J; Pavarin R; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Association of Opioid Agonist Treatment with All-Cause Mortality and Specific Causes of Death among People with Opioid Dependence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', JAMA Psychiatry, 78, pp. 979 - 993,

Nierenberg AA; Harris MG; Kazdin AE; Puac-Polanco V; Sampson N; Vigo DV; Chiu WT; Ziobrowski HN; Alonso J; Altwaijri Y; Borges G; Bunting B; Caldas-de-Almeida JM; Haro JM; Hu CY; Kiejna A; Lee S; McGrath JJ; Navarro-Mateu F; Posada-Villa J; Scott KM; Stagnaro JC; Viana MC; Kessler RC; Aguilar-Gaxiola S; Al-Hamzawi A; Al-Kaisy MS; Andrade LH; Atwoli L; Benjet C; Bromet EJ; Bruffaerts R; Cardoso G; Chatterji S; Cia AH; Degenhardt L; Demyttenaere K; Florescu S; Girolamo GD; Gureje O; Hinkov H; Jonge PD; Karam AN; Karam EG; Kawakami N; Kovess-Masfety V; Lepine JP; Medina-Mora ME; Mneimneh Z; Moskalewicz J; Piazza M; Slade T; Stein DJ; ten Have M; Torres Y; Whiteford H; Williams DR; Wojtyniak B, 2021, 'Perceived helpfulness of bipolar disorder treatment: Findings from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys', Bipolar Disorders, 23, pp. 565 - 583,

Man N; Chrzanowska A; Price O; Bruno R; Dietze PM; Sisson SA; Degenhardt L; Salom C; Morris L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2021, 'Trends in cocaine use, markets and harms in Australia, 2003–2019', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 946 - 956,

Nielsen S; Gisev N; Leung J; Clare P; Bruno R; Lintzeris N; Larance B; Blyth F; Hall W; Cohen M; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Campbell G, 2021, 'Clinical correlates and outcomes associated with pregabalin use among people prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain: A five-year prospective cohort study', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, pp. 3092 - 3104,

Chiu V; Leung J; Hall W; Stjepanović D; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Public health impacts to date of the legalisation of medical and recreational cannabis use in the USA', Neuropharmacology, 193,

Grebely J; Tran L; Degenhardt L; Dowell-Day A; Santo T; Larney S; Hickman M; Vickerman P; French C; Butler K; Gibbs D; Valerio H; Read P; Dore GJ; Hajarizadeh B, 2021, 'Association between Opioid Agonist Therapy and Testing, Treatment Uptake, and Treatment Outcomes for Hepatitis C Infection among People Who Inject Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. E107 - E118,

Ferraro CF; Stewart DE; Grebely J; Tran LT; Zhou S; Puca C; Hajarizadeh B; Larney S; Santo T; Higgins JPT; Vickerman P; Degenhardt L; Hickman M; French CE, 2021, 'Association between opioid agonist therapy use and HIV testing uptake among people who have recently injected drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Addiction, 116, pp. 1664 - 1676,

Mohiuddin M; Blyth FM; Degenhardt L; Di Forti M; Eccleston C; Haroutounian S; Moore A; Rice ASC; Wallace M; Park R; Gilron I, 2021, 'General risks of harm with cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicine possibly relevant to patients receiving these for pain management: An overview of systematic reviews', Pain, 162, pp. S80 - S96,

Haroutounian S; Arendt-Nielsen L; Belton J; Blyth FM; Degenhardt L; Di Forti M; Eccleston C; Finn DP; Finnerup NB; Fisher E; Fogarty AE; Gilron I; Hohmann AG; Kalso E; Krane E; Mohiuddin M; Moore RA; Rowbotham M; Soliman N; Wallace M; Zinboonyahgoon N; Rice ASC, 2021, 'International Association for the Study of Pain Presidential Task Force on Cannabis and Cannabinoid Analgesia: Research agenda on the use of cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicines for pain management', Pain, 162, pp. S117 - S124,

Valerio H; Alavi M; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Reid D; Gorton C; Lam T; Dore G; Grebely J, 2021, 'Progress towards Elimination of Hepatitis C Infection among People Who Inject Drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. E69 - E78,

Haroutounian S; Gilron I; Belton J; Degenhardt L; Di Forti M; Finn DP; Fogarty A; Kalso E; Krane E; Moore RA; Rowbotham M; Wallace M; Rice ASC, 2021, 'Societal issues and policy implications related to the use of cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicines for pain management', Pain, 162, pp. S110 - S116,

Bharat C; Hickman M; Barbieri S; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Big data and predictive modelling for the opioid crisis: existing research and future potential', The Lancet Digital Health, 3, pp. e397 - e407,

Nielsen S; Sanfilippo P; Belackova V; Day C; Silins E; Lintzeris N; Bruno R; Grebely J; Lancaster K; Ali R; Bell J; Dietze P; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Larance B, 2021, 'Perceptions of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) among people who regularly use opioids in Australia: findings from a cross-sectional study in three Australian cities', Addiction, 116, pp. 1482 - 1494,

Moitra M; Santomauro D; Degenhardt L; Collins PY; Whiteford H; Vos T; Ferrari A, 2021, 'Estimating the risk of suicide associated with mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 137, pp. 242 - 249,

Degenhardt L; Hungerford P; Nielsen S; Bruno R; Larance B; Clare PJ; Dobbins T; Hall W; Cohen M; Blyth F; Lintzeris N; Farrell M; Campbell G, 2021, 'Pharmaceutical Opioid Use Patterns and Indicators of Extramedical Use and Harm in Adults with Chronic Noncancer Pain, 2012-2018', JAMA Network Open, 4,

Peacock A; Tran LT; Larney S; Stockings E; Santo T; Jones H; Santomauro D; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'All-cause and cause-specific mortality among people with regular or problematic cocaine use: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Addiction, 116, pp. 725 - 742,

Stone J; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Larney S; Altice FL; Smyrnov P; Rahimi-Movaghar A; Alavi M; Young AM; Havens JR; Miller WC; Hickman M; Vickerman P, 2021, 'Modelling the intervention effect of opioid agonist treatment on multiple mortality outcomes in people who inject drugs: a three-setting analysis', The Lancet Psychiatry, 8, pp. 301 - 309,

Sherva R; Zhu C; Wetherill L; Edenberg HJ; Johnson E; Degenhardt L; Agrawal A; Martin NG; Nelson E; Kranzler HR; Gelernter J; Farrer LA, 2021, 'Genome-wide association study of phenotypes measuring progression from first cocaine or opioid use to dependence reveals novel risk genes', Exploration of Medicine,

Valerio H; Alavi M; Law M; Tillakeratne S; Amin J; Janjua NZ; Krajden M; George J; Matthews GV; Hajarizadeh B; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2021, 'High hepatitis C treatment uptake among people with recent drug dependence in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 74, pp. 293 - 302,

Santo T; Campbell G; Gisev N; Tran LT; Colledge S; Di Tanna GL; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Prevalence of childhood maltreatment among people with opioid use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 219,

Jones NR; Nielsen S; Farrell M; Ali R; Gill A; Larney S; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Retention of opioid agonist treatment prescribers across New South Wales, Australia, 2001–2018: Implications for treatment systems and potential impact on client outcomes', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 219,

Warfield SC; Pack RP; Degenhardt L; Larney S; Bharat C; Ashrafioun L; Marshall BDL; Bossarte RM, 2021, 'The next wave? Mental health comorbidities and patients with substance use disorders in under-resourced and rural areas', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 121,

Sutherland R; Weatherburn D; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'A trial of Criminal Infringement Notices as an alternative to criminal penalties for illicit drug offences in New South Wales, Australia: Estimated savings', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 93 - 97,

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