Select Publications
Journal articles
2009, 'An Improved Rotating Cylinder Test Design for Laboratory Measurement of Erosion in Clayey Soils', Geotechnical Testing Journal, 32,
,2009, 'An improved rotating cylinder test design for laboratory measurement of erosion in clayey soils', Geotechnical Testing Journal, 32, pp. 232 - 238
,2009, 'Drying response and effective stress in a double porosity aggregated soil', Engineering Geology, 105, pp. 44 - 50
,2009, 'Experimental investigation of thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of an unsaturated silt', Geotechnique, 59, pp. 339 - 353
,2008, 'A fully coupled flow deformation model for cyclic analysis of unsaturated soils including hydraulic and mechanical hystereses', Computers and Geotechnics, 35, pp. 872 - 889
,2008, 'A hypoplastic model for mechanical response of unsaturated soils', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32, pp. 1903 - 1926
,2008, 'Effect of effective overburden pressure on geomembrane/soil interface transmissivity', Geosynthetics International, 15, pp. 31 - 42,
,2008, 'On generalization of constitutive models from two dimensions to three dimensions', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32, pp. 2045 - 2065
,2006, 'A unified bounding surface plasticity model for unsaturated soils', International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 30, pp. 181 - 212
,2006, 'On the problem of cavity expansion in unsaturated soils', Computational Mechanics, 37, pp. 311 - 330
,2006, 'Special issue on computational mechanics', Computational Mechanics, 37, pp. 291,
,2005, 'A bounding surface plasticity model for cyclic loading of granular soils', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 63, pp. 1939 - 1960
,2005, 'Effective stress in double porous media with two immiscible fluids', Geophysical Research Letters, 32, pp. 1 - 6,
,2005, 'Foreword', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 63, pp. I - I
,2004, 'A recently acquired incense burner in the Khalili collection', Muqarnas, 21, pp. 215 - 218,
,2004, 'A bounding surface plasticity model for sands exhibiting particle crushing', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 41, pp. 1179 - 1192
,2004, 'Effective Stress in Unsaturated Soils: Review with New Evidence', International Journal of Geomechanics, 4, pp. 115 - 126
,2003, 'A fully coupled constitutive model for thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis in elastic media with double porosity', Geophysical Research Letters, 30
,2003, 'Coupling effects in double porosity media with deformable matrix', Geophysical Research Letters, 30, pp. 1 - 3
,2002, 'Estimation of error in curvature computation on multi-scale free-form surfaces', International Journal of Computer Vision, 48, pp. 131 - 149,
,2002, 'An effective stress based elastic-plastic model for unsaturated porous media', Mechanics of Materials, 34, pp. 97 - 116
,2002, 'Drained cavity expansion in sands exhibiting particle crushing', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 26, pp. 323 - 340
,2002, 'In situ fluidization for peat bed rupture, and preliminary economic analysis', Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 59, pp. 67 - 85
,2001, 'Curvature computation on free-form 3-D meshes at multiple scales', Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 83, pp. 118 - 139,
,2001, 'Free-form 3-D surface description in multiple scales', Scientia Iranica, 8, pp. 265 - 276
,2001, 'Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D models', Image and Vision Computing, 19, pp. 271 - 281,
,2001, 'An elasto-plastic model for non-isothermal analysis of flow and deformation in unsaturated porous media: formulation', International Journal of Solids and Structures, pp. 8305 - 8330
,2000, 'Curvature and torsion feature extraction from free-form 3-D meshes at multiple scales', IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 147, pp. 454 - 462,
,2000, 'A New Technology for Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Lowland Areas', Lowland Technology International, 2, pp. 43 - 54
,2000, 'A Three Phase Model for Unsaturated Soils', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, pp. 893 - 927
,2000, 'An Effective Stress based Numerical Model for Hydro-mechanical Analysis in Unsaturated Porous Media', Computational Mechanics, pp. 174 - 184
,2000, 'Mixed solid/dispersed phase particles in multiphase fluidised beds, part I: free energy of stability due to interfacial tension', Chemical Engineering Science, pp. 3013 - 3032
,2000, 'Mixed solid/dispersed phase particles in multiphase fluidised beds, part II: stability at laminar to turbulent flow scales', Chemical Engineering Science, pp. 3033 - 3051
,2000, 'Mixed Solid/Dispersed Phase Particles in Multiphase Fluidised Beds. Part I: Free Energy of Stability Due to Interfacial Tension', Chemical Engineering Science, pp. 3013 - 3032
,2000, 'Mixed Solid/Dispersed Phase Particles in Multiphase Fluidised Beds. Part II: Stability due to Interfacial Tension', Chemical Engineering Science, pp. 3033 - 3051
,1999, 'Optimization approach applied to nonlinear analysis of raft-pile foundations', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7, pp. 533 - 550,
,1999, 'A new optimization technique for raft-pile foundation system', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 7, pp. 533 - 550
,1999, 'An axi-symmetric infinite element for transient flow problems', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 23, pp. 801 - 813
,1999, 'Consolidation of fissured clays', Geotechnique, pp. 75 - 89
,1999, 'Coupling effects in double porosity media with deformable matrix', 7th International Symposium Plasticity and its Current Applications, pp. 479 - 482
,1999, 'Designing of raft-pile foundation using combined optimization and finite element approach', International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 23, pp. 1043 - 1065
,1999, 'Dynamic soil structure interaction analysis via couplied finite element-boundary element method', Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 18, pp. 499 - 517
,1999, 'Non-linear seismic behaviour of concrete gravity dams using coupled finite element-boundary technique', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, pp. 101 - 130
,1999, 'Seismic analysis of arch dams - a continuum damage mechanics approach', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, pp. 1695 - 1724
,1999, 'Wave propagation analysis of two phase saturated porous media using coupled finite-infinite element method', Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 18, pp. 533 - 553
,1998, 'In situ multiphase fluidization ("upflow washing") for the remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sands', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 35, pp. 938 - 960,
,1998, 'A Unique Relationship for x for Shear Strength Determination of Unsaturated Soils', Geotechnique, pp. 681 - 688
,1998, 'Contaminant transport under variable density flow in fractured porous media', International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, pp. 575 - 595
,1998, 'In Situ fluidisation by single internal vertical jet', Journal of Hydraulic Research, pp. 199 - 229
,1998, 'In Situ gas-liquid-solid fluidisation for remediation of hydrocarbon contamined sands', Canadian Geotechnical Journal