Select Publications

Journal articles

Anstey KJ; Byles JE; Luszcz MA; Mitchell P; Steel D; Booth H; Browning C; Butterworth P; Cumming RG; Healy J; Windsor TD; Ross L; Bartsch L; Burns RA; Kiely K; Birrell CL; Broe GA; Shaw J; Kendig H, 2010, 'Cohort profile: The dynamic analyses to optimize ageing (DYNOPTA) project', International Journal of Epidemiology, 39, pp. 44 - 51,

Lim LS; Saw SM; Jeganathan VSE; Tay WT; Aung T; Tong L; Mitchell P; Wong TY, 2010, 'Distribution and determinants of ocular biometric parameters in an asian population: The Singapore malay eye study', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 51, pp. 103 - 109,

Sethi B; Taylor EC; Taylor J; Mitchell P, 2010, 'Stability of haematology parameters on the LH750: Comparison of Sarstedt Monovettes and BD Vacutainers', British Journal of Biomedical Science, 67, pp. 113 - 119,

Mitchell PB; Meiser B; Wilde A; Fullerton J; Donald JA; Wilhelm KA; Schofield PR, 2010, '(Re-printed with permission) Predictive and diagnostic genetic testing in psychiatry', Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 30, pp. 829 - 846

Loo CK; Sachdev PS; Martin D; Pigot M; Alonzo A; Malhi GS; Lagopoulos J; Mitchell PB; Lagopoulos , 2010, 'A double-blind, sham-controlled trial of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of depression', International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13, pp. 61 - 69,

Loo CK; Sainsbury K; Mitchell PB; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Sachdev PS, 2010, 'A Sham-Controlled Trial of Left and Right Temporal rTMS for the Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations', Psychological Medicine, 40, pp. 541 - 546,

Fullerton J; Tiwari Y; Agahi G; Heath A; Berk M; Mitchell PB; Schofield PR, 2010, 'Assessing Oxidative Pathway Genes as Risk Factors for Bipolar Disorder', Bipolar Disorders, 12, pp. 550 - 556

Mitchell PB; Loo CK; Gould B, 2010, 'Diagnosis and monitoring of bipolar disorder in general practice.', Medical Journal of Australia, 193, pp. S10 - S13,

Arul-Anandam AP; Loo CK; Mitchell PB, 2010, 'Induction of hypomanic episode with transcranial direct current stimulation.', Journal of ECT, 26, pp. 68 - 69

Mitchell PB; Meiser B; Wilde A; Fullerton J; Donald JA; Wilhelm KA; Schofield PR; Schofield P, 2010, 'Predictive and Diagnostic Genetic Testing in Psychiatry', Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 33, pp. 225 - 243,

Wilde A; Meiser B; Mitchell PB; Schofield PR, 2010, 'Public interest in predictive genetic testing, including direct-to-consumer testing, for susceptibility to major depression: preliminary findings', European Journal of Human Genetics, 18, pp. 47 - 51,

Butler TG; Schofield P; Greenberg DM; Allnutt S; Indig D; Carr VJ; D''este C; Mitchell PB; Ellis AE, 2010, 'Reducing impulsivity in repeat violent offenders: an open label trial of a selective serotonin inhibitor', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44, pp. 1137 - 1143

Grunze H; Vieta E; Goodwin GM; Bowden CL; Licht R; Möller HM; Kasper S; Hagop A; Ayuso-gutierrez J; Bauer M; Bech P; Berk M; Bitter I; Burrows G; Calabrese J; Cassano G; Cetkovich-bakmas M; Cookson J; Ferrier IN; Gattaz WF; Goodwin FK; Heinze G; Higuchi T; Hirschfeld R; Hoeschl C; Holsboer-trachsler E; Jamison KR; Katona C; Keller M; Kostukova E; Kruger H; Kulhara P; Lecruibier Y; Larach V; Lingjaerde O; Lublin H; Maj M; Mendlewicz J; Camacho R; Mitchell PB; Mosolov S; Montgomery S; Nemeroff C; Nolen W; Paykel ES; Post RM; Puzynski S; Rihmer Z; Rybakowski JK; Vestergaard P; Whybrow PC; Yamada K, 2010, 'The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the Biological Treatment of Bipolar Disorders:Update 2010 on the treatment of acute bipolar depression', World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11, pp. 81 - 109

Fullerton J; Donald JA; Mitchell PB; Schofield PR, 2010, 'Two-Dimensional Genome Scan Identifies Mltiple Genetic Interactions in Biolar Affective Disorder', Biological Psychiatry, 67, pp. 478 - 486

Mitchell PB, 2010, 'Understanding bipolar disorder', Medical Journal of Australia, 192, pp. 163 - 163,

Schlaepfer IR; Mark G; Mayberg H; Padberg F; andrade C; Conca C; Da costa D; Eschweiler G; Fink M; Fitzgerald P; Gabriels L; Geretsegge RC; Greenberg B; Holtzheimer P; Jasulaitis M; Krystal A; Levkovitz Y; Lijtenstein D; Lisanby S; Mitchell PB; Motohashi N; Naderi-heiden A; Otegui J; Sackeim HA; Tsukarzi E; Zervas I, 2010, 'WFSBP Guidelines on Brain Stimulation Treatments in Psychiatry', World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11, pp. 2 - 18

Ross LA; Anstey KJ; Kiely KM; Windsor TD; Byles JE; Luszcz MA; Mitchell P, 2009, 'Older drivers in australia: Trends in driving status and cognitive and visual impairment', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57, pp. 1868 - 1873,

Lim LS; Saw SM; Cheung N; Mitchell P; Wong TY, 2009, 'Relationship of Retinal Vascular Caliber with Optic Disc and Macular Structure', American Journal of Ophthalmology, 148, pp. 368 - 375,

Dirani M; Tong L; Gazzard G; Zhang X; Chia A; Young TL; Rose KA; Mitchell P; Saw SM, 2009, 'Outdoor activity and myopia in Singapore teenage children', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 93, pp. 997 - 1000,

Swamy B; Cumming RG; Ivers R; Clemson L; Cullen J; Hayes MF; Tanzer M; Mitchell P, 2009, 'Vision screening for frail older people: A randomised trial', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 93, pp. 736 - 741,

Mitchell P; Liew G; Rochtchina E; Wang JJ; Robaei D; Cheung N; Wong TY, 2009, 'Response to letter regarding article, "evidence of arteriolar narrowing in low-birth-weight children"', Circulation, 119,

Wong G; Hayen A; Chapman JR; Webster AC; Jie JW; Mitchell P; Craig JC, 2009, 'Association of CKD and cancer risk in older people', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 20, pp. 1341 - 1350,

Islam FMA; Nguyen TT; Wang JJ; Tai ES; Shankar A; Saw SM; Aung T; Lim SC; Mitchell P; Wong TY, 2009, 'Quantitative retinal vascular calibre changes in diabetes and retinopathy: The Singapore Malay eye study', Eye, 23, pp. 1719 - 1724,

Bauer M; Whybrow PC; Angst J; Versiani M; Möller HJ; Allain H; Anderson I; Ayuso-Gutierrez JL; Baldwin D; Bech P; Benkert O; Berk M; Bitter I; Bourgeois ML; Burrows G; Cassano G; Cetkovich-Bakmans M; Cookson JC; Costa DD; Gheroghe MD; Heinze G; Higuchi T; Hirschfeld RM; Höschl C; Holsboer-Trachsler E; Kasper S; Katona C; Keller MB; Kulhara P; Kupfer DJ; Lecrubier Y; Leonard B; Licht RW; Lingjaerde O; Lublin H; Mendlewicz J; Mitchell P; Paykel ES; Puzynski S; Rush AJ; Rybakowski JK; Schweitzer I; Unützer J; Verstergaard P; Vieta E; Yamada K; Wiltfang J, 2009, 'World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for biological treatment of unipolar depressive disorders, part 1: Acute and continuation treatment of major depressive disorder', Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, 36, pp. 17 - 57,

Bauer M; Whybrow PC; Angst J; Versiani M; Möller HJ; Allain H; Anderson I; Ayuso-Gutierrez JL; Baldwin D; Bech P; Benkert O; Berk M; Bitter I; Bourgeois ML; Burrows G; Cassano G; Cetkovich-Bakmans M; Cookson JC; Costa DD; Gheroghe MD; Heinze G; Higuchi T; Hirschfeld RM; Höschl C; Holsboer-Trachsler E; Kasper S; Katona C; Keller MB; Kulhara P; Kupfer DJ; Lecrubier Y; Leonard B; Licht RW; Lingjaerde O; Lublin H; Mendlewicz J; Mitchell P; Paykel ES; Puzynski S; Rush AJ; Rybakowski JK; Schweitzer I; Unützer J; Verstergaard P; Vieta E; Yamada K; Wiltfang J, 2009, 'World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) guidelines for biological treatment of unipolar depressive disorders, part 2: Maintenance treatment of major depressive disorder and treatment of chronic depressive disorders and subthreshold depressions', Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica, 36, pp. 58 - 76,

Mcauley EZ; Blair I; Liu Z; Fullerton J; Scimone A; Van Herten M; Evans MR; Kirkby KC; Donald JA; Mitchell PB; Schofield PR, 2009, 'A genome screen of 35 bipolar affective disorder pedigrees provides significant evidence for a susceptibility locus on chromosome 15q25-26', Molecular Psychiatry, 14, pp. 492 - 500

Guastella AJ; Howard A; Dadds MR; Mitchell PB; Carson D, 2009, 'A randomized controlled trial of intranasal oxytocin as an adjunct to exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34, pp. 917 - 923

Mcauley EZ; Fullerton J; Blair I; Donald JA; Mitchell PB; Schofield PR, 2009, 'Association between the serotonin 2A receptor gene and bipolar affective disorder in an Australian cohort', Psychiatric Genetics, 19, pp. 244 - 252

Mitchell PB; Ball JR; Gould B, 2009, 'Bipolar disorder focus on mania', Medicine Today, 10, pp. 41 - 50

Mitchell PB; Gould B, 2009, 'Bipolar disorder: Focus on depression', Medicine Today, 10, pp. 18 - 26

Mitchell PB; Johnston AK; Corry JC; Ball JR; Malhi GS, 2009, 'Characteristics of bipolar disorder in an Australian specialist outpatient clinic: Comparison across large datasets', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43, pp. 109 - 117

Arul-Anandam P; Loo CK; Martin D; Mitchell PB, 2009, 'Chronic neuropathic pain alleviation after tDCS to the dorsolaterial prefrontal cortex', Brain Stimulation, 2, pp. 149 - 151

Wilde A; Meiser B; Mitchell PB; Schofield PR, 2009, 'Community attitudes towards mental health intervention for healthy people on the basis of genetic susceptibility', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43, pp. 1070 - 1076

Guastella AJ; Carson D; Dadds MR; Mitchell PB; Cox RE, 2009, 'Does oxytocin influence the early detection of angry and happy faces?', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34, pp. 220 - 225

Mitchell PB, 2009, 'Is it possible to distinguish bipolar depression from unipolar depression?', Medicine Today, 10, pp. 28 - 34

Wilhelm KA; Meiser B; Mitchell PB; Finch AW; Siegel JE; Parker GB; Schofield PR, 2009, 'Issues concerning feedback about genetic testing and risk of depression', British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, pp. 404 - 410

Ehnvall A; Mitchell PB; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Malhi ; Parker GB, 2009, 'Pain during depression and relationship to rejection sensitivity', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 119, pp. 375 - 382

Mitchell PB; Loo CK; Breakspear M; Breakspear , 2009, 'Recent progress in the pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder.', Future Neurology, 4, pp. 493 - 508

Barnes CW; Harvey R; Wilde A; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Wilhelm KA; Mitchell PB, 2009, 'Review of the quality of information on bipolar disorder on the internet', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43, pp. 934 - 945,

Tohen M; Frank E; Bowden CL; Colom F; Ghaemi N; Yatham LN; Malhi GS; Calabrese J; Nolen W; Vieta E; Kapczinski F; Goodwin GM; Suppes T; Sachs G; Chengappa K; Grunze H; Mitchell PB; Kanba S; Berk M, 2009, 'The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force report on the nomenclature of course and outcome in bipolar disorders', Bipolar Disorders, 11, pp. 453 - 473

Grunze H; Vieta E; Guy M; Goodwin GM; Bowden CL; Licht R; Mitchell PB, 2009, 'The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the Biological Treatment of Bipolar Disorders: Update 2009 on the Treatment of Acute Mania.', The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 10, pp. 85 - 116

Loo CK; Martin D; Pigot M; Arul-Anandam P; Mitchell PB; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Priming of Therapeutic Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: a Pilot Study', Journal of ECT, 25, pp. 256 - 260,

Mitchell PB, 2009, 'Winds of change: growing demands for transparency in the relationship between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 273 - 275

Shankar A; Wang JJ; Rochtchina E; Mitchell P, 2008, 'Association between self-rated health and incident severe hypertension among men: A population-based cohort study', Singapore Medical Journal, 49, pp. 860 - 867

Bauer M; Bschor T; Pfennig A; Whybrow PC; Angst J; Versiani M; Moeller H-J, 2008, 'Biologic treatment for unipolar depression in general practitioners praxis', PSYCHOPHARMAKOTHERAPIE, 15, pp. 239 - +,

Tuo J; Ross RJ; Reed GF; Yan Q; Wang JJ; Bojanowski CM; Chew EY; Feng X; Olsen TW; Ferris FL; Mitchell P; Chan C-C, 2008, 'The HtrA1 Promoter Polymorphism, Smoking, and Age-related Macular Degeneration in Multiple Case-control Samples', OPHTHALMOLOGY, 115, pp. 1891 - 1898,

Cackett P; Tay WT; Aung T; Wang JJ; Shankar A; Saw SM; Mitchell P; Wong TY, 2008, 'Education, socio-economic status and age-related macular degeneration in Asians: The Singapore Malay eye study', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 92, pp. 1312 - 1315,

Manwaring N; Jie JW; Mitchell P; Sue CM, 2008, 'Mitochondrial DNA disease prevalence: Still underrecognized?', Annals of Neurology, 64, pp. 471,

Rose KA; Morgan IG; Ip J; Kifley A; Huynh S; Smith W; Mitchell P, 2008, 'Outdoor Activity Reduces the Prevalence of Myopia in Children', Ophthalmology, 115, pp. 1279 - 1285,

Mitchell P; Liew G; Rochtchina E; Wang JJ; Robaei D; Cheung N; Wong TY, 2008, 'Evidence of arteriolar narrowing in low-birth-weight children', Circulation, 118, pp. 518 - 524,

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