Remembering Sydney’s Post-War Greek Neighbourhoods: 1949-1972

The project aims to revise our understanding of how migrants integrated into post-war Australia by examining everyday life histories as mediated through individual and social memory. Taking a cluster of Sydney’s post-war Greek neighbourhoods as its case studies, it will document how Greek migrants formed friendships and enmities, exchanged information and rumours, and, more generally, got on with the process of settlement. It will construct a corpus of oral histories, photographs and primary materials, archived in the State Library of NSW, that will reveal to researchers, members of the public and community stakeholders how Sydney’s Greeks contributed to the city’s remaking and how they, in turn, were remade socially and culturally.

Project team

Associate Professor Nicholas Doumanis
Arts, Design & Architecture
Dr Efrosini Deligianni
Arts, Design & Architecture

Key contact

Arts, Design & Architecture