This page will be populated shortly. In the meantime, please refer to the UNSW Regulated Biological Materials Procedure.
Any dealings with Risk Group 3 micro-organisms conducted without the appropriate approval from the GTRC, or conducted not in accordance with the approved protocol must be reported to via the UNSW Protocol Violation & Deviation Template.
UNSW has established a complaints and grievances mechanism for UNSW staff, students and persons external to the University. Complaints about the conduct of research involving Risk Group 3 micro-organisms by UNSW staff, students and visitors should be directed to the Director of Research Ethics and Compliance Support (RECS) ( Allegations involving possible breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research are referred to the Conduct & Integrity Office ( to be reviewed in accordance with the UNSW Research Misconduct Procedure.
Grievances about review processes should be directed to the Director of RECS (