
My Expertise

Fibre reinforced composites, lightweight structure, multifunctional composites, functional polymer nanocomposites (e.g., energy harvesting, sensing, gas barrier performance, thermal management), functional fibres and textiles, biomaterials and composites, advanced manufacture

Fields of Research (FoR)

Composite and hybrid materials, Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical), Biomaterials, Functional materials, Additive manufacturing, Textile technology, Manufacturing processes and technologies (excl. textiles)

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Scientia Associate Professor Jin Zhang, an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow in the UNSW School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, is leading research efforts in the following fields:

  • Functional fibres and composites
  • Functional polymer nanocomposites for energy harvesting and self-powered systems, gas barrier performance, thermal management
  • Lightweight fibre reinforced composite structures (e.g. cryogenic composite...view more



+61 2 93854590