
Dr Martin Peeks


Fields of Research (FoR)

Organic Chemical Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry, Nanochemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry, Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry

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Martin is a Scientia Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry with a research interest in using chemical synthesis (building new molecules) and advanced analytical and computational techniques to uncover fundamental chemistry and to develop new solutions in sensing and light-harvesting. Recent work has included studies of aromaticity, electronic delocalization, and unusual chromophores.

Martin completed his DPhil thesis at the University of...view more

Martin is a Scientia Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemistry with a research interest in using chemical synthesis (building new molecules) and advanced analytical and computational techniques to uncover fundamental chemistry and to develop new solutions in sensing and light-harvesting. Recent work has included studies of aromaticity, electronic delocalization, and unusual chromophores.

Martin completed his DPhil thesis at the University of Oxford in late 2016, working with Prof Harry Anderson. Postdoctoral stays at MIT (Swager group) and back in Oxford (Anderson group) followed, before he took up a position at UNSW in 2019.

You can learn more about the work of the Peeks group at its website:

#scienv #supramolecular #aromaticity

My Qualifications

University of Oxford, DPhil, 2018

University of St Andrews, MChem, 2013

My Awards

Lindemann Trust Fellowship from the English-Speaking Union 2017-18.

My Research Supervision

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My Teaching

I am course coordinator for CHEM2031 (Inorganic Chemistry: The Elements) and co-course coordinator for the "Python for Chemists" stream in CHEM4502.

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School of Chemistry
Room 219, Dalton F12

