
Dr Jialing Lin


Fields of Research (FoR)

Health services and systems, Public health, Community and primary care, Health policy, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Infectious diseases


Jialing is a postdoc researcher based at the Centre for Future Health Systems (CFHS). Prior to joining CFHS, Jialing spent 6 years working and studying at the School of Population Health at UNSW as a Postdoc and PhD student. During this time, Jialing conducted a number of research projects related to health care delivery in primary care and hospital settings using population data. 

Jialing has been trained as a public health...view more

Jialing is a postdoc researcher based at the Centre for Future Health Systems (CFHS). Prior to joining CFHS, Jialing spent 6 years working and studying at the School of Population Health at UNSW as a Postdoc and PhD student. During this time, Jialing conducted a number of research projects related to health care delivery in primary care and hospital settings using population data. 

Jialing has been trained as a public health practitioner. Prior to joining UNSW, Jialing worked for multiple public health sectors and government organisations in both Australia and China. 


My Qualifications

  • PhD, University of New South Wales, 2022
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