
My Expertise

Cryptography, Blockchains, Data Privacy, Quantum-safe Technologies, Internet of Things Security, Cloud Security


Fields of Research (FoR)

Cryptography, Cybersecurity and privacy, Cyberphysical systems and internet of things, Cloud computing, Data security and protection, Data and information privacy, Privacy and data rights, Quantum technologies

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Faculty of Engineering Lead, IfCyber

I am the  Faculty of Engineering Lead, UNSW Institute for Cybersecurity, IFCYBER and Associate Professor (equivalent to US Full Professor)  in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), UNSW, Sydney. I am also the Taste of Research (ToR) Coordinator within CSE. This is a unique program which aims to introduce undergraduate students to research, steer them towards innovation and creative thinking...view more


School of Computer Science and Engineering
Building K17
University of New South Wales, Sydney
Kensington, NSW 2052


+61 2 9348 0960