
Miss Yinyan Liu


Yinyan Liu is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. Her research interests include fault diagnosis of PV systems, energy management for decarbonisation and decentralization, energy efficiency for consumers with distributed energy resources, and applications of machine learning technologies for smart grids and smart cities. She has...view more

Yinyan Liu is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. Her research interests include fault diagnosis of PV systems, energy management for decarbonisation and decentralization, energy efficiency for consumers with distributed energy resources, and applications of machine learning technologies for smart grids and smart cities. She has participated in many engineering projects and developed a good sense of scientific and logical thinking in academic and practical engineering fields. She was awarded the prestigious "Faculty of Engineering PhD Completion Award", "Full Scholarship for the API’s Powerful Women Leadership Program in 2023", and “The University of Sydney International Scholarship”. Before her doctoral studies, Yinyan received her Master's degree from Tsinghua University and her Bachelor's degree from North China Electric Power University, China.

My Research Activities

Yinyan Liu’s research focuses on demand-side energy management, fault detection and diagnosis of PV systems, with a specific interest in learning, optimising, and controlling human-cyber-physical systems, with applications to smart grids and smart cities.

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Level2, Tyree Energy Technologies Building, Kensington NSW 2033.


by Miss Yinyan Liu

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