
Professor Gary Edmond

My Expertise

expert evidence, forensic science, science and law


Fields of Research (FoR)

Legal systems, Law in context, Law and Legal Studies, Criminal Law and Procedure, Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology, Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution, Evidence and Procedure

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Gary Edmond is a law professor in the School of Law at the University of New South Wales, where he directs the Program in Expertise, Evidence and Law. Originally trained in the history and philosophy of science, he subsequently studied law at the University of Sydney and took a PhD in law from the University of Cambridge. An active commentator on expert evidence in Australia, England, the US and Canada, he is a member of the Council of the...view more

Gary Edmond is a law professor in the School of Law at the University of New South Wales, where he directs the Program in Expertise, Evidence and Law. Originally trained in the history and philosophy of science, he subsequently studied law at the University of Sydney and took a PhD in law from the University of Cambridge. An active commentator on expert evidence in Australia, England, the US and Canada, he is a member of the Council of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, a member of Standards Australia’s forensic science committee, a member of the editorial board of the Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, a Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales, and served as an international adviser to the Goudge Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario (2007-2008). He is Chair of the Evidence-based forensics initiative (EBFI) and is co-author of Australian Evidence: A principled approach to the common law and the uniform acts (6th ed. LexisNexis, 2017).

Areas of expertise:
Expert evidence, Forensic science, Law and science, Law and society, Sociology of scientific knowledge, Public understanding of law, Empirical legal studies

My Grants

2017-2020      ARC LP Creating perceptual expertise in Australia’s     A$364 188

                        policing and security agencies

                        (Partners: Australian Federal Police; Queensland Police

                        Service; National Institute of Forensic Sciences; New

                        South Wales Police, Victoria Police)

                           Chief Investigator with Assoc. Prof. Jason Tangen (UQ)

                        and others.

2016-2018      ARC LP: Improving the communication of                      A$200 500

                        forensic science evidence to courts

                        (Partner: Victoria Police)

                        Chief Investigator with Dr Kristy Martire (UNSW)

2012-2015      ARC LP: Forensic reasoning and uncertainty                 A$430 000

                        (Partners: Australian Federal Police; Queensland Police

                        Service; National Institute of Forensic Sciences; New

                        South Wales Police, Victoria Police)

                        Chief Investigator with Assoc. Prof. Jason Tangen (UQ)

                        and others

2009-2013      ARC Future Fellowship: Suspect sciences                    A$761 981

                        Chief Investigator

2010-2013      ARC LP: Forensic Voice Comparison                              A$250 000

                        (Partners: School of Language, ANU; Engineering,

                        UNSW; Australian Federal Police; Queensland Police

                        Service; Victoria Police; Western Australian Police;

                        National Institute of Forensic Science; Guardia Civil,

                        Departamento de Ingeniería (Spain).)

                        Chief Investigator with Dr Geoffrey Morrison (UNSW)      

                        and others                                                                               

2007-2010      ARC Discovery Project: Law’s experts                          A$108 000

                        Chief Investigator

My Qualifications

BA(Hons)(Medal) University of Wollongong, LLB(Hons) University of Sydney, PhD University of Cambridge

My Awards

Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

evidence, expert evidence, forensic science, law and science, expertise, law and society, research methods, interdisciplinary research

My Teaching

I teach Courts, Procedure, Evidence and Proof, Introducing Law and Justice and the elective Expert Evidence

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Room: 234
The Law Building
University of New South Wales
UNSW Kensington Campus
Sydney NSW 2052
(Access via Gate 2 off High Street)


+61 2 9385 2229
+61 2 9385 1175