
My Expertise

I am recognised both nationally and internationally as a leading expert in the diagnosis and management of mood disorders, and I continue to be invited to contribute to seminal papers on such topics. My research aims to advance patient care by clarifying diagnostic definitions and refining treatment options for depression, bipolar disorder, and other related conditions. As there are no definitive diagnostic tests for mood disorders, I seek to identify those symptoms and signs that allow the generation of definitive diagnoses to the extent that is achievable. I primarily take a phenomenological approach, emphasising the role of symptomatology and psychological variables, and conduct studies using advanced quantitative methods (such as machine learning) in both community and clinical settings.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Psychiatry (incl. psychotherapy), Mental health services, Psychopharmacology, Clinical psychology, Personality and individual differences

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I am an academic psychiatrist specialising in mood disorders, with a particular interest in the optimal ways to model and account for heterogeneity in both their diagnosis and treatment.

I am currently a Scientia Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). I have worked for over 50 years as a clinician and researcher, in which I have been the founder and executive director of the Black Dog Institute, Head of the School...view more


Level 1, AGSM Building
Gate 11, Botany Street
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052

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+61-2-9385 7647
+61-2-9385 0459