
Fields of Research (FoR)

Environment and Resource Economics

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Guy Allinson is a a Senior Lecturer specialising in Oil & Gas Economics in the School of Petroleum Engineering, UNSW.  He has been a discipline leader in the economics of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) with the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC). He has conducted research for the CO2CRC and its predecessor, GEODISC, since the year 2000. His work in CCS has covered (a) estimating the costs of CCS for...view more


Tyree Energy Technology Building, Room 249


+61-2-938 55296
+61-2-938 55936

Research Activities

UNSW has been involved in researching the economics of CCS since the year 2000 and its CCS economics group is a leader in this field. It has established excellent research capabilities in the economics of comparing capture technologies, power system operation with CCS, comparing CCS costs with other abatement technologies, optimising CO2 transport options, predicting CO2 injection requirements, enhancing methane recovery with CCS injection and assessing CO2 storage capacity.