
My Expertise

Voluntary disclosure; executive remuneration; corporate governance; earnings management; retail analysis, economics of space resource utlisation.


I have been an expert witness in class action matters before the Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of NSW.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Financial accounting, Auditing and accountability


Dr Jeff Coulton

Associate Professor, Media & External Relations Co-ordinator

School of Accounting - PhD, UNSW | BEc (Hons I) | LLB University of Sydney | Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW

About Jeff

Dr Jeff Coulton is an Associate Professor in the UNSW Business School. His main current research interests focus on the way in which financial statement information as well as other information impact on the capital market. He is also actively...view more


Room 3061, Quadrangle building - Ref E15


+61 2 9385 5811