2021 Kang, Watt, Carnt, Stapleton, Willcox, Parmenter, Broderick, Simar, Helfensdorfer, Laws, Torda, Infection Prevention Control in Allied Health Practice Guidelines. Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences $15,000
2021 Carnt, Willcox, Ball, Henriquez, Petsoglou, Tracking the source of corneal infection: investigation of Acanthamoeba in an Australian water supply. UNSW, Sydney, Science Industry Seed Funding Grant (with WaterNSW) AU$15,000
2020-22 Carnt, The immunobiology of corneal infections. UNSW, Sydney, Category 1 Near Miss Bequest Grant, $10,000
2020-22 Carnt, Cunningham, Preventing sight loss from cold sores of the eyes. Rebecca Cooper Foundation Grant $100,000
2019 Keating, Carnt, Ho, Segaram In the blink of an eye: Computational modelling of tear film dynamics. UNSW, Sydney, Science Industry Seed Funding Grant (with TeleMedC LLC) AU$45,500
2018 Dehghani, Cunningham, Samarawickrama, Wu, Carnt, White. Novel protein therapeutics for the treatment of corneal Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) infection. USyd, Westmead Engineering and Design Collaboration, $15,000
2017 Carnt. The immunobiology of corneal inflammation in contact lens wear, UNSW Scientia Fellowship, $608,692
2017 Carnt. Understanding the immune response to eye infections USyd Laffan Scholarship, $30,000
2016 Carnt. Tear cytokine profiles in Acanthamoeba Keratitis, Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Conference, Baltimore, May, 2017, University of Sydney ECR Travel Scholarship $2,500
2016 Carnt. Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Conference Travel Award, Montpelier, Sept TFOS US$3,500
2016 Carnt, Stapleton, Tan. The Effect of ‘No Water’ Packaging Stickers on the Behavior of Contact Lens Wearers Alcon Investigator Led Study US$36,178
2015 Carnt, White. An investigation of the host immune reaction in response to corneal infection American Optometric Foundation Allergan Research Award US$60,000
2015 Carnt. An in vivo study of the host immune response to corneal infection, University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine, Kickstart Award AU$20,000
2015 Carnt, Investigating corneal limbal stem cell dysfunction in contact lens wearers. Cornea and Contact Lens Association of Australia Research Award AU $3,500
2014 Dart, Carnt, Minassian, A contemporary epidemiological case control study of Acanthamoeba Keratitis in the UK, Fight for Sight, Small grant award £14,550
2014 Carnt, Kilvington. The relationship between environmental sources and the susceptibility and severity of Acanthamoeba keratitis in the UK BCLA, Dallos Research Award 2015 £8,000
2013 Tuft, Carnt. Corneal Research Study Personnel Support, NIHR Research Capability Funding Grant £11,247
2013 Dart, Carnt. Genotyping the host immune profile in Acanthamoeba keratitis, Fight for Sight Grant (Ref 2004), £13,954
2013 Carnt, Dart, Calder, Tear cytokine levels in contact lens wearers with Acanthamoeba keratitis, J&J Visioncare Investigator Led Grant, US$19,695
2013 Dart, Carnt. Acanthamoeba Keratitis audit MEH Special Trustees, MEC 13 07 A/B £12,510
2012 Dart, Carnt, Hardcastle Genetic risk factors for the susceptibility and severity of contact lens related Acanthamoeba keratitis. Fight for Sight Small grant award £9,849
2012 Carnt, Genetic Eye Disease, EC Researcher CJ Martin Biomedical Research Fellowship, NHMRC $422,988
2011 Carnt, Association of IL-17 single nucleotide polymorphisms with the susceptibility and severity of keratitis in contact lens wearers US$25,000
2010/11 Carnt, Cornea and Contact Lens Association of Australia CCLSA Research Award 2010 & 2011, AU$7,000
2009 Carnt, Stapleton British Contact Lens Association, Dallos Research Award 2010, Risk taking behaviour: relationship with contact lens complications and compliance. £5,000
2021 British Contact Lens Association Global Ambassador (2021-2023)
2020 Faculty of Science UNSW, Sydney Dean’s Award for Science Communication
2019 School of Optometry and Vision Science, UNSW Sydney, “Builds Collaboration” Award
2019 British Contact Lens Association, Irving Fatt Memorial Lecture
2018 Faculty of Science, UNSW, Sydney Champion for Girls in Science and Mathematics
2018 UNSW, Sydney, Science Award for Research Excellence-Engagement and Knowledge Exchange
2012 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Best Scientific Poster Presentation
2011 Optometric Vision Research Foundation (OVRF) Maki Shiobara Scholarship, AU$5,000
2010/11 American Optometric Foundation, Ezell Fellowship 2010 & 2011, US$19,000
2008 Australian Government, Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)