
Dr Adrian George Fisher


Fields of Research (FoR)

Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience, Environmental Monitoring


I specialise in remote sensing of the environment, using satellite imagery, airborne imagery, airborne lidar and field measurements. My research has focused on mapping and monitoring vegetation structure in Australia, though I have also developed methods for mapping clouds, shadows, and surface water. I am a member of Earth Observation Australia and have previously worked for the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program at the University of...view more

I specialise in remote sensing of the environment, using satellite imagery, airborne imagery, airborne lidar and field measurements. My research has focused on mapping and monitoring vegetation structure in Australia, though I have also developed methods for mapping clouds, shadows, and surface water. I am a member of Earth Observation Australia and have previously worked for the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program at the University of Queensland, and Geoscience Australia. I also have long-standing interests in the geomorphology, geochronology and Quaternary environmental change in Australia’s desert landscapes, and am a member of the Australasian Quaternary Association.

My Grants

2022    Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP210100300): Are kangaroos jeopardizing conservation outcomes?
2021    UNSW-BEES Research Infrastructure Scheme: Fowlers Gap Aerial Photo Archive
2021    UNSW Science Industry Network Seed Funding: Understanding the role that brown food webs play in sustaining arid ecosystems
2020    DAWE, Wildlife and Habitat Bushfire Recovery Program: Invertebrate conservation in the North East Forests of New South Wales
2020    DAWE, Wildlife and Habitat Bushfire Recovery Program: Building capacity for resilience & recovery of threatened ecological communities
2020    UNSW Science Faculty Research Grant: Modelling arid grass biomass dynamics from drone and satellite imagery
2017    DigitalGlobe Foundation Imagery Grant: Climate, vegetation and the stability of longitudinal dunes

My Qualifications

2003    PhD, Arid zone geomorphology, UNSW
1997    BSc (Honours class 1), Applied Physical Geography, UNSW

My Research Activities

My research is usually in collaboration with the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program using freely available data, such as Landsat Seasonal Fractional Cover, airborne lidar and field measurements. A YouTube video that includes a presentation of my research was recorded as an EOA Webinar (at the 56 minute mark). I have made some 3D models using freely available data and software, which are available to view on github. I focus on improving environmental monitoring in forests and drylands.

Using airborne lidar and field measurements of tree structure to map biophysical properties of forests.

Using multi-temporal satellite imagery, airborne data, and drone imagery to examine environmental change in Australian drylands.

My Research Supervision

Areas of supervision

I am happy to discuss any student research project ideas related to remote sensing, especially those on forests, woodlands and rangelands. Two honours topics are listed on the BEES honours website.

Currently supervising

Andres Sutton (PhD joint supervisor with Professor David Eldridge)
Matt Smith (PhD joint supervisor with Professor Mike Letnic)
Rachael Loneragan (PhD joint supervisor with Professor Mike Letnic)
Xinyue Zhang (PhD co-supervisor with Professor Jason Evans)
Mohammed Alshehri (PhD co-supervisor with Professor Stephen Bonser)

My Teaching

BEES1041 Exploring the Natural World (Course Coordinator and Lecturer)
GEOS1701 Environmental Systems, Processes & Issues (Lecturer)
GEOS2821 Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing (Lecturer)

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Samuels Building (F25) Room G14C


+61-2-9385 3393